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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Jacques

    1. the reverse clearly showing the CEJ and 900 marks
    2. this picture shows the difference between the 2 marks
    3. PASTOR of the post nr4 received also this one at the same shipping date. To be noted that the number is not the same as the first one.
    4. If it can avoid you to loose money..the goal is done !
    5. Lets go, here are mine. PASTOR
    6. Jacques

      wound badge

      Looks fine to me. This is the "Verb?dete" variant, the best one IMO for the gold and silver class. Here is mine. jacques
    7. Hi, Interesting group. It is not always the number of awarded decorations which is facinating but also the variety, even if it come single. There is an thread concerning each of these documents, may be you can add them in. preliminary documents: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2429 ?bersendungschreiben: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8708 jacques
    8. These documents were sent to the family address of the former members of the LC , accompagnying the spanish medals documents and the SC document. Let share yours Which is particularly interesting on these document is the bigram Number/Date on the top left, and the date on top right, and of course the medals awarded. It seems that there is an attribution number for each year. What is also interesting is the wide range period and late date at which the documents were done and sent, between 1940 and 1943.
    9. OK, that's what I though. Nothing to do with a genuine CEJ; Flat cross wrong eagles large center disk wrong pin's form wrong MM the MM should be like on that pic Don't make the trade jacques
    10. Hi Andy, The tex t slightly varies depending on the class of the awarded cross, to make a slight difference on the act of bravery. Honestly, I've no more explaination. I can study my files and try to find a logical one. thank s to point out that . jacques
    11. Lol...I already transmitted the virus to Sal....
    12. Don't be too hurry .... Keep busy with the PAB's, there are so many variants to collect, then jump onto the numbered badges if it is not already done.
    13. I'm not confident with that cross, and if the MM is CEJ in a square, it will confirm my doubts.
    14. Does the cross come with its original case ? I think your cross is an "Ega?a" production. jacques
    15. Jacques

      LC overseas cap

      another illustration
    16. Jacques

      LC overseas cap

      a pic taken during the Berlin parade (June 6th, 1939)
    17. Jacques

      LC overseas cap

      another pic of the same side cap
    18. Jacques

      LC overseas cap

      Another one to compare the form of the side cap presented by Francisco and period pictures. the pic was taken in Spain.
    19. Jacques

      LC overseas cap

      here is an illustration of the side cap worn
    20. Hi, It seems that the cross is maker's marked, could you ask for a picture of the MM ? jacques
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