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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Claudio

    1. Unfortunately I couldn't get maybe the most important document of the decorations on the Frackspange: the Olberg-Kreuz Verleihungsurkunde signed by Prince Eitel Friedrich Prinz von Preussen!!!! ARRRGGGGHHHH..... :banger::banger: It went for too much money for my taste... :angry::(:(

      At least I made a copy of the online-catalogue's scan of the afore mentioned document! What a consolation...

      I hope you enjoyed this travel through the time of a well decorated Hannoverian top Bank manager...



    2. Finally on July 5, 1917 Herr Klaproth received his medal!

      Herr Klaproth had good manners... he wrote back to Herr Generalkonsul von Koch to thank him for the nice letter and medal he got from him! Talking about German Grundlichkeit... Herr Klaproth - fortunately for us collectors - made the effort to file all his documents so neately!

    3. Dear forumites,

      In order to bring to new life this very interesting forum, I'd like to take to opportunity to share one of my latest purchases...

      Medal description of the Frackspange (Godet):

      ? Preussen, Verdienstkreuz f?r Kriegshilfe, 1916-1924 (OEK 1966)

      ? Preussen, Roter Adler Orden 4. Klasse (OEK 1704)

      ? Preussen, Olberg-Kreuz, ab 1910 (OEK 1854)

      ? Osmanisches Reich, Medaille Roter Halbmond

      Miniature description (Godet):

      ? Osmanisches Reich, Medaille Roter Halbmond

      ? Preussen, Roter Adler Orden 4. Klasse (OEK 1704)

      ? Preussen, Verdienstkreuz f?r Kriegshilfe, 1916-1924 (OEK 1966)

      ? Schaumburg-Lippe, Hausorden Offiziersehrenkreuz (OEK 1206)

      ? Sachsen-Weimar, Hausoden vom Weissen Falken, Komturkreuz (OEK 2329)

      ? Oldenburg, Hausorden Herzog Peter Friedrich Ludwig, Offizierskreuz (OEK 1512)

      ? Osmanisches Reich, Medjidje-Orden, Komturkreuz

      Any additional information on Herrn Klaproth is very welcome!!!




    4. @ Scott: Yes, the St. Heinrich Order is loose, but it's in very good conditions without any enamel damage, very rare for such an order with delicates enameled parts, especially like the crowns and the medallion (Saxon Crest).

      @ Bernd: What's your source of information? Do you have any other details to share? Thanks in advance for your most appreciated assistance!

      Herewith I am posting another medal bar, a late WWII Godet medal bar (see unuusual fabric - light blue instead of grey - on the reverse). Our Rick L. researched the likely wearer of this bar and came up with a name.

      Description of the medals:

      ? Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914 (OEK 1909)

      ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Kriegverdienstkreuz 2. Kl. ohne Schwerter (OEK 3836)

      ? Sachsen-K?nigreich, Ritterkreuz St. Heinrich-Orden (OEK 2088)

      ? Sachsen-K?nigreich, Zivildienstorden RK 2. Klasse mit Schwertern (OEK 2155)

      ? Sachsen-K?nigreich, Albrechtsorden 2. Kl. mit Schwertern (OEK 2212)

      ? S?chsiche Herzogt?mer ab 1826, RK 2. Klasse mit Schwertern (OEK 2478)

      ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer (OEK 3803)

      ? ?sterreich 1. Republik, 1. WK Erinnerungsmedaille

      ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen, 2. Stufe (OEK 3509)

      ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen, 1939 (OEK 3520)

      ? Ungarn, 1. WK Erinnerungsmedaille

      Research of Mr. Richard Lundstr?m:

      Adalbert Flaccus born 24 December 1880 in Alterwald, Rheinprovinz. Also in Saxon J?ger Bataillon 12 (last KNOWN

      rank Lt dR 23.1.09 W), civil occupation Diplom Ingenieur (that Westwall.....).

      SA3bX 19.10.15 as Lt dR in JB 12

      SEHO-R2X 20.5.16 as Oberlt dR in JB 12.

      SV3bX 24.12.16 (a nice birthday present!) as Oberlt dR in JB12

      StHO 29.4.17 as Oberlt dR and a company commander in JB 12 on the Macedonian front

      His St. Henry was earned amidst Turkish and Bulgarian troops, so I am surprised there is no Bulgarian WW1

      Commemorative Medal. It is possible that this group was NOT his, but I'm at least 80% sure it was.

      Enjoy the pictures...




    5. And I know where this one is...

      mmmhh.... let me guess! Here it is! I still like it very much!!!!

      Research of Mr. Rick Lundstr?m

      *09.01.1883 Kurt Oertmann was born in Wurzen, Saxony.

      ca. 1903 Joined the army. He served his entire career with the Saxon Infantry regiment no. 102

      18.08.1903 Leutnant

      ca. 1910 Received Bavarian Military Merit Order, Fourth Class, Peacetime ribbon, while on

      detached service as Cadet Instructor with the Royal Saxon Corps of Cadets

      09.08.1912 Oberleutnant

      ca. 1914 Serving as Adjutant I Korps, Infantry Regiment no. 102

      31.10.1914 Albert Order, Knight?s Cross, 2nd Class with Swords

      28.11.1914 Hauptmann

      05.02.1916 Bavarian Military Merit Order, 4th Class with Swords

      20.05.1916 Albert Order, Knight?s Cross, 1st Class with Swords

      24.08.1917 Albert Order, Crown to The Knight?s Cross, 1st with Swords

      07.05.1918 Military Order of Saint Henry, Knight?s Cross

      St. Henry Citation: Oertmann has distinguished himself again at the Battle of Armentieres, where the IR 102 was attached to the 32nd Infantry Division (09.04.1918). Without caring for his own safety, he led his battalion several times in assaults on the enemy lines. His leadership and courage had great influence on the spirit of his men.

      Serving as Hauptmann/Commanding II Korps, Infantry Regiment no. 102

      ca. 1920 Demobilized from the Imperial Army

      Listed in 1939 as Commander, Wehrmeldeamt Bitterfeld, Saxony, with the rank of Major z.D., seniority date of 1 June, 1932.




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