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    Posts posted by bigjarofwasps

    1. On 12/11/2018 at 14:51, Matthew Macleod said:

      Visible now, thanks.

      Regarding the subject of the pictures- I'd say not positive but likely the same person.

      Guess we'll never know for certain. But the semblance  is striking. Although moustaches were very popular back in the day, there can't have been that many officers present who looked like him.............? 

    2. On 11/12/2018 at 13:58, Alan Baird said:


      I like to think I have a nice collection of Police medals and nearly all of them are kept in the standard medal envelopes and housed in medal albums.

      The ''PC 881 Edward Watkins medal''[City of London Police] did not look right store in this fashion.

      The presentation of your individual items or collection is really a personal preference matter but this was my idea of how I thought it should be displayed. 

      I had an old 1887 medal box which was still in a good condition so I placed the medal in this. Next there is an English company that supplies wooden engraved boxes at very reasonable prices and so I got one of them. Next it was to B&Q to buy a small length of 20mm pine wood which I cut and glued to the correct sizes.

      The results are not perfect but I was happy with the presentation. Not everybody might like it but I just thought I would share my idea.







      Very nice!!!!!

    3. I don't think I'm being unreasonable when I say that Police LSGC's are pretty common and it's frustrating that they don't have the Bobbies force engraved on the rim.

      So when you get one with it's box or paperwork it adds to the allure?

      A few years back I manage to add just such an example to my collection. I'm not aware of any interesting or indeed famous cases that this chap might have been involved in. He clearly served during WW2 and I'm in no doubt that he did his bit as North Wales took a lot of bombs meant for Liverpool. It's also of interest that Prestatyn in North Wales was the only place in the UK to be bombed by the Regia Aeronautica.

      Anyway I digress the point I'm trying to make is that this chaps LSGC on the face of it is nothing exciting, however, when it's looked at in a little more detail to me it does become a little more interesting and dare I say it rare.......

      From the 1911 census there is a John HUGHES, born 10.02.1896, son of a Farmer, David and his Wife Jane living on a Farm at Meifod, Llanrhaido, Denbigh. He may also have served during WW1 and joined the Police on demob, but with a name like John HUGHES and no other information, I'm unlikely to ever be able to confirm that. That being said his medals are mounted on old ribbons and appear as he would have worn them, so if he did have any WW1 medals he doesn't appear to have claimed or mounted them? In the 1939 citizens register there is a Constable John HUGHES living on Anglesey with his Wife Ann Hughes Nee Jones at 23 Well Street, Amlech, Anglesey. This would suggest that he served on the island during WW2 and was part of the then Anglesy Constabulary. He may well have still been serving there when Anglesey Constabulary amalgamated with Gwynedd Constabulry. He may have been involved in the arrest/aftermath of the Murder of PC Pritchard in 1924. The evidence suggests that despite his common name there is only one John HUGHES who was a constable and fits the bill. 

      http://british-police-history.uk/show_n ... &nav=alpha

      https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north- ... r-11218657

      You will note that he has the Gv1R version of the medal and that he lid of the box says Gwynedd Constabulary.

      Gwynedd Constabulary wasn't formed until 1950 and E11R became Queen in 1953. Which means that HUGHES medal must have been issued at some point during that 3 year period, I can't imagine there being that many Bobbies who qualified for their LSGC in Gwynedd Constabulary during those three years. I'm not suggesting that HUGHES medal is in anyway more valuable than anyone other Police LSGC, but I would suggest that it could be classed as rarer than your average one to me, anyway.......................



      HUGHES 001.png

      HUGHES 002.png

      HUGHES 003.png

    4. James CHAPPELL

      Born - Taunton Somerset 1864

      Joined Met 6th February 1888, posted to J Division, with the warrant number 73321. PC 121 J.

      Married Sophia Mulchay (born 1855). On the 20th July 1889 at St Johns, Bethnal Green. Address at time of marriage: 458 Bethnal Green Road (Bethnal Green Police Station).

      1891 census living at 103 Grafton Street, Mile End with his wife Sophia. (Bethnal Green Station)

      1897 - J Division

      1901 census living at 94 Grafton Street, Mile End with his wife Sophia and their son Sidney. (Bethnal Green Station)

      1902 - J Division

      1911 census (2nd April) , 31 Tyndall Road Leyton, but is in hospital (London Hospital - Whitechapel). (Leyton Station)
      Pensioned 7th May 1911, still in J Division, with class 2 certificate of conduct = Good. As he hadn’t quite done 25 years I suspect he was then pensioned early on health grounds, missing out on the 1911 medal. Retired early due to Esophagael Stricture. 

      Grafton Street now Grantley Street is a 15 minute walk to Bethnal Green Police Station.

      Percy James Chappell 
      Born April 1864, Taunton Somerset
      Father - Richard Chappell
      Mother - Martha Chappell
      Spouse - Sophia Mulchay- born 1855. Married: 20 Jul 1889 - St Johns, Bethnal Green
      Address at time of marriage: 458 Bethnal Green Road

      Gave evidence at the Old Bailey.....

      JOSEPH COATS, Theft housebreaking, 9th February 1891.
      JOSEPH COATS, Breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Alexander Robinson and another, and stealing thirty umbrellas and sunshades, their property.
      MR. D. J. LEWIS Prosecuted.
      ALEXANDER ROBINSON, JUN . I am in partnership with my father as umbrella manufacturers at 14, Aldersgate Street—on Saturday evening, January 31, the warehouse on the third floor was locked up safely—I had seen these umbrellas safe at 12.30 in the day, and missed them on Monday at 9 a.m.—a shutter on the third floor was knocked out, and there was an open space through which a man could get, but the door was not opened—I missed thirty umbrellas and five sunshades, value £7 or £8—I afterwards saw two of the umbrellas at the Police-station, Bethnal Green—the outer door was not open, they must have climbed over the ballusters—we have only four rooms, but there are other people down stairs who lock up—some person must have concealed himself on the stairs, and then he would not have to break the outer door to get in—the ground floor is a tobacconist's shop, which closes at 9 or 10 p.m., when the street door is closed—these two umbrellas are ours; they were safe on January 31st at 12.30, and missed on Monday morning.
      JOHN DABBS . I am an umbrella, finisher, in the employ of Messrs. Robinson—on 31st January I locked up the workshops, two rooms, about 1.20 in the day—these two umbrellas were then safe—I gave the key to Mr. Robinson—a board was fastened over the door where there ought to have been glass—on the Monday morning, at nine o'clock, I found the shutter was down—I went in and missed two and a half dozen of umbrellas and five sunshades—these are two of them—Mr. Robinson rents two rooms on the top and two underneath.
      FREDERICK HARRISSON . I am assistant to Phillips and Scones, pawnbrokers, of Bethnal Green—on Tuesday, February 3rd, about 7 p.m., the prisoner brought these two umbrellas, and asked for 10s. upon them—I had received a description the night before, and sent for a constable and charged him—he gave his name, George Bell.
      Cross-examined. I left the shop—you had time to get away if you liked.
      JAMES CHAPPLE (J 344). I was sent for to Messrs. Phillips and Scones, and took the prisoner—these two umbrellas were on the counter—I asked him where he got them—he said, "I bought them last night at the Princess Alice public-house, Commercial Street, and gave two half-crowns each for them. "
      SAMUEL LYTHEI . (City Detective Sergeant). On 3rd February I received a telegram at Bethnal Green Police-station, and saw the prisoner in custody—I was accompanied by Robinson and his brother, who identified these two umbrellas—I told the prisoner the charge—he made no reply—I said, "I shall further charge you with receiving the same, knowing them to be stolen"—he said, "I bought them of a man last night at the Princess Alice public-house, Commercial Street"—I said, "Do you know the man or his name?"—he said, "No; I never saw him before; I paid half a crown each for them"—he gave his address, 43, Commercial Road East—I found 10 1/2 d. on him.
      The prisoner, in his defence, said that he bought the umbrellas in the Princess Alice for 5s. each, and, being women's umbrellas, he pawned them, as they were of no use to him.
      NOT GUILTY .

      Gave evidence at the Old Bailey - 
      JAMES FREEMAN, STEPHEN WEBB, Theft simple larceny, 10th September 1901.
      JAMES CHAPPELL (344 J). About 7 p.m. on August 21st I was in the Old Ford Road, Bethnal Green—Wilson spoke to me, and I went to Freeman, who was driving a pony and cart, on which was a log of walnut—I asked him where he had it from, and if he had any delivery note—he said, "No"—I asked him where he was going to take it—he said to the London Apprentice, Hoxton—I knew that was a public-house—he said, "Mr. Webb, of Temple Mills, asked me to put the pony in and take it and meet a Mr. Joyce outside the London Apprentice; he lives opposite me at Temple Mills"—I took him to the Police-station, and he was detained—he made no answer to the charge—I afterwards took him to the West Ham Police-station—I have made inquiries about him, and believe he is a respectable man.

      London, U.K.
      21 September 1888

      A Correspondent has obtained exact details of those police beats covering the area within which the Buck's row murder was committed. From this it will be seen that the murderer had no doubt a considerable time in which he was quite sure of being undisturbed by a police constable, assuming he knew the beats. It seems that, notwithstanding the frequent repetition of murders round Whitechapel, under circumstances leading to the conclusion that they were the work of one man, not one single extra police officer was put upon the ground until after the commission of the fourth and last murder. Then the streets were filled night and by by police in and out of uniform.

      During the month of August, and up to the 8th instant, when Annie Chapman was killed, the following beats were covered by the men of the J Division quartered at Bethnal Green, these forming what is known as the "Second Section night duty." The first police constable would commence his two beats at Wilmot street, three Colt land, Cheshire street, Mape street, Bethnal Green road, to Wilmot street, and the interior, this consisting of a few streets, courts, passages, &c. The second constable would cover Three Colt lane, Collingwood street, Darling row, Dog row, Whitechapel road, Brady street, to Three Colt lane, and the interior, this consisting of about twenty streets, courts, passages, &c; the third constable would commence at Brady street, cover Whitechapel road, Baker's row, Thomas street, Queen Anne street, and Buck's row, to Brady street, and all the interior, this consisting of about ten streets, courts, passage, &c. The fourth constable would commence at Baker's row, go through Nottingham street, White street, Bethnal Green road, Mape street, London street, to Baker's row, and all the interior, consisting of about thirty streets, courts, passages, &c. The fifth and last man of the section would cover Whitechapel road alone, this making a total of nine beats for the five constables. The third beat was the one within the limit of which Mrs. Nicholl (sic) was murdered. The exterior of the beats are at least a mile in extent, and to this distance must be added the interiors.

      Chappell medals 001.png

    5. Another cracking thread there Alan, thanks for sharing it with us.

      One day I'll track down a Ripper related medal!!

      But in the interim I'll have to make do with stuff like this. 

      Drum roll please...............

      1902 Coronation medal to PC W Boswell H Division

      Although William didn't join the Metropolitan Police until 1900 and only served until 1907 (which included a period in Stoke Newington N Division), I have unearthed that he does have several Ripperesk connections.......

      The first one being that on the 1901 census he is listed as being resident at Lemen Street Police Station, so would certainly have known if only by sight PC Ernest Thompson, of Ripper fame (and is highly likely to have been involved in his funeral in some capacity)........ too tenuous of a link for you?

      Then how about this? 

      In 1902 he married a girl called Lousia Thersea Ritzler. (One assumes he would have been courting her for some time?) Lousia was born in Whitechapel in 1878 and lived with her parents and siblings at 5 Ellen Place, St George in the East. Ellen place was a little court, whose entrance came out onto Ellen Street and looked directly up Berner Street. Number 5 would have been right in the middle of Ellen Place, so their front door would have had an unrestricted view up Berner Street. They were certainly living there as early as 1881, so would have been well aware of the Lipski case of Batty Street fame. Their still in Ellen Place in April 1888, one of Lousia's sisters is listed as going to the infants school on Berner Street (right opposite Stride's murder scene), so it's a fair bet to say that Lousia must have gone there too? There can be no shadow of a doubt that the Ritzler family adults (if not Lousia herself), would have been aware of Jack's work on the night of the 30th September in Berner Street and indeed Jack in general. Perhaps they were even questioned by the police? One would assume that they'd have used Mathew Packers shop as well? By 1891 the Ritzler's have moved to 39 Batty Street and there they remain until at least the 1911 census, with William. So would have been aware of the Pinchin Street torso and the murder of Francis Coles. Not to mention the Sidney Street siege. 

      Ok so he wasn't a Bobby on the beat at the time of Jack, but his wife's connection to the area at the time, to me is just as interesting and alluring.

      PC Willam Boswell, joined H Division 09/04/00 warrant number 86192 and resigned from N Division 27/11/07. 
      He was born in Cuddesdon Oxfordshire 1879 and is shown on the census living with his parents in Cuddesdon in 1881 & 1891. The 1901 Census has him as being at Leman Street Police Station. The 1911 has William living at no 39 Batty Street as a labourer in the cellars with wife Louisa born Whitechapel and 3 children. He married Louisa Theresa Ritzler on 1/6/02 at St John the Evangelist St George's East. His address then being 61 Anthony Street, Whitechapel and Louisa at 39 Batty Street. William died aged 70 in 1949 with death registered in Wandsworth. Lousia in 1952 registered in Stepney.


      Boswell Medal.jpg

    6. Ladies/Gents,

      I'd be grateful if you could take a few moments to have a look at the below photograph and share your thoughts as to whether you think it could be the same person..............................



      Picture 1 was taken around 1914
      Picture 2 was taken in 1902
      Picture 3 was taken in 1911



      Picture 1 he would have been 18
      Picture 3 he would have been 27





      Photograph 1 is Sgt 101K William PRICE on his posting from H Division to K Division, aged 30. 

      Photograph 2 is of an 18 year old William PRICE with his parents and siblings taken in 1902 at the family home at 38 Eleanor Road Bowes Park.

      Photograph 3 is a famous photograph of a group of bobbies taken in 1911 during the Sidney Street siege.





      William PRICE

      Born 01/08/1884 Highgate London
      Bricklayer before he joined the Met (employed by an A Chapman of Noel Park Estate, Wood Green).
      Joined 19/02/1906 as a PC in H Div (Warrant No 92896),
      Height 5' 10 1/2" 
      Weight 11 st 2lbs
      Complextion dark
      Eyes brown
      Hair dark brown
      Single man when joined. His address then being 38 Eleanor Road Bowes Park.
      William & Martha Jane nee Gibbons, married on the 20/11/06, at Ferme Park Baptist chapel, Hornsey.
      Awarded the 1911 Coronation Medal.
      Remained at H Division until the 04/04/1914 when he was posted to K Division.
      The Sidney Street Siege, took place during William's service in H Division, around 200 officers from the Met & City police involved. Given his address at the time it is highly likely that he took some sort of part in the events.
      He was promoted to Station Sergt in 1923 served there as both a PS and SPS in K Div. 
      21/09/1923 92896 William PRICE from PS101K To SPS.
      Posted to J Division as Insp on the 26/02/1926
      Pensioned 16/03/1931 as an Insp in J Div
      Recalled as reserve officer 31/08/1939 and joined K Div (Bow) which is next to his old J Div – he was living in Dagenham in 1939. 81 Oval Road South Dagenham (with Martha).
      He resigned as Insp in K Div on the 31/07/1942 - his police service was one month short of the three years for a Defence Medal 
      On the 1911 census he is listed as living at 37 Dellow Buildings Dellow Street, Shadwell, with his wife Martha Jayne (26) and two sons William George (3) born Whitechapel and Alfred Frederick (1) born Stepney. 
      Another son, Stanley was born 1912.
      Martha died in Norfolk 1962.
      William died at 3 Kirkley Park Road, Lowestoft, on the 10th July 1963.





    7. A while back, I happened upon this old photograph  and thought it might be of interest. The handwriting on the back names the chap as Arthur O'Brien Jones, Divisional Surgeon, Epsom. Police surgeons aren't my normal collecting sphere, but I thought I'd take a chance and see what I could find out about him. It appears that members of the Epsom Historical Society were aware of him and had already conducted considerable research on him. His story is a somewhat sad if not interesting one. Which I thought might be of interest to fellow forum users.....

      Arthur O'Brien Jones was born in Stamford, Lincolnshire in 1813 and qualified as a doctor in 1836; he was the only son of the Reverend Thomas Arthur Jones and Elizabeth O'Brien. Having qualified as a doctor he appears to have gone to live in Epsom. He was certainly there in 1841 and acting as Divisional Surgeon to V Division, when he had treated PC 269V Joseph Russell.............

      On Saturday 8 May 1841, just before midnight, PC 269V Joseph Russell was on patrol in the High Street when he heard a disturbance at the King's Head inn. On investigation, Charles Fincher was found kicking at the tap-room door. On being told that he could get no more beer, Fincher, a labourer, became abusive, tore the officer's rolled cape from the back of his coat and used it to hit PC Russell in the face. A violent struggle ensued and a number of people emerged from the tap-room to become involved in the fracas.
      A drunken George Gardom intervened, shouting: - "You shall not take that man to the station. I'm a gentleman and I'll bail him... You you and you. Come on ten of you and assist me to get this man away." A number of men then assaulted the constable with sticks and their fists.

      PC Russell drew his truncheon to defend himself and kept hold of Fincher until a colleague, PC Price arrived to assist him.

      When giving evidence to the Magistrates, Baron de Teissier and Mr Goss, about the event PC Russell declared that George Edes, James Phipps and John Ratcliffe (the latter two, recruits to 89th Regiment of Foot) had subsequently belaboured him with heavy sticks. "I was knocked down. Ede knelt upon my back, struck me and attempted to kick me in the ribs but kicked my lanthorn. I got up and struck him with my staff very violently, as I thought he intended to do me some serious hurt."

      The original police station was situated in the High Street at the eastern end on the south side. As explained in 'The Court House' "From an article in one of the local papers in 1935, it appears that when number 45 High Street, now the ASK restaurant, was being vacated the remains of what appeared to be two cells were discovered. Although the some alterations had been made to the doors, the door bolts were still attached. Each door contained small trap about 6"x8" presumably to allow food to be given to the prisoner." At the time of the 1851 Census these premises were occupied by a Sergeant, his family, 6 constables and a lodger.

      The two Police constables escorted their prisoner towards the section-house but only got as far as the (Spread) Eagle tap before Gardom again incited the mob.

      George Gardom seized Phipps' stick, struck constable Russell down, and beat him about the head. The officer's leather top hat, then part of police uniform rather than a helmet, was 'cut to pieces'.
      Eventually the constables managed to struggle back into the station-house with their prisoner and closed some gates behind them. A hail of stones were hurled after the group and the mob burst open the gates threatening to storm the building. Alerted by all the noise, other officers rushed out to assist their colleagues, beat off the attack and apprehend, additionally, Gardom, Edes, Phipps and Ratcliffe.

      Although powerfully built, PC Russell had been badly injured and remained dangerously ill when examined by the surgeon-in-chief to the Metropolitan Police and Arthur O'Brien Jones, surgeon to V Division, some days later.

      The charges brought were:
      Edes - Assaulting and wounding Joseph Russell, PC 269 V, with intent to do him grievous bodily harm;
      Phipps and Ratcliffe - Attempting to rescue a prisoner;
      Gardom - Assaulting and resisting the police in the execution of their duty;
      Fincher - Being drunk and disorderly and assaulting the police.

      Initially, Gardom and Edes had been bailed for £100 and two sureties of £50 each. At a further hearing, however, the Magistrates remanded all the accused to Kingston gaol to await trial. Gardom's father appealed to the bench, explaining that George was his only son and being sent to prison would break his parents' hearts. His offer to stand bail to the extent of many thousands of pounds for security to ensure his son's appearance was declined.

      The outcome of trial at Guildford assize is revealed by the Criminal Registers published on the Ancestry UK website. George Gardom, George Edes, James Phipps and John Ratcliffe were all tried at the Assizes on 29 June 1841. Gardom got 12 months' imprisonment and the others 9 months each. Charles Fincher was not mentioned.


      1841 Epsom appears to have been a rowdy place as a similar incident occurred shortly afterwards.....

      The Morning Post on Wednesday 25 August 1841. The previous Saturday, 21 August 1841, at ten minutes to midnight, five men left the Bull's Head*, Ewell, "drunk and noisy", before travelling to Epsom. In the town centre, they were encountered by Police Constables 219V Butcher and 217V Duncan Stewart who remonstrated with them. Charles Robinson from Putney flourished a reaping hook [indicating that the men could have been itinerant harvesters] over PC Butcher swearing he would cut off the officer's head. Disarmed by Butcher, Robinson was given into the custody of PC Stewart. George Morrett, of Brentford, then struck Constable Butcher over the head with a heavy stick before kicking him and breaking one of the officer's ribs. A man called Jarrett went to the assistance of the felled constable and both assailants were escorted towards the police-station. On their way to the station house PC Butcher collapsed in the street resulting in him being carried home. Examined by the divisional surgeon, Mr Jones, his injuries were declared to be of a most serious character. On Monday, 23 August 1841, the men appeared before local magistrates, Baron de Tessier & Captain Gough [Henry Gosse, Lord of the Manor of Chessington?]: after a surgeon's certificate had been produced testifying that PC Butcher remained in imminent danger the prisoners were remanded until Friday 3 September 1841. Details of their trial have not been traced.

      In the 1851 census Arthur was already practising and living in South Street, Epsom with two of his sisters, Jemima and Anne, and three of Ellen's children were also in residence (it seems that Ellen's husband, coal merchant Arthur Burton, had gone to Paris in 1848 to escape his creditors and he set up in business there). Jemima married Australia merchant Joseph Matthew Holworthy in 1852 and Anne never married, eventually returning to Bromley College. 

      Arthur O'Brien Jones marries Sibella Vernon/Farish at Epsom on 22 August 1857 and they live at The Shrubbery in South Street.  They have just one child, Arthur Vernon Jones, born in Epsom on 16 June 1859, who was educated at Eton. Sadly, the boy died of consumption at the age of 19, on 8 September 1878, at the mountain resort of Davos Platz, Grisons in Switzerland.

      Dr O'Brien Jones was again in the papers in 1877 following a civil case that was brought against him and the head master of a local school following the death of a child, whom the Doctor had treated. It subsequently transpired that there was no case to answer by either party. But one can only imagine the local scandal. 


      Finally on the 1st May 1889 Dr Obrien Jones commits suicide by consuming hydrogen cyanide.............

      Wednesday, 1 May 1889, having committed suicide. A piece of paper was found, on which he had written 'Taken prussic acid'. The inquest was held at Epsom on 10 May 1889 and reported in The Surrey Mirror next day. Sibella's evidence was taken at her house; she had returned home at about 5pm on 1 May and found Arthur in a chair, evidently dying. 'He tried to open his eyes, but he could not speak. I left home at eleven in the morning, and I then noticed nothing particular in him. He had been very cheerful and happy lately. Nothing had happened to disturb him in any way. His age had incapacitated him from doing so much work and this might have preyed upon his mind.'

      Dr George Robinson Barnes, said, 'I was formerly in partnership with the deceased, but during the last six years we had only a working agreement. I last saw him alive on Monday afternoon about two o'clock. He was in a good state of health and did not appear depressed. On Wednesday I was sent for to see him, and on my arrival found he was dead. The prussic acid bottle was by his side and a glass measure was standing on the table. I detected a strong smell of acid. The cause of death was poisoning from prussic acid. I know nothing which would cause the deceased to commit suicide. I was not aware of any financial difficulties. His practice had declined. He had outlived his old patients and a new generation had come into Epsom. I think this feeling of not being able to do much worried him considerably. He had not, through his declining years, been equal to his work, particularly his night practice'

      Newspapers recorded, 7 May 1889,

      "A Supposed Suicide. A painful sensation has been caused at Epsom by the death of Mr Arthur O'Brien Jones, surgeon to the Metropolitan Police, Epsom Division. He was found on Wednesday night lying dead in his room with a phial of prussic acid by his side and also, it is said, a statement written by himself. Mr Jones had spent over 50 years in Epsom, being about 76 years of age. He was surgeon for several public institutions and though of somewhat eccentric character was much esteemed. No reason has been forthcoming to explain this event."


      Arthur Obrien Jones 002.jpgArthur Obrien Jones 001.jpgArthur Obrien Jones 003.jpgArthur Obrien Jones 006.jpgArthur Obrien Jones 005.jpg

      Sources -








    8. Here's a nice medal, I picked up a few years back for a song. Having done the mandatory Old Bailey checks, I didn't pursue his service any further. Until purely by chance whilst researching something else I put his name into the British Newspaper Archive, I was astonished with how many times he appeared in the Islington Gazette..............

      PC292G George ALLEN - 

      Warrant number 67739 Joining on the 09.04.1883 and being posted originally to W Division retiring on the 22.03.1903 from T Division. 
      He is entitled to a 1887/1897 Jubilee Medal for service in G Division and a 1902 Medal for T Division. 

      PC ALLEN gave evidence at the Old Bailey twice during his career
      GEORGE ALLEN ,(Policeman G 292). Offence date 27th August 1889 - case heard 16th September 1889 - wounding.

      http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.j ... #highlight

      1891 census - living at 10 Rodney Street, Clerkenwell with his wife Ada.

      GEORGE ALLEN ,(Policeman G 292). Offence date 13th December 1894 - case heard 25th March 1895 - wounding.

      http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.j ... #highlight

      Given the two offence locations, this would suggest that PC ALLEN was stationed at King’s Cross Road Clerkenwell Police Station.




      Constable George ALLEN 292G Islington Gazette

      Wednesday 4th May 1887
      Police Constable 292G (George ALLEN) said that on the 25th July last he was on fixed point at Exmouth Street, Clerkenwell. He was a crowd outside number 40 and was told that Mr ROSS wanted him. On going to the shop he saw plaintiff on the ground, and BUTCHER holding him on the ground. Witness told them to let the man get up and plaintiff then said he had been kicked in the eye. He wanted to give BUTCHER into custody, but seeing no marks of violence, he did not feel justified in taking him into custody.

      Wednesday 18th May 1887
      Eliza Smith, aged 23, bagseller, of Fuller Street, Bethnal Green, was charged by Police Constable Allen, 292 G, with being drunk and disorderly in Farringdon Road, at quarter-past four on Saturday afternoon. The prisoner was discharged. 

      Monday 12th September 1887
      Samuel Warner, aged 41, jeweller, Clerkenwell-close, was charged Police-constable George Allen, 292 G, with being drunk and disorderly Myddelton Street, Clerkenwell. He was fined 35s or five days. 

      Monday 3rd October 1887
      Edward Brown aged 43 costermonger of Bowling Green Lane Clerkenwell was charged with violently assaulting Robert MOUNTFORD butcher of Wood Street St Pancras by throwing him down the stairs of 32 Bowling Green Lane on Tuesday afternoon. Constable ALLEN 292 G said that the prisoner's arm was badly bruised but was not so hurt as to be unable to attend. Prisoner was discharged.

      Wednesday 14th December 1887
      George Thomas PREADY aged 22 bill poster of Myddleton Place Clerkenwell was charged with disorderly conduct at Exmouth Street Clerkenwell and further assaulting Police Constable ALLEN 292G Mr Bennett ordered the defendant to enter into his own recognisances to keep the peace for six months.

      Monday 6th February 1888 
      A VIOLENT ITALIAN. Giovanni Antonia, aged 28, of 7, Eyre-street-hill, St. Andrew’s, a musician, was charged before Mr. Barstow, at the Clerkenwell Police-court, on Friday, for throwing missiles to the'common danger of the public, at Clerkenwell Green; and, farther, charged with assaulting Police-constable Allen, 292 G, at the same time and place. Police-constable Charles Night, 321 G. stated that he was on duty that morning at 12.30 at Clerkenwell Green, when he saw the prisoner playing an accordian, and surrounded large crowd. After had finished playing, handed his hat round for money, and because he did not get any, he took brick from his pocket, and threw it at a boy, striking him in the back. At the time a lady and gentleman were passing in a "gig,” and the prisoner threw a crust of bread at them, at the same time striking the back of the "gig.” Witness took him in custody, and on the way to the station became extremely violent, which rendered assistance necessary. Police Constable Allen, 292 G, gave corroborative evidence, and the prisoner was fined 20s or 14 days.

      Thursday 8th March 1888
      Ellen Higgs, aged 45, news vendor, of Peter’s Lane, Clerkenwell, was charged by Police-constable George Allen, 292 G, with being drunk and disorderly ...

      Thursday 10th May 1888
      Drunk and disorderly 
      Margaret Wilson, aged 46, King’s Cross Road, was charged by Police-constable George Allen, 292 G, with being drunk in Margaret Street, Clerkenwell. Discharged.

      Wednesday 23rd May 1888
      The Islington Gazette
      James Sibley, aged 29, of Bryan Street, Caledonian Road, a labourer, was charged with being drunk and disorderly. Police-constable Geo. Allan, 292 G, stated that at 7.45 on the previous evening he was called public house in King’s Cross Road, to eject the prisoner. When outside the house the prisoner was requested leave, but refused, and used abusive language. Fined 5s or five days. 

      Monday 28th May 1888
      ... aged 40, Biainghill Street, Clerkenwell, charwoman, was charged Police Constable George Allen, 292 G. with being drunk and disorderly Pentonville Road. Officer gave the evidence apprehended at 9.16 the previous evening, the prisoner was attempting ...

      Tuesday 26th June 1888
      Breaking glass
      .....also there drunk and behaving disorderly. The prisoner denied the charge, but Police Constable George Allen 292G, gave corroborative evidence to that of Police Constable Dunlop. Fined 55s or five days imprisonment. 

      Monday 2nd July 1888 Miscellanous charges at the Clerkenwell Police Court
      Sarah Ann Bailey, aged 25, Godsde Street, was charged with behaving in a disorderly manner and using obscene language in Wharfedale Road. Police Constable George Allen, 292 G, stated that, one o’clock that morning, saw the prisoner lying footpath screaming. Witness tried to get her away, when she became abusive, and broke the constable’s whistle. Fined 10s or seven days’ imprisonment.

      Tuesday 24th July 1888
      Frank Kennedy, aged 16, of Beaconsfield Buildings, Caledonian-road, a baker, was charged Police-constable George Allen, 292 G, with unlawfully assembling with others not in custody in a riotous and disorderly gang, I throwing stones to the terror and annoyance the inhabitants at Edward Street. The constable stated that at eight o’clock on the previous evening he saw the prisoner with gang of others shouting and making use of obsene language at Edward Street. Witness requested them to go away, but the prisoner refused. Fined 10s., or seven days’ imprisonment. 

      Wednesday 15th August 1888 Assault a team conductor
      George Webber, aged 81, of Green-street, Camden-town, cab-driver, badge 8621, was charged Police-constable George Allen, 292 with being drunk whilst In his employment as cab-driver, Pentonville-road. Tho constable said he saw the defendant asleep on his cab. Witness called to him, when he drove to the footpath. He was very drunk. The prisoner, who said was more sleepy than drank, was fined 10s or in default, seven days’ imprisonment.

      Thursday 17th January 1889
      Drunk and disorderly
      Catherine Stretton, aged 42, of Leather-lane buildings, Holborn, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Great Saffron-hill. Police - constable 292 G proved ...

      Wednesday 18th September 1889
      Assault Police
      Charles Bywater, aged 40, costermonger, of Clerkenwell close, was charged on Tuesday, with being drunk and assaulting the police at Pentonville-road. Police-constable 292G said the previous afternoon saw the prisoner drunk. He came up to witness and another constable and said, "You want me and won't get me, you lay a hand on me, I will put you both in the road.” A crowd assembled, and prisoner said, "we will make a subscription for the dogs,” at the same time taking off his hat. When requested to go away, he kicked Police-constable 169G on the leg, causing him to fall to the ground, and struck him on the helmet with stick he had. Prisoner complained of ill-treatment at the hands of the police, but this was denied, and Mr. Haden Corser sent him to prison for one month. 

      13th November 1889
      Assaulting the police
      James Harrigan, aged 30, a labourer, of no fixed abode, was charged with being drunk and assaulting Police-constable Allen, 292 G, at Clerkenwell Road. The officer said was called to a public house to eject the prisoner. He got Harrigan outside, but he refused to go away and struck witness in tho chest, at the same time saying, "I will tear your liver out". Prisoner did not carry out his threat, but struck the officer again in the chest, and tore the buttons from his coat. Fined 20s. 

      Tuesday 13th May 1890
      ASSAULTING THE POLICE. Sebastino Sevario, aged 20, and Dominici Robino, ago 26, ice-cream vendors, of Little Bath-street, Clerkenwell. were charged on Friday, the Police-court, the former with assaulting Nunsio Alloooo, Maria Allocco, Salvatorie Allocco. and Police-constable 292 G, Little Bath-street, and the latter with attempting to rescue Sevario, and with assaulting the police-officer. The three complainants did not appear to prosecute. The officer said he was called the disturbance in Little Bath street and just as he was about to take Sevario into custody, the latter struck him violently on the arm with ice-cream stick. the way to the station. Robino came behind and punched the officer on the chest, and kicked him abont the legs. Mr. Bros fined the defendants 20s each. 

      Monday 29th September 1890
      Assault the police
      Annie Glasby, aged 20, a flower seller, of Gough-street. Gray’s Inn Road, was charged Friday, the Clerkenwell Police Court, with being drunk and assaulting Police-constable Allen, 292 G, at Charles Street. Prisoner was (quarrelling with two other wornen the previous afternoon. When requested to go away she refused, and spat in the officer s face, and made use of obscene expressions, Fined 40s. 

      Thursday 27th November 1890 Drunk and disorderly
      David Holmes, aged 20, a labourer, of no fixed abode, was charged with being drunk and disorderly, and with assaulting Police Constable Allen. 292 G. Wharfedale-road. The officer said was called to public house eject the prisoner and others. When outside the house, Holmes became violent, and struck witness two heavy blows on the side the head. He then ran off. Witness followed, and just before he caught to the prisoner Holmes round and charged him in the stomach with his head. Witness, in order to get Holmes to the station, had to get the assistance of Police-constable 122G and another constable. Mr. Bros fined the prisoner 40s. 
      Sarah Golden, aged 25, married, of Theobald's road, Bloomsbury, was charged with attempting rescue David Holmes from the custody of Police-constable Allen 292G, Mr. Bros bound the accused over in the sum of 40s to be good behaviour for three months. 

      24th December 1890 Drunk and disorderly
      Alexander King aged 32 a carpenter of fixed abode was disorderly on Pentonville Road, Police Constable Allen 292G proved the offence.

      Thursday 17th February 1891
      Lucy Ince, aged 33, married, of no fixed abode, was charged with being drunk and disorderly Pakenbam - street, Police-constable 292 G proved the offence, and Mr ...

      Thursday 5th March 1891
      Assaulting the Police
      John Jackson, aged 24, a coal-porter, of Benwell-road, Holloway, was charged with being drunk and with assaulting Police Vonstable Allen, 292 G, Gray’s-inn-road. The officer was called to the ‘Yorkshire Grey public bouse eject Jackson. The prisoner refused to leave, and struck witness the chest. On the way to the station, was violent, threw Allen to the ground, and sprained the thumb his left hand. Fined 10s. 

      Monday 29th June 1891
      A DRUNKEN DRIVER. Henry Lewis, aged 62, a cab-driver, of King's-Cross-road. St. Pancras, was charged Friday, at the Clerkenwell Police-court, with being drunk during his employment Clerkenwell-road. Police-constable Allen, 292 G, saw Lewis fall from the seat of his cab. He was too drunk to stand, so the officer put him inside the vehicle and lead the horse to the station. Fined 20s.

      Thursday 29th October 1891
      Drunk and disorderly
      ... Lacelles, aged 20, costermonger, of Portpool Laue, was charged with being disorderly at Leather-lane. Police-con stable Allen, 292 G, proved the offence, and the prisoner was fined 20s.

      Tuesday 24th November 1891 Assault Police
      .. with assaulting Police - constable 292 (Allen) Caledoman-road. Brown was using obscene langnage. and refused to away when requested. tried trip Police Constable Andrews, who took him into custody, and kicked Police-constable Allen about the legs. Fined 20a ...

      Wednesday 16th December 1891 Drunk and Disorderly
      .. of Albert-street. Barnsbury-road, were charged with being drunk and disorderly Chapel street, Clerkcnwell. Police - constable Allen, 292 G, proved the offence. Smith was using bad language when taken into custody. Fined ss.

      Tuesday 19th January 1892 Drunk and disorderly
      Haines at Pentonville Road, Police Constable Allen 292G proved the offence.

      27th April 1892
      Drunk and disoderly
      .. Penton-place, and Elisabeth Pettitt, aged 22, were charged with bring drunk and disorderly King's Cross road. Police-constable Allen, 292 G, proved the offence. The prisoners were ejected from a public bouse. Ernest was fined 10s., and Elisabeth was discharged ...

      Wednesday 11th May 1892
      Assaulting the police
      John Benson, aged 35, a labourer, of Bay street, Clerkenwell, and William Mitchell, aged 36, a silver - polisher, Hartington Road, Lambeth, were charged with being drunk and disorderly at Hatton-garden, and with assaulting Police-constable Allen, 292 G. Bonson kicked tho officer and abused him. Allen was thrown to the ground, and Mitchell rushed and kicked the officer in the head. Both men had been previously convicted. Mr. Horace Smith ordered Benson be imprisoned for three months, and Mitchell for two months. 

      11th July 1892
      Drunk and disorderly
      ....married of Beanchamp Street Holborn, was charged with being drunk and disorderly on Brooke Street Holbon. Police Constable Allen 292G said the prisoner interfered with two men who were conversing together and refused to move away when requested. Fluxon said...........

      Monday 15th August 1892
      Drunk and disorderly
      .....tie maker of Haverstock Street, was charged with being drunk and incapable at Warder Street, Clerkenwell. Police Constable George Allen 292G said about a quarter to two that morning, found the prisoner very drunk. 

      Thursday 6th October 1892
      Assault the police
      William Duffy, aged 19, shoemaker, of Brunswick-Close, Clerkenwell, charged Tuesday, at the ClerkeuweU Police-Court, with being drunk and with assaulting Police Constable Allen 292 G, at Clerkenwell Road. Duffy threw the officer to tbe ground, and punched him to the mouth. Fined 40s. 

      Thursday 22nd June 1893 
      Cutting and wounding
      ... somewhat severely. He had not spoken to the prisoner, and, in cross-examination, he denied that be drank Allen’s liquor. Police-constable Allen, 292 G, who took the prisoner into custody, said the prosecutor stated that the woman broke the glass across ...

      Thursday 20th July 1893
      Ann Brown's Defence
      . Hoxton, was charged Wednesday, at Clerkenweli Police-court, with being disorderly, and with assaulting Police Constables Allen, 292 G. and Zeuthon, 369 G, at High-street, Clerkenwell. Smith used bad language, and when spoken to the police made a disgusting ...

      Thursday 14th September 1893
      Stealing knives
      ... Blackfriars-road. was charged on Tuesday, at the Clerkenwell Police-court, with being drank and with assaulting Police-constable Allen, 292 at St. John’s-square. Steed attempted to get into the Salvation Army Shelter, and waa fighting with a man outside. ...

      12th January 1894
      Drunk and disorderly
      Jane Simpson, aged 50, married, of Clerkenwell, was charged with being drunk at Caledonian Road. Police-constable Allen, 292 ...

      Wednesday 18th April 1894 - Good Templars
      John Withers, aged 33, of Robert-street. Theobald's-road, was charged with being disorderly Gray's-inn-road. Police constable Allen, 292 G, proved the offence. Withers was ejected from a public house. shook his fist in the officer's face, and said, "I should like to have a game with you" Fined 10s.

      Thursday 4th October 1894
      Margaret Connolly, aged 25 an ironer of Victoria Street Barnsbury was charged with being drunk and with assaulting Police Constable 292G at Caledonian Road. The Officer said the prisoner and others were quarrelling. He sperated them and later Connolly commenced to fight with another women. When taken into custody Connolly attempted to stab him with a bonnet pin, threw herself to the ground, kicked spat in his face pulled his whistle from his coat. r Horace Smith sent her to gaol for 21 days.

      11th August 1895
      Joseph KNOTT aged 38 of Albert Street scale maker was charged with being drunk and disorderly and with assaulting George ALLEN Police Constable 292G. The latter said that on Saturday night the prisoner who was in the company of some women was behaving in a disorderly manner and on being told to go away abused the constbale and struck him on the nose. He now said he was excited and was sorry for what he had done. Fined 20s or 14 days imprisonment. 

      Tuesday 1st October 1895 Assaulting the police
      Alfred Batty, aged 20, a labourer, of Campbell-road, Holloway, waa charged with being drunk, and with assaulting Police - constable Allen, 292 G, at Henry street, Clerkenwell. Batty behaved in disorderly manner, and refused to go away when requested. He was taken into custody, and the way to the station spat the officer's face. Mr. Head sent Batty to gaol for 10 days.

      Tuesday 3rd December 1895
      ... Ann Butler, 70, s widow, Southampton street, Pentonville, charged with being drunk Clerkenwell Road. Policeconatable Allen, 292 G, proved the offence. She was discharged with caution.

      Wednesday 28th October 1896
      A terror to the neighbourhood - John Hammond, a labourer, Britaania Street, King’s-Cross-road, was charged with assaulting Police Constable Allen, 292 G, Kings Cross Road. Hammond was ejected 'rom public bouse. He knocked an old lady down, and afterwards fought with man. The complainant ordered Hammond away, but refused to go. Allen took him into custody, and the way to the station the prisoner kicked him about the legs. In the police station he struck another. "This man", added the complainant "is a terror to the neighbourhood". Old men and ladies he starts on". The prisoner ( did not kick the constable. I could not have done it the way they took me. They gave me the "Frog's March" and dropped me on my face in the station. And after that one of the men gave me a clout on the head. Previous convictions (one of of six months imprisonment for injuring a constable) were proved against the prisoner. Hammond Yes, they are always at me. Mr Horace Smith - Now you must have another six months. 

      Tuesday 24th August 1897
      Ann Straines, aged 40, a machinist, of no fixed abode, was charged with sleeping in the open air without visible means subsistence and with exposing her two children, Emma, aged eight years, and Daisy, aged six years, in a manner likely to cause them unnecessary suffering or injury to health at James’swalk. Police-constable Allen, 292 G, said that morning he saw the prisoner with two children asleep a doorstep in Sutton street, roused them and they walked away. A little later he saw the prisoner and her children asleep in St. Jamea’s-walk, roused her and asked her if she had any money. She replied that she had none, and that she left the workhouse week ago. The constable added that the children were very cold and very tired. Joseph Wilkes, officer of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, said his attention was called to the prisoner as early as May last. She then had two other children with her, and had been found sleeping on the stairs of model buildings. She was widow, and had seven children. Two were in the Mitcham parochial schools, one on the ship Shaftsbury, one living with its grandfather, and one service. The other two she took with her from place to place. Early in the year she met with accident one her knees, and was unable to work. She had said she would rather die than to the workhouse. Mr. Horace Smith— Then you'll have to go to prison, and your children will be taken care of someone else. The prisoner (weeping)—What have I done to sent prison. Mr. Windebank (School Board officer)—She wants the parish authorities to look after her children and allow her out of the workhouse, but they won’t do that. Mr. Horace Smith (to the prisoner.)—Will you go to the workhouse ? The prisoner—No, I won’t. Mr. Horace Smith—Then you will have to be charged with neglecting your children. You can’t allowed to drag them through the streets all night long. I’ll remand you now for week.


      Allen medal.jpg




      Allen medal 1887 1897.jpg

    9. Arthur Charles Frost 

      Arthur Charles Frost born 17th February 1867 in the parish of Brooke Norwich Norfolk.

      1888 Marries his wife Ellen in Reigate.

      1890 joins Metropolitan Police (06.01.1890) warrant number 75058 posted to J Division. Living at Moyna Road Upper Tooting. Trade gardener for a Capt Parr The Cedars Upper Tooting. 

      1891 Living in Bonner Street Bethnal Green.

      1897 awarded Diamond Jubilee Medal J Division.

      1898 Gives evidence at the Old Bailey (12th December), for a coining offence that occurred on the 17th November on Hackney Road, as Constable 252J.


      1899 Gives evidence at the Old Bailey 24th July, for a wounding offence that occurred on the 26th June on Whitechapel Road concerning the use of a revolver as Constable 252J.


      1901 Living 53 Russia Lane Bethnal Green.

      1902 award Coronation Medal J Division.

      1902 Gives evidence at the Old Bailey 5th May, for a wounding offence that occurred on the 24th March on Paradise Street, Bethnal Green as Constable 24JR.


      1911 award Coronation Medal J Division?

      1911 Living 29 Bandon Lane Bethnal Green.

      1913 Gives evidence at the Old Bailey on the 4th March, for a theft offence that occurred on the 28th January Marylebone as a Detective in D Division.


      1918 retires from police D Division as a Detective 18.03.1918.

      1918 dies Paddington.

      Arthur FROST portrait.jpg

      Arthur Frost medals forum.jpg

    10. Alfred Ernest SCHOLES 

      Born in Derbyshire on the 31st December 1864.
      Joined Metropolitan Police on the 27th February 1888 - Warrant number 73418
      Having completed his training and being posted to D Division, he lodged in a property within Allsopp Mews, in the Marylebone district of London. With two other Constables. 
      At some point possibly as early as the 8th September 1888, following the Anne CHAPMAN murder, SCHOLES was seconded to H Division, to assist in the hunt for Jack the Ripper. He certainly appears to have been on duty in H Division on the night of the 29th/30th September 1888 for the double event murders and states in his memoirs that " he was patroling his beat on Tabbard Street East on the furthest end of his beat on Mile End Road, it was a memorable night there had been a Lord Mayors show, whilst I was on duty Jack the Ripper committed two of his murders in the very street that I was."
      6th January 1896 PC225D posted to D Division CID.
      3rd August 1898 promoted to Sgt 3rd class D Division.
      23rd June 1903 promoted to Sgt 2nd class D Division. 
      21st January 1908 promoted to Sgt 1st class Y Division.
      27th June 1910 promoted to Detective Insp Y Division. 
      In 1911 Alfred and his then family of wife and three children were resident at 17, Mark Road, Noel Park, London.
      Pensioned 14th  July 1913 as Detective Inspector Y Division and joins the Port Authority 
      Police at the same rank.
      Finally retires in 1924
      In 1939 he and his wife lived at 55, Whitehall Road, in the Grays area of London. Alfred was then working as a Private Enquiries Agent.  
      It is believed that he died in the Battersea area of London in 1946. 
      Entitled to 1897 Jubilee Medal as PC D Division, 1902 as PS D Division.

      PC Scholes was just six months into his career with Scotland Yard when he, along with hundreds of other officers, were drafted into the dangerous and dark slums of Whitechapel to hunt for the killer that had been dubbed ‘Jack the Ripper.’ In his memoirs he recalls numerous occasions that he stopped and questioned innocent pedestrians, and led to comparative safety the many ‘fallen’ women who ran into his arms convinced that they had met ‘Jack’ and were next to be slaughtered. It is hard today to imagine the Whitechapel of 1888, with its narrow, unlighted streets, dirty alleys and slum buildings that housed some of London’s most unfortunate and desperate people. It was also a world of multiple races and nationalities all squeezed into a small, heavily populated district. It is also hard to imagine the terror that gripped the people of this poor part of London, and the terror and fear that swept the country as a whole. People genuinely feared for their lives and at the height of the scare, around September and October 1888, the streets of Whitechapel became deserted. 

      Old Bailey cases SCHOLES was involved in.............

      Housebreaking - 8th February 1897 as a Detective in G Division
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t18970208-213&div=t18970208-213&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight
      Robbery - 25th February 1901 as a Sergeant in D Division
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19010225-213&div=t19010225-213&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight
      Robbery - 25th March 1901 as a Sergeant in D Division
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19020310-260&div=t19020310-260&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight
      Libel - 10th March 1902 as a Sergeant in D Divison
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19020310-260&div=t19020310-260&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight
      Forgery 3rd April 1905 as a Sergeant 
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19050403-301&div=t19050403-301&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight
      Theft 11th September 1906 as a Sgt in D Division
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19060911-99&div=t19060911-99&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight
      Fraud 21st October 1910 as a Sgt G Division
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19100208-35&div=t19100208-35&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight
      Forgery 31st May 1910 as a Sgt
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19100531-21&div=t19100531-21&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight
      Murder 28th March 1911 as an Insp
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19110328-46&div=t19110328-46&terms=Alfred Sholes#highlight
      Theft 7th November 1911 as an Insp
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19111107-48&div=t19111107-48&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight
      Theft 30th January 1912 as an Insp Y Division
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19120130-33&div=t19120130-33&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight
      Fraud 4th February 1913 as an Insp
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19130204-32&div=t19130204-32&terms=Albert Scholes#highlight
      Theft 4th March 1913 as an Insp
      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t19130304-65&div=t19130304-65&terms=Alfred Scholes#highlight



      SCHOLES was also involved in the famous Edith THOMPSON & Frederick BAYWATER case




      Scholes portrait.jpg

      Scholes 1897 Jubilee Medal.jpg

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    11. Joseph DANIELS.

      Joined 17th May 1886, posted to C Div PC 387 (St James). Warrant No.- 71719

      10th August 1888, posted to J Div PC 223/PC 502 (Bethnal Green) and residing at 107 Lefevre Road, Bow (1888-1890). So would have been present during the Whitechapel Murders.

      15th August 1890 posted to E Div PC259 (Holborn).

      He received a pay increase on the 23rd May 1891.

      Then on the 23rd May 1892, he died on duty, from choking to death on his own false teeth, whilst effecting an arrest.

      A local paper, The Holborn and Finsbury Guardian ran the following story.
      The Danger of False Teeth
      On Wednesday evening at St Clement Danes Vestry-hall, Strand, Mr John Troutbeck, the coroner for Westminster, held an inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of Police Constable Joseph Daniels 259E aged 27 years who was killed early on Sunday morning whilst taking a prisoner to Bow Street Police Station. Superintendent Steggles of the E Division, was present, Joseph Daniels a registration agent of 9 Meeting House Lane, Peckham. Identified the deceased as his son, lately resided at Jubilee Buildings, Waterloo Road. Sometime ago he had erysipelas in the face, and the divisional surgeon ordered him to have some of his teeth extracted and replaced by false ones. These he was wearing at the time of his death, PC 379E Alfred Smith, said that on Sunday morning at about 12:20 he was in Kemble Street, Clare market, taking a prisoner to Bow Street Police Station. A crowd of several hundred persons had assembled and an attempt to rescue the man was made. Witness blew his whistle and in response the deceased came running up. He took hold of the prisoners other arm and they had only proceeded a few yards, when the witness missed the deceased, and on looking round saw him lying on the pavement. Another constable came up and witness went oh his way. PC350E William Stewart said that he was on duty in Newcastle Street when he heard the whistle blow, and on going to Kemble Street saw the two Constables with a man in custody. Witness broke through the crowd, and then he saw the deceased lying on the ground. He immediately undid his collar and sent for an ambulance, on which he conveyed the unfortunate man to the hospital. By the Coroner: the deceased was not knocked down, kicked or otherwise assaulted. Dr Eric Law Pritchard, house physician at Kings College Hospital, said that the deceased was dead when he was admitted. He made the post-mortem examination, which revealed that the deceased, was an exceedingly healthy man. Just about the larynx witness found a set of false teeth impacted, which had produced suffocation, the cause of death. The teeth were of a very inferior make, no doubt they became loosened through the deceased running, and an inspiration drew them down his throat. The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death" and added that they thought the deceased was over anxious to do his duty.

      Entitled to the 1887 Jubilee Medal.

      Joseph married Louisa Beatrice Ridley second quarter 1885, at Camberwell.

      Their first child was a daughter- Florence Ellen Daniels Birth Date: 5 Dec 1886 Birth Place: Saint Peter-great Windmill St , Westminster, London, England Baptism Date: 20 Apr 1887 Baptism Place: St Peter's, Westminster, Middlesex, England Father: Joseph Daniels Mother: Louisa Beatrice FHL Film Number: 1468962

      Birth certificate of his first son Albert Henry Joseph Daniels, reveals born December 1888 but registered first quarter 1889, Bethnal Green. 
      Baptism Date:9 Dec 1902 St Paul, Westminster Bridge Road Southwark Lived at 102 or 109 Jubilee Buildings (handwriting to difficult to read).

      Joseph and Louisa in the 1891 census living in Southwark.

      Pension to wife and 3 children - "died from the effects of an injury received in the execution of his duty" - 'swallowed false teeth when going to assist in arrest of a prisoner' Death Register ref. - June 1892-St Giles 1b 377 age 27- died 22nd May.


      Daniels 1887.jpg

    12. Thought I'd try and get the ball rolling with this one.

      It relates to an officer from G Division of the Metropolitan Police.

      During my research into him I discovered that he was first on the scene at a double murder at Clerkenwell in 1896.

      Back in the day it was big news, but over the last 100 years or so has slipped from the public conscience and is little known now. Perhaps this post will change all that..................? 


      Robert WAGG

      Born 14th Feb 1873 St Buchanan Near King's Lyn, Norfolk. 

      Joined 23.04.1894 (aged 21) warrant number 79498 posted to G Division
      Height 5`9" 
      Weight 12 stone 9 Lbs 
      Chest 35.5 inches 
      Complexion Dark 
      Eyes Dark Brown 
      Hair Brown. 
      Occupation porter (Great Eastern Railway - Bishopsgate) 
      Martial status - single.

      Wednesday 8th July 1896 - Coroner's Court Double Murder of James & Emma Riley by Elijah Galley. 

      Robert Wagg Police Constable 328G 
      On Saturday last July 4th at 10:15 PM, I was in North Street, Caledonian Road, when a man unknown to me came up and said a man and a woman were killed at 40 North Street. I went to the house and passed the little girl, Alice Riley on the stairs as I was going down to the kitchens At the doorway of the front kitchen a man and woman were lying apparently dead. The man was lying on his face in a pool of blood and the woman close to him on her face with blood on her forehead. I got the assistance of another Police Constable 330G and sent for Dr Rains. I saw a poker lying on the womans body and there was blood in different parts of the room - front kitchen. I went to the Police Station and on my return found Dr Rains in the kitchen. 
      Cross examined -
      I did not search the back room. I saw Mr Galley outside his shop not more than five minutes before I was called to 40 North Street. 

      Also gave evidence at the Old Bailey, for the same case

      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse. ... #highlight

      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse. ... #highlight

      14th Feb 1897 Marries Harriett at St Mark's Church Clerkenwell his address given as 76 King's Cross Road (Police Station).

      1901 census couple (and two children Ivy & Robert) living at 10 Brewer Street North Clerkenwell

      Islington Daily Gazette and North London Tribune
      Wednesday 28th June 1905
      The Pentonville Tragedy 
      Yesterday afternoon Mr Walter Schroder Deputy-Coroner for Central London, held an inquest at the St Pancras Coroner's Court relative to the death of Charles Henry Mesinal aged 70 years, a cabman, lately living at 17, Affleck Street, Pentonville Road, who died from self inflicted wounds.
      Esther Hammick, living at 17 Affleck Street Pentonville Road a widow who lived with the deceased stated that the deceased a cabman, htree months ago had an accident. He was thrown from his cab and his spine was injured. Dr Macfee attended to him. He improved in health till a fortnight ago, when he took to drinking brandy and became very strange in his mind. On Friday morning she awoke and then found the deceased standing over her with a knife. She found that he had stabbed her arm. She struggled with him and he stabbed her in the breast. She got away from him and called for the police. Both of them were afterwards taken to the Royal Free Hospital. Deceased died on Saturday evening. Six weeks ago he threatened to throw himself out of the window, so she watched him and prevented him from doing so. 
      Dr Arthur Stanley Woodward, resident medical officer of the Royal Free Hospital, Gray's Inn Road stated that on admission he found deceased suffering from a number of stabs over both arms and over the heart and stomach and deceased told him that he had inflicted the injuries himself. The injuries were somewhat serious and caused severe shock. The wound in the stomach was 2 and a half inches long and very serious injuring the liver and bruising the heart. On making a post mortem examination of the body he found that there were 30 stabs on one arm and two stabs on the other arm. There were 23 stabs over the heart and five or six stabs in the abdoment. Death was due to shock and bronchitis combined with the injuries. The deceased told them that the reason that he had inflicted the injuries was that he had no money and that he was going to the infirmary on Friday and sooner than do so he decided to commit suicide. He also stated that he stabbed the woman he lived with simply because he was worried. 
      Thomas Hammick son of the first witness gave evidence confirmatory to that given by the mother.
      Police Sereant Edwin Matthewson 37G said that at twnety past five on Friday morning he was called to the house and found Mrs Hammick there injured. Deceased had barricaded the door with chains and the table, so he forced the door. On entering he found the deceased seated on the bed holding the knife in his hand. He was bleeding from wounds in the abdomen. He said "I wish I'd killed her. I wish I was dead. The knife was not sharp enough, or I should have been dead before you got into the room. You can take me now". Dr Caunter, the police surgeon was called after which the man and women were tkane to the Royal Free Hospital. The room was in great disorder as if there had been a severe struggle. 
      Police Constable Robert Wagg 328G, gave simialr evidence.
      The jury returned a veredict of "suicide whilst temporarily insane" and complimented Police Sergeant 37G for rendering first aid to the deceased. 

      Dismissed 17.03.1908 G Division Police orders records the following as the reason for his dismissal ‘Improperly arresting two persons on an unfounded charge and complained of by one of them for assault; further, using abusive language towards witnesses, and considered unfit for the police force.’

      Entitled two 1897 Jubilee Medal & 1902 Coronation Medal

      Islington Daily Gazette and North London Tribune
      Monday 11th July 1910
      A double charge
      At the Clerkenwell Police Court on Friday before Mr Cluer
      Alfred Bass 31 a table maker of Britannia Street, Hoxton was charged on a warrant with assaulting Robert Wagg at the Angel public house, High Street, Clerkenwell.
      Mr W T Ricketts prosecuted.
      The prosecutor said he was doorman at the "Funland" Upper Street. About a month ago he ejected the prisoner and another man from those premises. Bass then threatened him. On Monday last witness was in the Angle having finished his day's work and the prisoner saw him. "Here is that blank blank" said the prisoner and he took up a glass said Wagg hurled it at him and ran off. Prosecutor was cut on the right eye and went off to the police station and then to the hospital. Bass said he was not at the house at all and knew nothing of the assault. Mr Cluer said there must be some witness. Wagg said they were afraid to come. Mr Cluer said they must. Bass was next charged with unlawful possession of five blank cheques on the National Bank Limited, King's Cross Branch, at King's Cross Road. Police Constable Pickard 381G said he arrested and found the cheques upon him, inside the left leg of his pants concealed in a cigerette case. Prisoner said he found them about eight days ago in King's Cross Road. Mr Cluer said the cheques had been lost and asked for a remand. The case was accordingly remanded, prisoner allowed bail. 

      Islington Daily Gazette and North London Tribune Monday 25th July 1910
      A Doorkeeper's Complaint
      At the Clerkenwell Police Court, Alfred Bass 31 tablemaker was charged with assaulting Robert Wagg doorkepper at Funland Upper Street. This charge was now withdrawn in consequence of the fact that the man's arrest led to graver allegations. He was charged with breaking and entering number 7 Crownsdale Road St Pancras and stealing blank cheques the property of John Howard sub-postmaster. The blank cheques were it was stated by Police Constable Pickard found in a cigerette case concealed inside the left leg of his pants. Further inquiry led to a charge of forging and uttering a cheque for £4 17s. Frederick Westbury of Dover Street, Southwark said the prisoner brought an order for bamboo articles and paid for them by cheque. here was £4 0s 6d change for the prisoner. The cheque was returned by the bank. The doorkeeper Wagg now complained that he has been discharged from his employment because his employees were afraif of the gang of roughs he may have stirred up by having prisoner arrested. Mr Cluer- If that is the reason it seems hardly fair, since you have been largely instrumental in bringing a man to trail on serious charges. The case was sent to the Central Criminal Court.

      https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse. ... #highlight

      1911 Census couple living (with Ivy & Robert) at 12 Cynthia Street (Pentonville Road) - Robert is recorded as being out of work.

      He died on the 11th August 1947 at the Archway Hospital Highgate, leaving an estate of £423 3s & 3d, aged 72.

      Wagg medal.jpg

      Elijah Galley 001.jpg

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      Constable Robert WAGG 328G Islington Gazette

      Wednesday 1st December 1897 Assaulting the police 
      Assaulting the Police. Mary Ann Kills, 49. a machinist, of Northampton Road, Clerkenwell, was charged with being drunk and with assaulting Police-constable Wagg. 329 G. Warner-street, Clerkenwell. The officer said that on Saturday evening the prisoner, who was very drunk m refused to move on and struck him in the mouth. Defendant said the assault was accident done in the struggle when the officer twisted her arm. She had only been in the public house to have some rum hot as the day was wet and she bad a cold. Mr. Bros fined her 10s., or seven days’ imprisonment in default.

      Saturday 4th June 1898 
      A HARD CASE. Ellen Joslin. aged married, of 1 Attneave Street. Clerkenwell. was charged with stealing from No. 13. Yardley-street, a loaf, value 3 3/4d the property Griffith Evans, dairyman. Prosecutor mid the prisoner entered his shop for half pint of milk and asked the loan of can. While bo was finding a can bo saw her place a loaf under her cape. She paid for the milk and left the shop. went after her, and gave her into custody. Police-constable Wagg, 328 G, said that, acting under the instructions of his inspector, ha bad made inquiries concerning the woman, and it was a very hard case. Her husband was out seeking for work. Mid there was not particle of food in the place for their three young children- The woman bore a good character, and the children wens spotlessly clean. Mr. Horace Smith (to prisoner): Why don’t you come here for assistance, and not steal ? Prisoner, weeping, said she was very sorry that she bad been so tempted. The magistrate directed that the woman should have assistance, and discharged her. 

      Tuesday 3rd July 1900 EX CONSTABLE.[/b]
      An ex-constable Walter LOCKNEY 27 address and occupation refused, was charged with disorderly conduct and assaulting Police Constable Wagg 328G at Pentonville Road, Islington.On being arrested for disorderly behaviour the prisoner threw the officer to the ground and kicked him on the right knee.Prisoner has been in the force himself and has often been before the court for offences similar to the present one. It took four officers to remove the prisoner from the charge room to the station cell and he assaulted two of them on the way one of them being Constable WAGG, when he again attacked striking him about the head and chest.The alledged disorderly conduct consisyed of pushing people from the pavement by pretended drunkeness.Prisoner on oath denied the allegations against him and said the police made a dead set against him because he had formerly been a constable. His throwing WAGG to the gorund was the result of accident. He had only been fetched out of prison by his wife just before this occurred. Mr Chapman said he could not overlook the conduct of the prisoner who ought to have known so well how to behave himself towards the police. He would go to prison for one month's hard labour. 

      Tuesday 13th May 1902
      WINDOW SMASH Charles Bell, 36, a carman, of Benjamin street, Clerkenwell, was charged at Clerkenwell Poiite-court yesterday with breaking a plate glass window at the " Red Lion," Red Lion Street Clerkenwell, value £12, the property of Sidney Smith. Mrs. Smith said on Saturday afternoon she refused to serve the prisoner with liquor. He bent over the bar, seized her by the throat, and said, " If you don't I'll smash your window." He afterwards turned and struck a plate-glass window with his fist. smashing the glass and doing damage to the amount of £12. He ran out of the house, but was followed and arrested by Police-constable Wagg. Mr. D'Eyneourt committed the prisoner for trial. 

      Tuesday 3rd June 1902 Busy on the roof
      BUSY ON THE ROOF, Thomas Peters, I8, a labourer, of Goswell road, Clerkenwell, and William Hodgson, 18, a cycle cleaner, of Ware-street, Hoxton, were charged at Clerkeuwell Police-court yesterday with attempting to steal a quantity of lead from the roof of unoccupied premises at Jerusalem court, Clerkenwell. Police-constable Wagg, 323 G, said on Saturday evening he saw the two prisoners on the roof of No. 4, Jerusalem-court. Hodgson had an axe and a hammer in his possession, and was busy cutting away lead, while Peters was pulling off the pieces dislodged and packing them up. When the officer appeared on the roof the prisoners in their anxiety to make good their escape trod on a skylight, and both fell through the glass. Peters called out to his companion, "Give in ,we are fairly copped ' this time." Mr. Bros sent Hodgson to prison for three imonths, and Peters for six weeks. 

      Tuesday 22nd July 1902 Islington Daily Gazette
      A BRUTAL ASSAULT. John May, 30, a carman, of 1, Mary Ann street, St. George's, E, was charged with assaulting James Cross, a tram car Conductor, Clerkenwell Road. The complainant said on Sunday night the prisoner jumped on to his car, seized him by the throat, punched him in the face, and kicked him in the groin. He did not know why the prisoner attacked him, but he had evidently been drinking. A crowd quickly collected, and the complainant and the prisoner fell to the ground together. Police Constable Wagg came up, and May was given into his custody. Mr.'d'Eyncoart--It is a brutal assault without any provocation. Two months' hard labour.

      Wednesday 6th August 1902 Scene in the Caledonian Road
      Yesterday, at the Clerkenwell Police - court, James Brady,26, and Edward Brady, 24, bcth warehousemen, of All Saints street, N., were charged with assaulting Police-constable Wag, 328 G. James was further charged with assaulting Police-constable Newcombe, 370 G and Edward with assaulting John Alexander, a compositor, at Caledonian-road. Mr. Weaver Mallard defended. Police-constable Wagg deposed that at 3:15 that morning he saw the two defendants outside a coffee-stall in Caledonian-road. As witness, approached one of them said, "Here comes ***** rozzer." Witness advised them to go away, when James Brady struck him a violent blow in the face felling him to the ground. The other defendant also assaulted him while he was on the ground. He got up and was, again knocked to the ground. Others came up. and the attitude of the crowd was so violent that witness was forced to draw his truncheon, and he struck James with it. Previously someone had snatched his whistle away. After a little time two policemen and a civilian came to his assistance, and they were also badly assaulted by the two prisoner.Cross examined -He was annoyed at bei;s called a "rozzer." He did not offer to fight them, or say they were not going to take a "rise" out of him. Police-constable Newcombe said when he arrived on the scene the last witness was surrounded by several men. He seized James Brady, when the latter kicked him on the knee and threw him violently to the ground. John Alexander, of 51, Offord-road, deposed that he seized Edward Brady, who was stooping over Police-constable WAGG, when the prisoner struck him to the ground and kicked hint violently in the mouth. His lip was cut very badly, and had to be stitched up at the station.. He was also bruised about the head, his hat was smashed, and he had lost his stick. Prisoners elected to give evidence on their own behalf. James Brady said be and his brother had returned from a holiday outing,and were having a cup of coffee at a stall, practically outside their residence. Police-constable Wagg came up and said, "Not so much of the rosser,'" and subsequently remarked, " Push off of this." Witness went on drinking his coffee, when the constable challenged him to fight. He refused, and the constable called witness a coward. After that witness said, "I'll oblige you," and walked towards the constable, when the-latter drew het truncheon and struck him across the jaw With it. He closed with the constable, and' they fell to the ground. The other constable then came up. After being on the ground some time witness was allowed to get up, when Police Constable Wagg struck him twice over the head with his truncheon. Edward Brady corroborated his brother's evidence. With regard to John Alexander be admtlted striking him, but only after Alexander had struck him on the hat with his walking. stick. Mr. Bros sent James Brady to gaol for six weeks; and fined Edward Brady 40s. and 20s costs.

      Friday 8th August 1902 Saturday

      FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1902. 
      The circumstances of the manslaughter of Mr Spicer in Eustont Road are so recent that importance is given to a cowardly attack upon two Police Constables at a coffee-stall in Caledonian- road, and for which one man was sent to prison and another was bound over to keep the peace. We hesitate to condemn any good thing because it is misused, and therefore in view of the advantages which the coffee stall offers to the early morning and night workers we are unwilling to condemn it because it. becomes the rendezvous of night prowlers who are professional outlaws or who belong to the rank and file of the homeless Hooligan ready out of pure devilry to engage in any war with peaceful citizens. That it meets a want in the earlier hours of the night is doubtful, for ordinary refreshment houses are open until past midnight, and the majority of early birds in the industrial world do not require breakfast until a much later hour, indeed, until five or six in the morning. It could not be said that a quarter-past three a.m. was a breakfast hour, and it was at that time that Police-constable Wagg approaching a coffee stall in Caledonian-road heard some men say "Here comes a rozzer " (i.e., a policeman). The expression was to say the least aggressive, and the constable had a perfect right to " Move on " men who thus showed their readiness to insult the officer of the peace, more; over they followed up the remark with a cowardly assault upon him, and another constable and a passing citizen who came to their assistance. Both the assailants described themselves as warehousemen who had returned from a holiday outing, and they told a singular story of the constable challenging them in the first instance to fight and one of them " obliging him." Mean- while, as in the Euston-road homicide, there was an absence of testimony from the coffee stall keeper, who ought to have been a good witness. The very fact that these men seldom remember or see anything that passes before their stalls is a presumption in favour of the terrorism that the midnight prowlers exercise over them. The principal assailant in this affray was sent to prison for six months, but his brother, who appeared to be an active partizan, got off with the binding over. Seeing that the licensing law closes even, a harmless fried fish shop at half-past twelve at night, it seems somewhat of an anomally that night birds who are turned out of refreshment houses can go direct to a coffee stall and defeat any intention the Legislature had in making the first restriction. A murder of a policeman in Whitechapel some time ago, the killing of Mr. Spicer since, and innumberable cases of robberies and assaults in the small hours directly arising from coffee stalls ought to raise the question of whether there would be any hardship in restricting the business of the coffee nab—which is a profitable venture that contributes nothing to rates and taxes—to reasonable hours in the early moring when the legitimate workman comes forth to his daily toil? There is no reason why the thief, the prostitute, the roysterers, the hooligan, or even the cabman—who has a regular " shelter" at his command—should be provided with inducements to remain in the streets at unholy hours, and they can make but a poor justification for legitimate refreshment in the first hours of the day. it seems to us that the coffee stall is the remnant of the old days of night houses, and that as the population has become the better for the abolition of those places, so a restriction should be put upon what remains of a bad old custom. Nightly disturbances, and the testimony of the police themselves that most of the people who use coffee stalls in the small hours are the enemies of law and order, should be enough to suggest proper restrictions as to hours sufficient to safeguard the early morning worker who has a right to his humble breakfast and who would in no way be inconvenienced by the prohibition of the sale of refreshments at hours when they can neither be called supper nor breakfast.

      Monday 15th December 1902 Man & wife
      Man and wife
      Thomas Calvert 48 a coal porter of Hermes Hill, Pentonville was charged with assaulting his wife Louise Calevert.The complainant said her husband while they were at home the previous evening threatened to stab her with a knife. When the defendant was given into custody his wife complained that he had bitten her hand. Police Constable Wagg said he saw the defendant rush at his wife with an open knife in his hand. It was a murderous looking weapon that was taken from Calvert. Mr d'Eyncourt sent Calvert to gaol for three months and granted the wife a seperation, Calvery to pay her 6s weekly. 

      Tuesday 4th August 1903 Clerkenwell 
      CLERKENWELL. Charles Parson, 21, labourer, of no fixed abode, was charged with attempting to steal a watch and chain from the person of James George, at Pentonville-road —The Prosecutor, an estate collector, was attacked by the Prisoner and two other men at midnight. They ran off after hustling him, and he then noticed that his watch chain was hanging down. He spoke to Police-constable Wagg G Division, who pursued the lads. After a chase of about 6OO yards the officer succeeded in arresting Parsons, whose progress was arrested by a private individual. The prosecutor's watch was in pocket but the bow was broken off. This was found near the spot where the prosecutor was attacked. —The Prosecutor desired acknowledge the promptitude and energy displayed by Wagg.—Mr Paul Taylor, in committing the Prisoner for trial, asked the Prosecutor to repeat his commendation the officer to the Judge the Sessions.

      Tuesday 22nd September 1903 
      Alleged wounding. Yesterday, at the Clerkenwell Police-court, Alfred Crowder, 46, a costermonger, of no fix abode, was charged with maliciously wounding James Sessions, a metal polisher. The complainant was having some refreshment with a friend in the " George the Fourth " public house ' Pintonville-road, on Saturday night, when he received a blow in the back. He turned round and confronted the prisoner, who was flourishing a knife. Crowder, it was alleged, made another blow at the complainant, and Sessions, in warding it off, received the point of the blade in his right hand. Crowder was followed out, of the house and the knife taken from his possession. Police-constable Wagg, 323 G, was called and the prisoner was given into his custody. In reply to the charge, Crowder said, " The reason I did it was because be spit a mouthful of beer in my face." Mr. Bros remanded the prisoner.

      Tuesday 15th March 1904 Violent Milkman
      VIOLENT MILKMAN, Robert Jones, 28, a milkman, of no fixed abode, was charged, at the Clerkenwell Policecourt yesterday, with assaulting three police officers. Police-sergeant Hammond said that the prisoner rushed up to him in Clerkenwell-close on Saturday evening, and, flourishing a poker, shouted, "Now look out for yourself." The officer took the poker from the prisoner and arrested hint. Jones then became violent, struck the sergeant in the chest, and threw him heavily , to the ground. Police Constable Waller ran up, whereupon Jones said, "Look out, I'm going to give you trouble." He then kicked out wildly, bruising Police-constable Waller in four places on the legs and kicking his right hand. He also kicked Police-constable Wagg on the left leg and was not overpowered until his boots had been removed. Aprevious conviction was proved against him, and Mr. Bros sent him to gaol for six weeks. 

      Tuesday 29th March 1904 The Booze
      Thomas Bull (26), Frederick Pierce (26), and Albert Cresswell (19) were charged with assaulting Police Constable Wagg 328G, at Pentonvilleroad. Louis Lewis, 38, a carpenter, of Collier street, Islington, was charged with assaulting the same officer at the same place and John Skaggs, 24, was charged with being drunk. The officer (Wagg) said that on Sunday morning he saw a large crowd in Pentonville Road, round a coffee stall. He proceeded there and saw a man on the ground, bleeding from the mouth. All the prisoners were in the crowd standing round. The man said he did not know who struck him, and the officer requested the crowd to go away. Cresswell abused witness and then struck him in the face. The officer "made a grab " at Cresswell, and Pierce then struck him in the chest and Bull tripped him up. They then ran away, and the officer got up and followed. With assistance be succeeded in arresting Cresswell, when Lewis dealt him a blow. Eventually all the prisoners were arrested. Mr. Ricketts appeared for Pierce, and. in cross - examination, Wagg said he and his brother officers drew their truncheons, but never attempted to use them. Pierce was arrested on entering the police-station with his friend Bull. Skeggs alleged that Police-constable Wagg knocked him to the ground with a blow on the nose. This was denied by Wagg. For the defence, witnesses were called to the effect that the police were violent, and the prisoners had to defend themselves against the police. In the result, Mr. Bros fined Skaggs and Cresswell 40s and discharged Lewis, Pierce, and Bull. 

      Tuesday 26th July 1904 Clerkenwell Hooliganism
      CLERKENWELL HOOLIGANISM. John Kibble, 22, and William Thompson, M, described as carmen, were charged at the Clerkenwell Police-court yesterday with assaulting the police. Both prisoners, who reside in Clerkenwell, were seen in Garnault-place at two o'clock on Sunday morning kicking a can about the roadway. Police-constable Wollard, 274 G, spoke to them, whereupon Kibble used a filthy expression. The officer seized him. Kibble became violent and threw the constable heavily to the ground. Thompson then ran up and dealt the officer three swinging blows on the head with his clenched flat. The constable drew his truncheon, but it was wrenched from his grasp by Kibble. Police-constable Wagg ran up just as Kibble was about to belabour Police-constable Wollard, and snatched away the truncheon. Kibble immediately kicked Wagg about the legs. Both prisoners were then conveyed to the station. Previous convictions were proved against the prisoners: and Mr. d'Eyncourt sent Kibble to gaol for tiwo months, and Thompson for six weeks. 

      Thursday 6th October 1904 A rough neighbourhood
      ASSAULTING THE POLICE. Ellen Parsons, 37, Married, of Aylesbury Place Clerkenwell, was charged with assaulting Police Constable Wagg 328 G. The prisoner was taken into custody for behaving in a disorderly mariner and using bad language. Immediately on her arrest she spat in the officer's face. Mr. Bros ordered her to pay a fine of 40s in default, one month's imprisonment. 

      20th March 1906 Troubles of the publician 
      John Murray 21 seaman of Caledonian Road, was charged with assaulting Henry Green inside the Duke of York public house, York Road by kicking him in the back. Mr Ford stated that prisoner went to the public house. He was very drunk and prosecutor a barman refused to serve him. He was requested to leave, the barman holding the door open for him. Instead of doing so, he turned savagely upon the prosecutor, stuck him, knocked him down, and kicked him about the body in the ribs and on the back. Police Constable Wagg said that he came up and stopped the prisoner from further kicking the barman. He know the prisoner as a man who had been discharged from the navy. Mr Bors fined him 40s or a month.

    13. Ok the new thread has been started, I've called it Tales from the station cat. I assume that meets with everyone's approval?

      I've been unable to work out how to transfer posts to different threads, so Alan it's not to much trouble could you repost your none Watkins related threads onto it? I'd do it for you, but then it would look like I'd done the research. Then what I'll do I'll delete them from this thread so as to keep this one purely for Watkins. 


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