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    Posts posted by Claudio

    1. Today I got up with the hope that you guys (Rick & Daniel) would find something interesting for my brother... and you did come up with two names! :beer::beer::beer: That's incredible... the Waldeck spange was a bit difficult to find on a dealer's table... so small, but so great!!! I was surprised to see the two W?rttemberg ribbon bars still laying on a table, since I arrived the next day... I am sorry Paul! Next time you will be more lucky ;) . But you also did find some nice stuff.

      Usually my brother is very skeptical about any ribbon or medal bar, but with that 2 W?rttemberg bars we had no second thoughts. The only thing I didn't like about Wollaib's ribbon bar is the absence of any backing fabrich on the reverse, but this is quite normal for W?rttemberg's bars; the Svabians (Schwaben) are known to save money where they can... like we Swiss!



    2. Dear forumites,

      Here are some of my brother Marco's new purchases. At last he could find the quite uncommon wreath device of W?rttemberg. I think that the last ribbon bar from the top could be researchable, since the wearer of the bar a career officer was with many interesting decorations from different states (W?rttemberg, Hessen, Prussia and Austro-Hungarian Empire).

      Any inputs or comments are very appreciated.



    3. Hi Sam,

      Interesting to see that DN has sold this medal bar. In fact, I can remember quite distinctly that this bar was on a table at the Gunzenhausen of another vendor last year. He wanted Eur 450.- much more that DN has sold this bar. I was very interested in this bar, but at that time for me the price was too high and the vendor wouldn't have gone down with the price. Now I see it on DN website for Eur 375.-. That means that that dealer in Gunzenhausen has passed this bar to DN for much less.

      Sometimes I wonder why some dealers they want to make such a huge profit, risking not to sell their items and finally they exchange such items among them for much less! :speechless::speechless: I can't really understand it...



    4. Dear forumites,

      Here's my brother Marco's medal bar with a L?beck Hansa cross...


      9-teilige Ordenschnalle des S.M.S. Schiffes ?Seeadler? Marine-Generalarztes a.D. Dr. Theodor Hansen


      ? Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 1914, 2.Klasse (OEK 1909)

      ? Preussen, Roter Adler Orden, 4. Klasse (OEK 1704)

      ? L?beck, Hanseatenkreuz, 1915-18 (OEK 1265)

      ? Hessen-Darmstadt, Milit?r-Sanit?ts-Kreuz, 1914 (OEK 937)

      ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer mit Schwertern (OEK 3803/1)

      ? Preussen, Rotes Kreuz, 3. Klasse, Medaille, 1898-1921 (OEK 1872)

      ? Preussen, DA-Kreuz f?r 25 Dienstjahre der Offiziere, 3. Model, 1. Typ (OEK 1970)

      ? Deutsches Reich 1871-1918, China Denkm?nze f?r K?mpfer (OEK 3150)

      ? Preussen, Centenar-Medaille, 1897 (OEK 1965)




    5. I am surprised... if the awards of the MVK1 am Bande f. Kriegsverdienst (Beamtenband) are 1'600 that means that the MVK1 am Kriegsband are at least 5-6 times more. In this case the MVK1s are much less rare than expected. But still on the market you see 90% of the available MVK1s are "improved" ones (MVK3s gilted and with the center enameled) and the real MVK1s (Verleihungsst?cke, with multiple parts center gold medallion cypher "L") are still very hard to find indeed! How could you explain this?



    6. Thank you, Werner, for your interesting information about the stastics of the MVK2 am Beamtenband. Do you know how many MVK1 am Beamtenband were awarded? They must be definetely less than 500...

      Here I have some interesting statistics... maybe any of you, dear researchers, could complete or correct this list.

      Milit?rverdienstkreuz, 1. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern: ca. 175

      Milit?rverdienstkreuz, 1. Klasse mit Schwertern: ca. 700

      Milit?rverdienstkreuz, 2. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern: ca. 3?800

      Milit?rverdienstkreuz, 2. Klasse mit Schwertern: ca. 15?000

      Milit?rverdienstkreuz, 2. Klasse am Beamtenband 1?883

      Milit?rverdienstkreuz, 3. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern: ca. 73?000

      Milit?rverdienstkreuz, 3. Klasse mit Schwertern: ca. 290?000



    7. Dear fellow collectors,

      I'd like to show you my latest purchase: an interesting medal bar of a very likely senior LW fonctionary (Beamte), with a Hindenburg cross marked Godet & Sohn.

      Here's the description of the medals:

      ? Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 (OEK 1909)

      ? Bayern, Milit?rverdienstkreuz 2. Kl. mit Krone und Schwertern am Beamtenband (OEK 428)

      ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer (OEK 3803), Hersteller G & S (Godet & Sohn)

      ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Dienstauszeichnung 1. Klasse f?r 25 Dienstjahre der LW (OEK 3857)

      ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Dienstauszeichnung 3. Klasse f?r 12 Dienstjahre der LW (OEK 3859)

      ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. M?rz 1938, Anschluss ?sterreichs (OEK 3516)

      ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938, Anschluss Sudetenland mit Spange ?Prager Burg? (OEK 3817 + 3818)

      One ribbon bar is with the correct MVK Beamtenband and the other with an uncorrect (maybe because out of stock) MVK war merit ribbon.

      Your comments and opinions are most appreciate, especially regarding the MVK 2. Kl. mit Kr. u. Schwertern. Although the combination is quite rare, considering the MVK 2. Kl. mit Kr. u. Schwertern am Beamtenband, I don't think this bar could be researchable, if I won't find the picture of this medal bar's holder wearing it.



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