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    Brian Wolfe

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    Posts posted by Brian Wolfe

    1. I stopped by the museum this week on my lunch break looking for items I missed. One of the items I was looking for was the grenades that these launched. They had one that was in broken condition, nothing like your collection Chris.

      I guess the very weight of these things makes them more or less theft-proof so they are out in the open as shown in my photos.

      Cheers :cheers:


    2. Hey Brian! Thanks for the tip! I will turn them around for sure! I'll also have to get myself a black light and give that a try. I'd love to get it figured out .... looks like it was done with a "fat" instrument - the lines are quite thick.

      Glad you like it buddy .... yes, I too consider these priceless! These blades won't be going anywhere soon!



      Hi Rob,

      What made me think of a black light was that I purchased a Sperm Whale tooth a few years ago (what the hell was I thinking? :speechless: ) and there was some writing on the side. I couldn't read it at all but under the black light I could read it perfectly. It gave the location where the whale had been taken. I thought that was pretty cool, notwithstanding they are now endangered.

      Be sure to keep us updated.



    3. Hi Rob,

      Very nice tanto. Do I understand that the Kanji is on the scabbard? If so have you tried looking at it under black light? Sometimes this brings up writing that has faded.

      Also you should display your katanas with the sharp edge up, that's the traditional way they should rest.

      As to price, my way of thinking is that these blades are priceless (even though everything has a price tag).

      Cheers :cheers:


    4. Nice item.

      The blood pitting story is as old as collecting and not very likely.

      Any moisture can cause the pitting and if you've ever smelled blood after a few days in the summer heat it would be evident that the soldier would have cleaned it off.

      Still a very nice rifle and bayonet.

      Cheers :cheers:


    5. Thats the best Spandau they could find? Half of it is missing!! Have they removed the parts for security?



      Hi Chris,

      I'm not sure about this particular item but they have had a lot of problems with "lost" parts. While I was visitng I discovered that the Chairman and I used to belong to the same collector's club back in the 1960s. We got talking about the displays and he showed me into the vault room where the weapons that are not for display are kept. It was like being in heaven and probably as close as I'll ever get. No photography was allowed of course. He informed me that a lot of parts have been removed to prevent theft. Amost all of the weapons have been donated so this one may have arrived in this condition. I would like to become a member of the museum and if I do so I'll look into it. When I saw it I thought to myself that I was no where as nice as the one you have.

      Cheers :cheers:


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