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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Claudio

    1. Dear all,

      I'd like to show some photographs I have taken of the above-mentioned Memorial. These were taken during a cold and windy March day. I was the first to enter this memorial and was pratically alone. It was really impressive and because of the fact that I was alone it touched me particularly. It is dedicated to all fallen on all seas, initially to commemorate WWI Imperial Navy casualties ( Marine-Ehrenmal Laboe Link ).

      Here's the first pictures of the almost 70 meters tall monument erected in 1929.

      Enjoy the pictures!



    2. Dear all,

      I am quite happy that I controlled my temptation to bid on the medal bar only. It's quite a relief to hear that this group will be kept all together (for how long we don't know...). Collectors are merely temporary holder of history and if we can't work out a deal to keep such groups also after our passing (like O'Connor with his collection given to the technical museum in Berlin to be shown in a special exhibition), well chances are that most of these wonderful pieces of military history will simply disappear.

      Can we know either the ending price of the whole group or of the single pieces? I tried to find it on the website, without success.



    3. Hi Sandro!

      Congrats! :cheers::cheers::cheers:

      I tried twice to buy it, but destiny didn't want to give me a chance to successfully bring to a happy end the deal. I know the previous owner, so it comes from a really very trustful collection.

      I also know that in the past fellow collectors tried to research on the original owner of the bar, but without any results. Nonetheless it's a fantastic medal bar of a brave long serving Prussian officer. That Rettungsmedaille is quite interesting... I thought because of that the name of the officer could be found.

      I have also a couple of nice bars with either exotic combinations or orders, but sometimes these bars cannot researched, or maybe you must pray that somebody has the time, money and patience to find and research rolls of orders of States like Reuss... :rolleyes: I haven't heard that this has been done or even if there's a slight chance to find something lying around in some dark archives in Germany. But who knows...



    4. Salut Christophe,

      It's already some years that I have that Ehrenkreuz 3. Kl.. Once I bought a Reuss Ehrenkreuz 3 Kl. with swords and crowns from a German auction house, which has been sold as mint conditions, but the crown has been added quite crudely and I had to send it back... The third class with crown and swords it's quite rare.. here one in a medal bar of General der Infanterie Rudolf GERCKE I badly wanted and bid on it, but unfortunately I wasn't lucky to get it!



    5. Hi Thomas,

      I guess you got the rest at Kube's auction, didn't you? I might know some details I don't (in red); can you provide them to me?

      15.07.1903 Diensteintritt in die bayerische Armee

      1904 Kgl. Bayerische Armee Patent als Fähnrich

      08.03.1905 Leutnant im 2. Fußartillerie-Regiment

      1905 Luitpold-Medaille

      28.10.1912 Oberleutnant

      25.12.1914 MVO 4. Klasse mit Schwertern

      14.01.1912 Hauptmann (28.11.1914 gem. bayr. Dienstalterliste, Nr. 63 gem. Reichsheer-Dienstalterliste)

      23.08.1918 MVO 4. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern im Dienste der Untergruppe Süd der schwersten Flachfeuergruppe, 18. Armee

      31.01.1924 Rücktritt vom Artillerie-Regiment Nr. 7, 31. Januar 1924

      02.10.1936 Dienstauszeichnungen 1. u. 3. Klasse

      12.10.1937 Oberstleutnant (E) gemäß der Stellenbesetzung im OKH, Wa Prüf 4

      01.02.1938 Dienstalterliste Oberst (E), Nr. 2 gem. Januar 1939 Stellenliste

      1938 Anschluss-Erinnerungsmedaille Sudentenland

      01.05.1940 Oberst z.D. gemäß Dienstaltersliste der Offiziere z.D. OKH, Wa Prüf 4

      30.01.1941 KVK 2. Klasse mit Schwertern

      30.07.1941 Anstellungsurkunde als Oberst, OU von Brauchitsch

      01.02.1943 Generalmajor, gem. Rangliste 1944-45, Oberes Kommando des Heeres OKH, WaPrüf 4

      Any other decorations (WWII) missing?

      Thanks in advance!



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