The Defence Medal - 3 years or 6 months or 3 months service qualified for it, depending on type and location of service, although service curtailed by death or injury n some circumstances automatically qualified, as did award of a gallantry medal or decoration. Excerpt from an appendix to conditions of award of 1946: Change in the Time Qualification for the Defence Medal. 9. The present time qualification is three years at home in a territory subject to enemy attacks or closely threatened, this being reduced to three months for mine and bomb disposal units of the Forces. The time qualification for military service overseas from or outside the country of residence is twelve months. This period of twelve months is now reduced to six for service in territories subjected to enemy air attack or closely threatened. The Defence Medal 10 (viii) Special awards states: Service in eligible categories brought to an end before the period of three years or twelve, six, or three months active service has been completed, either by death due to enemy action when on duty, or by injuries entitling the candidate to a Wound Stripe, completion, will be a qualification for the grant of the Defence Medal. Also, although the closing date for qualification for Forces personnel was 8/5/45, service overseas from, or outside the country of residence continued to qualify up until 2/9/45. Depending on service then, the time qualification was between 3/9/39 - 2/9/45, for 3 years, 6 months, 3 months or by death or Wound Stripe earning wound by enemy action. So a number of the examples given in this thread appear to qualify - eg, the wounded Sapper, the 2 air force fatalities. Other examples given in the thread may also qualify - I just have'nt got the capacity to address them yet - this stuff does my head in. I need to sit and scan all the info in the pamphlet & post it here.