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    Old Contemptible
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    dond last won the day on April 9

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      Walting my way thru pseudo-expert land

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    1. Now that is a beautiful focused collection. Thanks for sharing.
    2. This could be your bars replacement. It would confirm why the KDM ribbon is missing on yours as well, the battle bars were recycled. Nice find from 2013.
    3. dond

      Legions of Honor

      Thank you for the replies.
    4. I've seen 2-3 over the years posted on waf. Private purchase pieces for the discerning gentleman. I don't bother to save pics as they are not my area.
    5. For what it is worth, that wound badge is a known type made by Godet.
    6. dond

      Legions of Honor

      A bit beat up but from 3 separate periods. A little TLC will go a long way.
    7. Thanks for the replies. I know the suspension has been replaced, probably long before it was glued to the board. It came with 18 other awards all listed as "WW1" period medals. I made a $250 offer in the last 10 hours of the auction (buy it now was $500). You really could not tell what medals were there but I figured 19 medals for $250 that there was no way I could lose. Even with the replaced suspension I think Henry Martin is worthy of remembering.
    8. Either nobody has an opinion or nobody wants to be the bearer of bad news.
    9. Must be the bad pics preventing opinions. This thing is almost as black as coal with patina. It was rubber cemented to a piece of plywood with 18 other medals and framed by in the 1950s-60s.
    10. This may not be real or maybe it is just beat up and heavily patinated. Named to Henry martin. 12th Reg. Light Dragoons. Thought please.
    11. Given the Hungarian Commemorative being first that would make everything else foreign meaning this would have to be the bottom row on a multi-tiered bar. Anybody recognize any of these "foreign" ribbons?
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