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Everything posted by landsknechte
Forum user Haku was kind enough to cross check the Erhard Roth books, and that helped to clear things up quite a bit. There are six officers we can eliminate right off the bat: Lt. v. Kyaw - two different Kyaw with SA3aX, none had GSF3bX Lt.d.R Oettler - no SA3aX/SA3bX, no GSF3bX Feldhilfsarzt Andree - SA3aX, no GSF3bX Vetrinär d.R. Willkomm - SA3aX, no GSF3bX Lt. Gottfried Koerner - GSF3bX, no SA3aX/SA3bX (There were a bunch of Koerners / Körners in the Karabiner-Regiment. A different one had the Albrecht-Orden.) Lt.d.Ldw.Kav Eisentraut - appears in photo wearing SA3bX & EK2 on a medal bar, but no GSF3bX There seem to be two matches remaining. Both of them lived long enough that the surviving ribbon bars would be possible, and I'm still digging for clues. Oblt. Adalbert Liebster - SA3aX 25.4.15, GSF3bX 1914 -- Born Daniel Adalbert Liebster on 26.1.96 in Leipzig. Appears in several Leipzig city directories as publisher (I think, can anyone more fluent verify that's the correct interpretation of "Verl.Buch-hdl.") and held a Ph.D. Still alive in 1960. Lt.d.R Friedrich Serre - SA3bX, GSF3bX 1914 -- Born Anton Karl Friedrich Serre on 22.6.91. Married in Dresden in 1922. Died 9.6.66.
Stumbled across a Wolchowstock at a local show, and I couldn't pass it up. I'm intrigued by the "HN" carved on the bottom. I'm assuming those were the initials of the owner or the artist. As best I can tell, there are no corresponding characters in the Cyrillic alphabet, suggesting it's not the signature of a Russian. The miniature 1914 standing in for a Knight's Cross is borderline cute. There's also another cross carved into the figure representing a Knight's Cross. (Were there any Knight's Cross recipients that bore a strong resemblance to that face they found on Mars?)
Found a nice little group on eBay with an uncommon Bavarian Gendarmerie / Royal Protection long service decoration. (There's a write up on it here.) I don't know for certain that all the items came together originally, but everything seems to line up at first glance. Sadly the long service medal itself is nowhere to be seen.
Ah, that explains it. There were two Leutnant with similar names, I thought it was just one. Another casualty of that annoying reluctance to write down officer's first names unless absolutely necessary. Regardless, with Gottfried not being on the AO list, he's one less candidate to worry about. This has been a huge help.
Thank you so much! If you don't mind, could you double check whether Gottfried Körner/Koerner is listed with an Albrechts-Orden too? Once I started to really dig in, I found an unusual number of officers named Körner or Koerner in that regiment. "Doors and Koerners, kid. That's where they get you..."
I'm trying to triangulate the ribbon bar of a soldier that served in the Saxon Karabinier-Regiment. Does anyone have access to the Erhard Roth books, or similar such resources, covering the Saxon Albrecht Order and/or the Saxe-Weimar White Falcon, and would be willing to check some names for me? Do any of these men have the Albrechts-Orden Ritterkreuz 1st or 2nd Class with swords? Feldhilfsarzt Andree Lt. v. Kyaw Oblt. Liebster Lt.d.R Oettler Vetrinär d.R. Willkomm Do any of these men have the White Falcon? Most likely Ritterkreuz 2nd Class with swords. Feldhilfsarzt Andree Lt.d.Ldw.Kav Eisentraut Lt. Koerner (Gottfried) Lt. v. Kyaw Oblt. Liebster Lt.d.R Oettler Lt.d.R Serre Vetrinär d.R. Willkomm
I just picked up this lapel bow. As I understand it, the middle ribbon is used by at least two Bavarian decorations: the Civilverdienstmedallie and the Rettungsmedaille. Neither of which I'm especially familiar with. Based on the other decorations that are (or or are not) present, which seems more likely?
Would have been a souvenir for someone who attended some sort of an event, or something that would have been more broadly available?
This medal was part of a lot I purchased recently, and is far enough from my usual stuff that I haven't much of a clue how to determine what I'm looking at. Can anyone help me with an ID?
I'm working on IDing a ribbon bar that's basically boiled down to cross referencing Bavarian Militärverdienstkreuz 1.Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern (MVK1XmKr) and the Saxe-Ernestine House Order/Medal. Between the Bavarian Verordnungsblatt and the 1929 Intendantur Kriegsrangliste I've been able to compile a mostly complete list of the MVK1XmKr. I've currently got 119 recipients of it on the war merit ribbon, and 6 on the standard wartime ribbon. Out of that, I've identified one reasonably solid candidate, but If at all possible, I want to work through the rest of the list to be certain. According to Bernd Döbel's numbers, I'm missing 19 names for the war merit ribbon and 2 for the standard ribbon. I suspect that a good number of them were gazetted in the Verordnungsblatt incorrectly, and they're hiding in plain sight. I've seen a couple of confirmed MVK1XmKr that lost their crown when they appeared in the Verordnungsblatt, and were listed as MVK1X. I'm looking to compare my list to whatever rolls might be around, to see if we can fill in some of those blanks. If you've got access to the relevant rolls, and you'd be willing to cross check my list against them, let me know. Alternatively, anyone have any suggestions for sources that would be worth checking out? Were there any newspapers that reliably published these sort of award recipients?
Does anyone have PDF copies of any of the Theis auction catalogs that covered the George Seymour collection squirreled away? I believe it was in catalogs 25, 26, 28, 30, & 31, but don't quote me on that. (The archive of old catalogs on their site only goes back to 33.) I'm not looking for anything in particular, just thought it might be a nice reference.
With that in mind, I went through the book again to double check, This is a list of the officers that were with the regiment during 1918, as best I can tell: Major v. Reden Rittm. Merz Rittm. Frhr. v. dem Bussche-Streithorst Rittm. v. Ehrenkrook Oblt. v. Schintling-Horny Oblt. Liebster Lt. v. Schierbrand Lt. Guenther Lt. d. R. Hahne Lt. d. R. Leo Lt. v.Arnim Lt. v.Poser u. Gross-Nadliz Lt. Koerner (Gottfried) Lt. Mummert Lt. Herfurth Lt. v.Leonhardi Lt. Wünning Lt. v.Kyaw Lt.d.R Riedel Lt.d.R Körner (Rudolf) Lt.d.R Frentzel Lt.d.R Hahne Lt.d.R Hübner Lt.d.R Leo Lt.d.R Hildebrand Lt.d.R Serre Lt.d.R Koerner (Richard) Lt.d.R Oettler Lt.d.Ldw.Kav Eisentraut Lt.d.R Schippel Oberstabsarzt d.R. Dr. Günzel Feldhilfsarzt Andree Stabsarzt Dr. Schenke Stabsarzt d.R. Dr. Thalwitzer Vetrinär d.R. Willkomm From that list, I crossed out everyone mentioned in the book / the newspaper article as having been awarded the Cross or Medal of Liberty. Of the remainder, three can be ruled out right off the bat: Rittm. Frhr. v. dem Bussche-Streithorst - KIA Lt. d. R. Leo. - had an SV3bX Oberstabsarzt d.R. Dr. Otto Günzel - had a long service decoration Oblt. Liebster - no info on decorations Lt. v. Kyaw - no info on decorations Lt.d.R Oettler - no info on decorations Feldhilfsarzt Andree - no info on decorations Vetrinär d.R. Willkomm - no info on decorations Lt. Koerner (Gottfried) - confirmed SA3bX Lt.d.R Serre - confirmed SA3bX Lt.d.Ldw.Kav Eisentraut - appears in photo wearing SA3bX & EK2 on a medal bar (posted in a thread here) Lt.d.R Riedel (Erich)- appears in a photo from the same source wearing a 3 place ribbon bar that could easily be an SA3bX, EK, GSF3bX combination. At the moment, he seems to be the most likely candidate.
The problem is the missing Cross of Liberty. We've now got evidence that both Ehrenkrook and Guenther were awarded it. While it's possible that they omitted it for some reason, it seems odd they would choose to leave out an order in favor of a couple of less prestigious commemorative medals. Doubly so since we're looking at ribbon bars made a few years apart from each other. I'm not pleased about the discovery, but I believe the bars that you, Daniel, and I have belong to a different officer from the Karabinier-Regiment. I'm hoping someone with access to the Albert Order and White Falcon rolls might be able to find some additional candidates.
Found another mention in the book of some further awardees: This thread from 2021 cites a newspaper article mentioning some awardees from various units. From the Karabinier-Regiment: Leutnant Hans Arwed v. Poser u. Groß-Nädlitz, Leutnant d.R. Gerhard Merkel and Richard Koerner. Frustratingly, Merkel was the best candidate I had thus far found, going off of the awards mentioned in the book, and the 1914 ranklist. He had the EK2, SA3bX, and GSF3bX. Major Willy Garten-Kraft had the EK2, SA3a, GSF3a, and a DA. While it's not unheard of for a minimalist officer to not wear their long service, he has a distinct lack of swords. Anyone have a first name on Rittmeister von Pawel-Rammingen? Was it Udo that served in the Karabinier-Regiment, or one of the numerous other von Pawel-Rammingens?
Daniel & Christope, I was poking around online last night researching my runt of the litter sibling of your bars: ...and I came upon a nifty 1924 regimental history book about the Karabinier-Regiment! (You can access it via Hathitrust here, and you can download a PDF through Google Books here.) Anyhow, onto the really interesting bit. It lists who from the Karabinier-Regiment received the Cross of Liberty: Major v. Reden Rittmeister Merz Rittmeister v. Ehrenkrook Oberleutnant Schintling-Horny Oberleutnant v. Schierbrand Leutnant v. Arnim Leutnant Guenther Leutnant d.R. Frentzel Leutnant d.R. Hahne Leutnant d.R. Leo Leutnant d.R. Schippel Leutnant d.R. Mummert Leutnant d.R. Herfurth Leutnant d.R. Hildebrand So much for Ehrenkrook and Guenther as viable candidates, apparently. Additionally, I came across a field guide to Swedish noblemen - "Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor" by Gustaf Elgenstierna that has an entry for Ehrenkrook. If it's accurate, it would seem he also had a Brunswick KVK. Have you guys identified any other candidates?
Been spending the last few days working through the Thuringian Archives, and ended up having unexpectedly good fortune. I looked to see what sort of intersection there might be between recipients of the SEHO Verdienstkreuz mit Schwertern, the SEHO Verdienstmedaille, and the Herzog Carl Eduard Medaille. I found four matches, all from 6. Thüringischen Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 95. Offizier-Stellvertreter Edmund Schmidt SEHO Verdienstmedaille in Gold with Swords SEHO Verdienstkreuz with Swords Carl Eduard Medaille 2nd Class with Swords & Date Offizier-Stellvertreter Eduard Allmrodt SEHO Verdienstmedaille in Silver SEHO Verdienstmedaille in Gold with Swords SEHO Verdienstkreuz with Swords Carl Eduard Medaille 2nd Class with Swords & Date Leutnant August Luther (NCO commissioned late 1915 or 1916) SEHO Verdienstmedaille in Silver SEHO Ritterkreuz 2nd Class w/ swords SEHO Verdienstkreuz with Swords Carl Eduard Medaille 2nd Class with Swords & Date Schmidt and Allmrodt have swords on their Verdienstmedaille, which we don't see reflected on the ribbon bar. I'm not sure whether Allmrodt would wear both the gold and silver Verdienstmedaille, or if the gold would replace the silver. That might be another strike against him. Luther seems to have had an impressive career, but the pesky Ritterkreuz is a problem. All would have swords on their Carl Eduard Medaille ribbon. The fourth candidate fits the best. No missing swords, and none where they're not supposed to be: Unterzahlmeister Hermann Lieb SEHO Verdienstmedaille in Silver SEHO Verdienstkreuz with Swords Carl Eduard Medaille 2nd Class with Date (The archive lists this as being "mit Jahreszahl". If I'm not mistaken, that's the very uncommon date only bar with no swords.)