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    1. Thank you Tony and Ed for your answers ! These are the words of Auguste's sister-in-law. Her memories. Conscious that these elements are not enough, I am trying to make further research in France at the same time. I will tell you if anything new arises. Thanks again. Yves
    2. Hello everyone, I am new here, I hope you can help ! I am a member of a French "discussion group", called Genemil (it deals with military genealogy) and one of us is searching for details about a French man called Auguste TESSON, born in Paris in 1903 and deceased while on deportation in Ebensee in 1945. That man would have been a member of British counter-espionage, and, for that reason, would have been awarded a medal after the war. He would also have been a member of the "2nd bureau" (French "renseignement"). He was the father of 4 children, all deceased by now. It is his daughter-in-law who lauched this search. I did a research on the Internet but could not find anything in UK archives, particularly no database for WWII award recipients. Thanks in advance. Regards, Yves Paris, France
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