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    1812 Overture

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    Posts posted by 1812 Overture

    1. Dear friends. I think it is beneficial to have arguments sometimes. After all, everyone knows different things (I don't think I have eaten more canned mackerel:poo:). Haha. Please allow me to send a photo of myself in this article! I don't think you will mind.:P


    2. 16 hours ago, JapanX said:

      You are clearly quite upset Micke. I'm sorry if I said or do anything to offend you. In fact my desicion to post anything in this thread was a huge mistake in the first place.  That will never happen again.  I wish you all the luck in your future research projects.

      I think you are also very upset, friend, if we are together, I really should ask you to have a vodka.:beer:


      1941? Where is 1941? Please note this gentleman's hat and his bar. Does he wear the 1914-1918 Memorial Medal?


      Thai order reference book, all Thai, I don't understand


    3. On 20/11/2018 at 19:55, JapanX said:

      Of course it was possible :beer: 

      P.S. This medal was recently sold in Japan. Ribbon folded in sacred treasure style  + typical japanese hook ;) 



      1817241040_psb(1).jpg.c018c7ff324c60d5366538942aecaf78.jpgI found it! This is a Chinese businessman. He has a lot of wealth in Manchuria, but his ending is very bad. He won the medal, but it looks like the Olympic medal. PS: I use Google Translated Russian to express the meaning is not accurate, you can simply introduce the way to get this medal in English? Thank you


      His Chinese name is "Jian Liantai"

    4. 8 hours ago, JapanX said:

      I bet you will because you`re quite a reseacher Micke. That's for sure.

      To say nothing about the incredible level of your trustworthness.

      Simply incredible 217e84943fe1f659e79feaef909f2498.gif

      Friends, are you talking about the second edition of the Thai White Elephant Order? I am going to work in my time. I have a book from the Thai people, specializing in their order, but they are all Thai. I will give you photos tomorrow.

    5. 15 hours ago, Paul R said:

      I need to go to China.  Those medals are amazing.  Are the prices reasonable when compared to the online markets we all know?

      The price is a bit expensive, but pay attention to the appearance. Which city do you want to come to in China? Not all cities have medal order stores

    6. Dear friends, I recently wanted to collect a high-level  Order of African Redemption from Liberia, but I wonder if there are German or Austrian-Hungarians who can get it? At the same time, I also hope that you can give me some time to take photos of photos taken before 1920. Also, I want to know what is the standard of its acquisition?  Thank you:)

    7. In the first words, I would like to thank my new friend Tony, who gave me confidence and opened up new articles here. There are very few old photos in my hand, so there is no way to compare them. And what I want to say, the translation from the translator is often not what I want to express. If there is something I don't understand, I am sorry! I want to keep updating this series, every time I open a new theme, but I am sometimes lazy.:P



      This is a map of Qingdao's defense fortress before Japan attacked Qingdao. Some places no longer exist, and some are occupied by the army. I will tell you what I can understand.



      Today I mainly introduce the "West Town Artillery Position". This is the photo I just took in the morning.


      I only found this old photo, which was the position that was blown up before the German retreat.


      The government erected a monument to protect, but it was useless


      This is the entrance to the fortress, you can see a small fortress on the right side of the photo. I can't go in because the people who live here are. . .


      pirate! ! !

      No, no, no, they are homeless people. Similar to the American tramp


      The fort was originally built by the Qing army, but he was occupied by the German army before he was completed. The Germans placed a 4*210 mm cannon here. And left 75 people to defend here.



      You can see that now he is surrounded by rubbish and has a lot of appendages on it.







      Is this a fixed cannon?


      There are a lot of "Hell Alert Dogs" here.



    8. 4 hours ago, Farkas said:

      Hi Gents, 1812 Overture 

      i thought these were on display not for sale. Currency value mean these may be extremely tempting in this part of the world. Please show us more if you visit again....




      I don't know how to describe the location, but he is on the second floor. If I am at the scene, I know how to get there.

    9. On 01/11/2007 at 09:32, 922F said:

      Greetings! The number of classes of this Order have varied between 3 to 4 to 5 since its inception. It added a Grand Commander (Commander + star) grade in the 1890s and an Officer grade (rosette on breast badge) in the 1910s. Some French awardees receive an officer's badge and star for the Grand Commander grade. The officer grade went away in the 1920s but reappeared in the 1930s. The statutes are provided in the Laws of Liberia. I will provide the exact cites in about a month as I am traveling now.


      The Order of African Redemption may have an associated medal. [According to the second statutes it was in 3 classes, gold, silver, and bronze. It is not mentioned in the most recent statutes.] The round medal has an enamel depiction of the Liberian coat-of-arms on the obverse and the inscription "Honour" on the reverse. Ribbons are varied; some medals have the order ribbon, some use a red/white/blue ribbon and there are other varients plus ribbons added by individuals. Liberia's Order of the Star of Africa has a 3 class medal associated with it. Obverse is the order insignia central medallion design, reverse the reverse central order insignia medallion. Ribbon is blue w/ith red horizontal stripes but it is seen on other ribbons.

      Dear friend, I am sorry that I found this article for so long. I am very interested in the Liberian order recently. I would like to ask you, is it possible for the people of the Second Empire of Germany and the Austrian-Hungarian people to obtain this order? Do you have any old photos of other people wearing this order of breast stars? Thank you

    10. On 06/11/2018 at 09:23, Ulsterman said:

      Oh. My. God!

      That is the holy grail of Korean medal collecting! You are the luckiest collector on the site for 2018! I would cheerfully trade twelve EK1s for that!

      The value of this medal has skyrocketed since “ Mr Sunshine” aired on KBS/ KBT. 

      Also, one of Asias’ biggest films of last year was about this couples’ daughter- “The Last Princess! “

      The last one I saw at auction in the USA went for $2000 and was resold in Seol six weeks later to the Blue House collection for $5000. 

      This is one of the very few independent Korean Empire ( Joeson) medals actually awarded! Estimates are about 1000 were given out- mostly bronze. After the Japanese military intelligence coup d’tat was completed this medal was banned. 

      It is VERY desirable in Korea now! 


      I am sorry to find that this medal that I have collected for two months has been sold, because I recently liked the breast star, I feel very charming.

      It turns out that you also like to watch "Mr. Sunshine". This is a good TV series, but his ending makes me feel sad.

    11. 6 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hello ,1812 . I have just read your posts about the former German House . very interesting , Tell me, existed today some of the old German Forts '? or at least remains of some one ?

      Dear friends, the tombs of the former Europeans were destroyed during the Chinese movement. The previous news said that when the ditch was dug, the tombstones were found. As for the German fortress in Qingdao, there are many, and there are many destroyed.

      9 hours ago, Farkas said:

      Hi 1812 Overture

      Well done for braving the dogs and old men for our cause! 

      i hope people like yourself can protect history such as this from development....

      i enjoy your posts...

      Very interesting











      I need to respect you for a beer.:cheers:

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