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    Brian Wolfe

    Honorary Member
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    Posts posted by Brian Wolfe

    1. Hello Ross,

      Very interesting helmets and after reading Mervyn's comments I have moved the post to this section.

      As Mervyn has mentioned there is a better chance of an answer if the post is here.

      I've left a link to this section in the other section just in case someone was looking up some research and now wants to respond. I'll remove the link in a few days and the post will "live" here.



    2. Actually I believe there is room to argue that both could be correct in this case. It depends upon whether you are looking at the "fix" as temporary (jury-rigged) or shoddy (Jerry-rigged).

      A "rigged" jury is something else all together.


      Canadian Law requires all firearms to be secured whether in your home or not. You would be better off running around with an unsheathed bayonet than an unloaded firearm, according to the regulations. I'm not sure about the laws where Chris lives, (somewhere East of Toronto). I'm lucky as my collection is older black powder firearms (muskets) and can be displayed in the open, that is to say not locked up.



    3. The study of politics has, in my opinion, been greatly over looked in the rush to learn more about the conflicts following the failure of diplomacy. While not as “exciting” to the public in general, politics has always been and is today pivotal to the understanding of how we arrived at the state of war. I find articles and books such as mentioned in these posts most interesting indeed and absolutely indispensable in understanding the bigger picture.

      The way people today look at armed conflicts and at times seem to only concentrate on the narrowest slice of history a bit alarming in that repetition of the past is almost unavoidable. It’s like a divorce; everyone wants the dirty little details of the marriage gone wrong and information about the settlement. Few are really interested in the actual root causes of the break up in the first place. I suppose this and politics tend to be a lot less exciting and much harder to glorify than the accounts of the events of the battlefield.

      I’ve often thought when I’ve read a book or watched a documentary about the events leading up to the First World War if we are not in a similar period. It can be most unnerving to think so.

      Thanks to both Irish Gunner and Paul for a thought provoking post and I, for one, will look into purchasing the books mentioned.



    4. Hi Gordon,

      Thanks for the information. For the first time in a long time (first time ever?) I have this feeling like I NEED to visit my in-laws. :whistle:

      To be honest, when we do get to visit them, and they are really nice folks, however both Linda and I start to look for something else to do as we usually stay in the area for a week and there is just so much visiting one can do without suffering brain damage. We never stay with her family, that would be just too much for both of us, so this would be a great diversion.



    5. Hi Rogi,

      Thanks for posting these photos of the show. My wife is from the Ottawa Valley (Perth) and I'm thinking that perhaps next year we should visit my dear mother-in-law around this time. Of course while we are already near the show...


      So true except there seems to be an absence of the firearms usually associated with shows in the States. The one thing that struck me is the average age of the collectors attendng the show. These fellows were all probably starting out collecting about the same time as me. "Once we were young." I also recognize some of the dealer's tables, which my wife would say is an indication that I spend too much time attending these functions. Poor woman is so deluded. ;)



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