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    Brian Wolfe

    Honorary Member
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    Posts posted by Brian Wolfe

    1. Hello Everyone,

      Mervyn has reminded me that I have been a bit lazy lately in not posting anything under this section. So, to help correct that here is an item that just arrived.

      As I have said on many occasions I like to add Special Constabulary Long Service Good Conduct medals that come with a little something extra with them. I think it adds a little bit of a more personal touch to the collection.

      In this case the LSGC named to William B. Felce came with the original box addressed to William B. Felce, 88 Northampton as well as including the paper envelope that held the medal. In addition the grouping came with a photo of Mr. Felce at a later time in his life, from the looks of the photo. The back of the photo is identified. Something else that came with the group that was dear to my heart, a competition medal that he won for fret work in 1915. Fret work is the cutting of very detailed designs in wood. One of my passions is woodworking in case I wasn't clear. :whistle:

      Here is the group, I hope you like it.



    2. Hello Everyone,

      Here is a postcard, while far from rare, has an interesting story. I will not spend a lot of time typing other people's research but instead, after the photo of the UC5, is a photo of the back of the post card with a short story and if you are interested, and I hope you are, here is a link to more information.


      I hope you find this interesting.



    3. Re: eMedals,

      I think if you are only looking for bargains then this is not the place to play. However, as Dieter has intimated, if you are looking for rarer items Barry may well have them. I have purchased from eMedals in the past and found that if you "shop" through their stock for harder to find specimens you can sometimes get a pleasant surprise.

      This is neither an endorsement nor a criticism, just an observation.



    4. Hi Brian,

      Not sure why you would anger anyone, especially if you are the one that got it? :unsure: Hope to see more of it later.


      Hi Tim,

      Just joking, however, best not to jinx the delivery by talking about it too much. :lol:



    5. Beautiful specimens my friends.

      We all seem to be having the same problem and that is a desire for better photos. I have not posted many photos for quite some time as my wife and I keep talking and talking about getting a better camera. This is not happening very quickly so I may give up and start to post more soon. As to the photos you two have posted, there is really nothing wrong with them. As well, is there anything especially wrong with most of mine but we do all have the same goals. Clearer photos! Let's please keep each other, and the rest of the members, updated on any improvements we come up with as I think most members are experiencing the same frustrations.

      Thanks for posting your photos.



    6. Hello fukuoka,

      I hope all is well with you.

      Good post and for the most part I agree with you.

      I do think, however, that keeping records of what medals sell for is a worthwhile enterprise, if for no other reason than to assist new collectors.



    7. Hello Pat,

      Edged weapons were my first love (in collecting), not that this makes me an expert in any way. However, I think your assumptions about this sword are correct. Perhaps as time passes other members who specialize in German swords will weigh in with their opinions.

      Thanks for posting these images, it's a nice sword, even with the little damage that's present.



    8. Hello Dieter3,

      I do agree with you, however, the Allied Victory Medal for Japan fits in so many collections. Collectors of Japanese, WWI in general and WWI Allied Victory Medals of the world could find this medal an interesting addition to their collections. Even with this there always seems to be the Japanese Allied Victory Medal offered for sale and that, of course, only serves to fortify your point.

      I have a copy of Vernon's Collectors' Guide, Fourth (Revised) Edition and he lists the WWI Allied Victory Medal for Japan at $350.00 and that is not taking into consideration whether it has the original case or not. Yet the 1914-15 (WWI) medal lists at $125.00 and the later issue, the 1914-20 is $75.00. I have found this guide to be pretty close to the prices asked by one of the local dealers here but anything I have purchased through on line auctions I've gotten for a lot less.

      I thought I would offer this to this discussion for what it is worth.



    9. Hello Bison,

      That's a nice medal, thanks for showing it, so many have been polished "to death".

      I do not know of any list of the Chinese L.C. that exists, so many nations that served in the L.C. were just numbers in a book but I would not be surprised if the "book" no longer exists.

      Perhaps one of the other member will know if there is such a list.



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