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    Everything posted by landsknechte

    1. Do you have pictures of the bits that your dad bought? Even if scattered to the four winds, it would be nice to keep a record of what else might have been part of the group originally. Also, do the right records even exist to possibly ID this one? Not really disappointed, as that opens up the possibility for something more romantic ;-)
    2. I just got this nice little grouping in my grubby little paws this afternoon. My first OZL with salad tongs and salad The seller that I purchased it from missed out on the medal bar that was part of the group, but saved a picture of it: The following was the original seller's description. Can anyone confirm if this attribution makes sense? (Seems like he would have been quite elderly by the time he would have pinned on that buttonhole ribbon): Aus dem Nachlass des Grossherzoglichen Badischen Geheimen Oberregierungsrats und Ministerialdirktors im Ministerium des Innern Otto Braun 1852 - 1906 Stationen: 1878 Amtmann in Pforzheim 1884 Amtsvorstand in Adelsheim 1885 Oberamtmann in Buchen 1889 Oberamtmann in Karlsruhe 1891 Ministerialrat im Ministerium des Innern 1892 Vorsitzender des Gewerbeschulrats 1898 Geheimer Oberregierungsrat 1899 Landeskommissar für die Kreise Karlsruhe und Baden 1900 Mitglied des Kompetenzgerichtshofs 1906 Ministerialdirektor im Ministerium des Innern unter Minister Dr. Schenkel --------------------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ORIGINAL FELDSPANGE um 1900 -----zu den ORDEN vom ZÄHRINGER LÖWEN - RITTERKREUZ MIT SCHWERTERN UND EICHENLAUB + EISERNES KREUZ + FÜRSTLICH WALDECKSCHES VERDIENSTKREUZ sowie ein KNOPF mit SCHWERTERN ------ ALTERSBEDINGT GUTER bis SEHR GUTER ORIGINAL ZUSTAND
    3. I think that soundly qualifies as non-mundane. Royal Order of Dogwashers 3rd class was more what I was fearing. Would something like this be potentially identifiable? I also picked up a two place bar with the Ashante Medal and the Order of the Crown of Romania, similar, but not identical in construction. (Folded slightly differently in the back, and the thread is different.) I wonder what the story behind that oddity is.
    4. Admittedly I'm a complete and utter neophyte when it comes to UK ribbon bars (I specialize in German), but I found this bar last night. Did I manage to score a Victoria Cross ribbon bar, or is the first ribbon something else more mundane? Can anyone help me out interpreting it, and making sense of the couple of ribbons that appear to belong to a couple of different decorations. Note that the middle ribbon has two small holes where a device or devices once were. Thanks, --Chris
    5. Do you mean the edge stripes? In one photo, they do look silvery, and in the one on the right it looks more like a dingy white. I sent off an email to the seller, and hopefully I can get a little clairification.
    6. Logged back in to that certain internet auction site for the first time after becoming re-employed, and stumbled across this blurry bit of interestingness. No closer to knowing what it is, but I've got another one now.
    7. I've got a cousin that's conversant in 15, some people are just freakish prodigies in that sort of thing. Granted, it's just as likely that he was fluent in a handful of them, and then could merely as for directions to the nearest bathroom in the rest. I can't help but think of Black Adder though: "...when I joined up, I never imagined anything as awful as this war. I'd had fifteen years of military experience, perfecting the art of ordering a pink gin and saying "Do you do it doggy-doggy?" in Swahili."
    8. Does anyone recognize the breast order that the officer looking at the camera is wearing?
    9. Got it a couple of days ago. It's the Verdienstkreuz... Nothing exotic at all. For some stupid reason, when I looked at the picture, it never really "clicked" that I was looking at overlapping ribbons. I thought the red stripe on the left was part of the Kyffh?user, and that the ribbon was a purely black and white striped affair. The Bavarian bar was the reason that I bought the pair. It's one of the 'two decorations on one ribbon' bars. I would have never thought that the War Merit MVK/MVO was common enough to warrant that.
    10. I presume the black and white ribbon sandwiched between the Kyffhauser and the DA is some sort of Weimar era award. Does anyone recognize it? Thanks, --Chris
    11. 10-4. I was running under the assumption that this one had a Wilhemskreuz, which (I believe) would have gone after any orders - and from that assumed that it was the Karl Olga Medal and not the Olga Order.
    12. I'm trying to get my notes back together again on a few of my ribbon bars and lapel bows, so please bear with the occasional resurfacing of stuff you might have seen before for the next little bit. Did officers from W?rttemberg receive the long service decoration? I suspect that the pale blue ribbon is either a Friedrichs Order or a Crown Order, instead of being an enlisted man's equivalent. If it were just the medal instead of the order, I would think that the Wilhelm's Cross would take precedence over it. Am I even correct in assuming that the last ribbon is a W?rttemberg long service? The stripes are different width than what I'm used to though. Looking at the interior less faded portion, the background is almost exactly the same shade of orange as a Turkish "Iron Halfmoon", but the stripes are distinctly blue - close to a Crown Order blue, but darker. Are Karl Olga Medals mentioned anywhere in any sort of rolls? (I can't imagine there were too many male recipients floating around in the military.)
    13. Hmmm... I guess the odds of me finding out the answer in the next few days is probably a bit slim. (Filling out a repro Soldbuch for a reenactor buddy.) I was looking through the SS officers listed here ( http://www.specialcamp11.fsnet.co.uk/ ) and they all had either NSDAP long service, or none at all. That's a pretty small sample though. I'm wondering if soldiers with prior Imperial or Reichswehr service would trade in what they already had for Heer eagles, and leave it at that. Thanks again, --Chris
    14. I'm still a bit fuzzy on the long service decorations worn by the Waffen-SS, to be honest. I know that the SS long service awards were restricted to a relatively small group of people. However, what would a soldier that had joined the Waffen-SS after a decent stint in the Reichswehr have worn?
    15. Just get a string of Christmas lights. Far cheaper, and pretty similar in effect. :rolleyes:
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