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    Posts posted by speedytop

    1. Hi,

      it is the wrong and the correct place for this ;) .

      Your question is good for Imperial Germany, Weimarer Republic, Third Reich and Germany post WW II.

      Have a look at these threads:




      I can now add some information about a described but not shown sports badge, post 41:


      "He did not show the picture, but he stated, that there is a DRL sports badge without swastika in the Third Reich, between DRA and DRL with swastika.

      Than he described a sports badge from Wernstein Jena without a swastika, and the swastika was not filed off. It was made in this design original in the dies, no POW denazified it, no jewelers hand work.

      I have never seen this piece."

      Meanwhile I have seen this piece (I had contact with the German collector), it is a denazified DRL with swastika :rolleyes: :

      Yes, some copies exist, but most badges are real.



    2. Rick,

      have a look at the post of Paul R:

      "I guess it would have to do with the quantity/quality of the direct contribution to the planning and execution of the multinational exercise?"

      "quantity/quality", and that is not fixed on a military rank ;) .

      We are not in Imperial Germany.

      And I know some Generals, who know how to appreciate the merits of other people :D .



    3. Hi Rick,

      why "overdecorated"?

      When the Major did even more for friendship and comradeship between the nations in the Eastern Bloc than the Colonel or the General, who met some foreign soldiers and shook only hands?

      The Oberst with the medal in Bronze 1983 was a "Politoffizier", and I think, that there was only very little contact to foreigners.

      That is German understatement :D



    4. Hi,

      the grade is not forceful combined with the rank.

      My documents, only for Germans:

      Bronze Generalmajor NVA 1966

      Bronze Oberst NVA 1983

      Gold Generalleutnant NVA 1982

      Gold Major MfS 1985

      "My" General owned only Bronze and Gold, not Silver!

      Other documents shown here:

      Bronze Stabsfeldwebel NVA 1987

      Silber (foreign) Generalmajor 1982


      the design of the ribbon changed in 1967.

      Therfore it is difficult, to say it for medal or ribbon bars in that time.

      Enclosed is the picture of one of the medal bars of "my" General, both medals correct with 3 stripes! It is a very bright blue.

      The stripes for Bronze are more yellow-orange, for Gold more red-orange.

      The medal for merit in Silver is marked 900, not on the reverse, but on the rim, on top of the reverse you can find the award number 00XXX. All the decorations with matching documents!



    5. This document is for the same man in 1966.

      The award was instituted 17. February 1966.

      The document here is defined as "Ausweis f?r die Verleihung der Medaille an ausl?ndische B?rger"

      (Identity card for foreigners)

      Source: Feder/Feder, Auszeichnungen der Nationalen Volksarmee der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1994

      But it is not a document for a foreign soldier, it is for a German Generalmajor, at that time commander of a Panzerdivision.

      To show the small dimensions, a picture of the medal is added in the same scale.

    6. Gordon,

      looking for the name of the General of the 5. Panzerdivision, you have to exclude the divisional commanders.

      Brigadegeneral was his last rank, and that is for the second in command, "stellvertretender Divisionskommandeur".

      And I don't think, that it is BrigGen v. Heimendahl. I know him, and he is a man with a real sense of tradition, and I think, that he would not give away his uniform :) .



    7. Hi,

      there is something, that I cannot read, and something, that I cannot understand.

      K?niglich-Hannnoversches 4. Infanterieregiment

      Inhaber dieses, der Infanterist J?rgen Heinrich M?ller I.

      geboren zu Neetze Amts Scharnebeck hat in obigem Regiment

      die auf der folgenden Seite bemerkte Zeit treu und redlich

      gedient, ist jedoch nunmehro nach abgelaufener Dienstzeit

      aus dem selben entlassen, und, nachdem er durch seine Name(?)

      Unterschrift umstehend seine Abrechnung als richtig anerkannt hat, mit diesem Abschiede versehen worden

      Stabs-Quartier Stade, den 21. October 1855

      R?st, Oberstleutnant Regimentskommandeur (Oberstlt. Regts-Commdr.)

      Signalement des Verabschiedeten:

      Alter: 28 (23?) Jahre

      Gr??e: 5 Fu? 9 Zoll

      Haare: blond

      Augen: grau (gr?n?)

      Handwerk: -0-

      It is the end of his time as a soldier. Is there another page with his listed time of service?


      Das Betragen des nach beendeter Dienstzeit verabschiedeten

      und unter dem 31. October 1855

      mit einem guten Abschiede

      versehenen Infanteristen J?rgen Heinrich M?ller I.

      ist w?hrend seiner activen Dienstzeit

      und, eingezogenen Erkundigungen zufolge, auch w?hrend seiner zeitweiligen

      Beurlaubungen von der Art gewesen, da? er ohne Nachtheil des Dien-

      stes wieder als Stellvertreter angenommen werden kann. Der Infanterist M?ller I.

      geh?rt nach Ansicht des (unreadable, need a better picture, it could be important)

      Stade, den 31, October 1855


      (unreadable) (that could be the paymaster)



      Oberstleutnant Regimentskommandeur

      Is on the page in post 6 another signature from M?ller, could be XXX?

      The left signature is from Oberstleutnant Steinwedell as Bataillonskommandeur(?)



    8. Hi,

      you are interested in some more information?

      The shields are normally for Brigades and higher, several years ago 3 Tank Regiments had such a shield for some years.

      The silver (black/white) colour around the shields is not only for the Divisional Headquarter, it is for the Divisional Troops (Divisionstruppen) too, e.g. Artillerie, Logistic

      In this case here the colour yellow is for the 15. Panzerbrigade (post 8).

      Please look here:


      I see two different colours on the tab and at the strap?

      The tab is more red (korallenrot) for Heeresflugabwehrtruppe (Army anti aircraft), the strap is more orange, and that is for Feldj?ger (MP). Both are Divisional Troops.

      Please look here:


      "Waffengattung" is the wrong term, there are "Truppengattungen" (branches) with "Waffenfarben".

      It was an enlisted man, the rank is not correct to identify, but I think it was a Gefreiter with one stripe (see post 2) and look here:


      ore here:


      Kevin, please have a look into the left inside pocket, pull out the inside, normally you can find there some more information in German jackets.



    9. Hi,

      the Freie Deutsche Jugend FDJ in the DDR/GDR was a mass organization like the Hitlerjugend HJ in the TR.

      Existence from 1946 to 1990.

      Children aged 6 -14 years were organized in the "Pionierorganisation Ernst Th?lmann", Junge Pioniere JP (!981 1,6 million members).

      The youth aged 14 to max. 25 years was organized in the FDJ (1981 2,3 million members).

      There were hundreds of decorations, medals and badges in both organizations.



    10. Hi,

      it is a civil FDJ decoration.

      It was awarded only to the best FDJ men.

      Roosevelt is good :) , but I think, it is Genosse Wilhelm Pieck, the president of the DDR.

      In Bartel, DDR-Spezialkatalog 1949-1990, edited 1998, you can find it at No. 2482.

      I think, that they often lost the medal, because the hanger for the medal ist badly soldered.

      It is not a common decoration like Kollektiv or Aktivist of the socialist labour.

      There are two different medals, one made of aluminium (less value), the other of Bronze.

      You can wear the brooch without the medal, it is separable.



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