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    Posts posted by Deutschritter

    1. On 19/10/2021 at 08:53, David M said:

      In the photo it is the MWK1, so correctly identified by Roman. Apart from the crown, the letters encircling are distinct from the SEHO1

      Thank you, David! But my question, which you quoted (Posted yesterday at 08:53), was: "Dear Roman, picture #1 you identify the "Mecklenburg-Strelitz order of the Wendish crown breast-star", but I personally think it is the star of the Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden (verified by the Rangliste 1904 of the Prussian army), the Hausorden der Wendischen Krone he surely received later."


      Your answer was: "In the photo it is the MWK1, so correctly identified by Roman." In your quotation there was NOT my question "I am still trying to find out the name of the breast star above the EK I. " ... Therefore this was not making sense; Great Dane had already answered with "Order of the Wendish Crown from Mecklenburg-Strelitz" (Posted Monday at 01:42), I thanked him and posted a picture of the Hausorden der Wendischen Krone.


      Roman identified the star in picture 1: "Mecklenburg-Strelitz order of the Wendish crown breast-star", which of course, as I have shown, it is not. Before this gets too complicated, and I am sure Roman well agree, his "1st picture from 1897" shows:


      Lippischer Hausorden, Ehrenkreuz I. Klasse (LDH1)

      Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden, Großkreuz (HSH1)

      Albrechtsorden, Großkreuz (SA1)

      Zentenarmedaille, 1897

    2. 15 hours ago, David M said:

      In the photo it is the MWK1, so correctly identified by Roman. Apart from the crown, the letters encircling are distinct from the SEHO1

      David, I am not an expert, therefore be patient with me. I looked at Roman's pictures again, the second one is really great ... and still, I see, as the Rangliste states, the Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden, Großkreuz (HSH1), not the (McklWKr1/MWK1/MK1). Please give me your input and compare with my picture #3.







      3 hours ago, Solomon said:

      Regarding the Johanniter-order, I have another very rare and interesting photo of Leopold IV.´s father,

      Grafregent Ernst zur Lippe-Biesterfeld...enjoy!



      BTW, in your list one order is missing: Lippe-Detmold Goldene Verdienstmedaille, which he is wearing at the medalbar.


      Absolutely stunning, thank you! I am adding Goldene Verdienst-Medaille and Inhaberkreuz (Leopold-Orden).




    3. Gentlemen, thank you very much, wonderful work. I read yesterday, that he received the ROA I. Klasse (not the grand cross, which surprised me) in 1906, so he probably received the SAO shortly before?! Dear Roman, picture #1 you identify the "Mecklenburg-Strelitz order of the Wendish crown breast-star", but I personally think it is the star of the Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden (verified by the Rangliste 1904 of the Prussian army), the Hausorden der Wendischen Krone he surely received later. What do you think? One more small question, for picture #3 you write "Lippe-Detmold Leopold order owner´s cross" ... what exactly does that mean? Could you please translate in German?


      Apart from that, just excellent. Here now the list you guys helped with so graciously, please correct whatever needs to be corrected:


      Lippischer Hausorden, Ehrenkreuz I. Klasse (LDH1)

      ... mit Cordon bzw. Schärpe

      Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden, Großkreuz (HSH1)

      Albrechtsorden, Großkreuz (SA1)

      Zentenarmedaille, 1897

      Denkmünze auf den Einzug des Graf-Regenten Ernst in Detmold 1897

      Fürstlich Lippischer Hausorden, Großkreuz mit Stern und Cordon für den Fürsten

      ... an der Großen Ordensschnalle trug er zugleich die III. Klasse sowie das Goldene Verdienstkreuz

      Leopold-Orden (Lippe), Großehrenkreuz (I. Klasse)

      ... an der Großen Ordensschnalle trug er zugleich die II. Klasse (ohne Krone) des 1. Modells

      ... seit 1908 trug er an der Großen Ordensschnalle auch das (Inhaber-)Kreuz zum Leopold-Orden (Spangenstück)

      ... 1910 die Kette zum Leopold-Orden erhalten

      ... 1910 die Goldene Verdienstmedaille zum Leopold-Orden erhalten

      Denkmünze auf den erstrittenen Thronanspruch 1905

      Lippisches Kriegervereins-Kreuz, 1906

      Schwarzer Adlerorden

      Roter Adlerorden, I. Klasse, 1906

      Hausorden der Wendischen Krone, Großkreuz (Mecklenburg-Strelitz)

      Orden des Heiligen Hubertus

      Ritterorden der hl. Mauritius und Lazarus

      Orden des Heiligen Marinus

      Ehrenritter des Johanniter-Ordens

      ... zugleich Ehrenmitglied des Ordens; er war einer von bislang nur acht bekannten Trägern des Kreuzes der Ehrenmitglieder des Johanniterordens. Dies bestand laut AKO von 1861 aus dem Kreuz der Ehrenritter (mit schwarzen Adlern) und der goldenen Krone, wie sie nur von weiblichen und männlichen Mitgliedern regierender Häuser getragen werden durfte, sofern sie als Ehrenritter rangierten.

      k.u. Sankt Stephans-Orden, Großkreuz

      Österreichisch-kaiserlicher Leopold-Orden, Großkreuz

      ... an der Großen Ordensschnalle trug er zugleich die Kleindekoration des Großkreuzes

      ... im Ersten Weltkrieg die Kriegsdekoration erhalten

      Eisernes Kreuz (1914), II. und I. Klasse

      Kriegsehrenkreuz für heldenmütige Tat

      Lippe-Detmoldisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz

      Königlicher Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern

      Silberne und Goldene Liakat-Medaille mit Säbelspangen

      Eiserner Halbmond

      Schwerter zum Großkreuz-Satz des Fürstlich Lippischen Hausordens


      Leopold Graf und Edler Herr zur Lippe-Biesterfeld, Rangliste der Preußischen Armee, 1904.png

    4. Dear Daniel, please help out with "VAs", couldn't find that. The Toskana-Orden was totally new for me. I can't even imagine how he got that one. Here is what I have now:


      Hausorden Albrechts des Bären, Ritterkreuz I. Klasse (AB3a)

      Greifenorden, Ritterkreuz (MG3)

      Oldenburgischer Haus- und Verdienstorden des Herzogs Peter Friedrich Ludwig, Ritterkreuz II. Klasse (OV3b)

      Osmanié-Orden, IV. Klasse (TO4)

      Großherzoglich-Toscanischer Militär-Verdienst-Orden, Ritter III. Klasse (ToskMV3)

      Hausorden vom Weißen Falken, Ritter II. Klasse (GSF3b)

      Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden, Ritter II. Klasse (HSH3b/EH3b)

      Orden vom Doppelten Drachen, III. Klasse, 3. Stufe (CDIII.1)

      ... Laut seiner Memoiren hatte Tresckow den chinesischen Orden erhalten, weil er für das Fällen eines störenden Baums vor der chinesischen Botschaft gesorgt habe.

      Landwehrdienstauszeichnung, II. und I. Klasse (LD1)

      Erinnerungszeichen zur Silbernen Hochzeit 1906 (PrEzzGsH/PEZsH)

      Sankt-Stanislaus-Orden, III. Klasse (RSt3)

      Preußischer Kronenorden, IV. Klasse

      Roter Adlerorden, IV. Klasse

      Eisernes Kreuz (1914), II. Klasse

      Kreuz für treue Dienste (SLK)

      Verwundetenabzeichen (1918) in Schwarz

    5. Thank you very much, Daniel! So he didn't make major in WW I. Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch has him as Karl August Ernst Wilhelm Hans von Tresckow, another source as Ernst August Wilhelm Karl Hans von Tresckow, now you as Hans Karl August Ernst Wilhelm von Tresckow. ? I see this a lot. I wonder, if these royals sometimes didn't know themselves in what order their names were originally listed.

    6. That is a good question, I hope some of our experts can help. Addition: Maybe he received the Komtur before the war? Seeing his Großkreuz star is with the Kriegsdekoration, he surely received that in the war. Maybe just wearing both for the picture? Do you happen to know what the bottom (white) and top ribbons (revers) menas?

    7. Gentlemen, I have a Hans von Tresckow, son of the Generalleutnant Karl von Tresckow (1829–1889). He was Einjährig-Freiwilliger, later Reserveoffizier (Hauptmann, maybe Major) of the Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 6, he studied law and became Kriminalbeamter (police). In WW I he served again until 1919. Now my question: Does anyone know more about him? What was his last rank? Decorations? He apparently received at least the EK II and the wounded badge in black. Thank you!

    8. Gentlemen, I am looking for all decorations of Leopold IV., Fürst zur Lippe. As a Generalmajor he is in the Prussian Rangliste, but without decorations. I was hoping for the "Deutscher Ordens-Almanch" (1908), and although I found his picture (p. XXXIVa), they do not list his decorations. Any help would be appreciated. SAO (when ?) RAO (Großkreuz when ?). I see his EK I and his Eiserner Halbmond. What about HOH? Was he a Rechtsritter, or just Ehrenritter of the Johanniter-Orden? In the third picture, is he wearing the grand cross of the Ungarischer Verdienstorden? Is the star beside this one austrian? Thanks!!!



      Leopold IV. Fürst zur Lippe-Biesterfeld.jpg

      Leopold IV. Fürst zu Lippe in der Uniform des 12. Feldjäger Bataillons der k. u. k Armee II.jpg

    9. Thank you, Gentlemen! Does anyone know, when Hermann entered the Army? Maybe Kadettenkorps beforehand? In the Internet (https://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/item/MNIL2ZYAE3NX7L53EIYDQ3ME4CXN5TMY) they identify this officer as Hermann Freiherr von Watter, but reading the backside of this card, it is actually Karl Freiherr von Watter (1833-1901) ... maybe his older brother?


      Karl Freiherr von Watter (1833-1901).jpg

    10. Here is what I have for von Mudra, corrections and additions, as always, very welcome:


      6.10.1870 Fahnenjunker (?)

      ??.??.???? Fähnrich

      9.3.1872 Sekonde-Leutnant

      11.12.1879 Premier-Leutnant

      15.7.1886 Hauptmann

      16.7.1891 Major

      17.6.1897 Oberstleutnant

      18.4.1900 Oberst

      18.6.1903 Generalmajor

      22.3.1907 Generalleutnant

      13.9.1911 General der Infanterie


      Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71

      Roter Adlerorden, IV. Klasse

      Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz

      Zentenarmedaille, 1897

      Preußischer Kronenorden, III. Klasse

      Albrechts-Orden, Offizierkreuz (SA3)

      Roter Adlerorden, III. Klasse mit der Schleife

      Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), III. Klasse (BMV3)

      Friedrichs-Orden, Kommenturkreuz II. Klasse (WF2b)

      Persischer Sonnen- und Löwenorden, Großoffizierkreuz (PL2)

      Roter Adlerorden, II. Klasse mit Eichenlaub

      Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), Offizierkreuz (BMVO/BMV.O)

      Preußischer Kronenorden, II. Klasse mit Stern

      Medschidie-Orden, I. Klasse (TM1)

      Stern zum Roten Adlerorden II. Klasse mit Eichenlaub

      Preußischer Kronenorden, I. Klasse

      Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Großkreuz (BZ1)

      Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), II. Klasse mit Stern (BMV2mSt)

      Roter Adlerorden, I. Klasse mit Eichenlaub

      Orden der Eisernen Krone I. Klasse (ÖEK1)

      Albrechts-Orden, Großkreuz (SA1)

      Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), I. Klasse (BMV1/BMV.G.Kr)

      Eisernes Kreuz (1914), II. und I. Klasse

      Hessische Tapferkeitsmedaille (HT)

      Lippisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz (LK)

      Kreuz für Verdienste im Kriege (Sachsen-Meiningen) (SMK)

      Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz (HH)

      Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz (BH/BremH)

      Lübeckisches Hanseatenkreuz (LüH)

      Schwerter zum Bayerischen Militärverdienstorden I. Klasse (BMV.G.Kr⚔) ???

      ... hoping for clarification from Daniel Krause

      Pour le Mérite mit Eichenlaub

      ... Verdienstorden am 13. Januar 1915

      ... Eichenlaub am 17. Oktober 1916

      Orden der Württembergischen Krone, Großkreuz mit Schwertern (WK1⚔)

      Goldener Stern und Schwerter zum Großkreuz des Albrechts-Ordens (SA1gSt⚔)

    11. Gentlemen, I need help on the military career of Hermann Freiherr von Watter (1848-1911). Anything you have would be great. I read, in Dezember 1906 he was eligible to exchange his peace grade Albrecht Order (commander 1st class; 30.1.1897) for one with swords on ring? Does anyone know if he did? He seems to have been close to the King of Württemberg (see Rangliste 1909 below). Thanks!



      Hermann Freiherr von Watter.jpg

      Hermann Freiherr von Watter, Rangliste 1909.png

    12. Thank you, Daniel! I thought I had identified swords on the picture with his medal bar. Daniel, a follow-up question, please: "Bavaria did not award "swords to something" in WW1 in general." Here you write (2013), von Mudra received the "BMVGKX", therefore swords, but he already had the (BMV1/BMV.G.Kr) before the war. Now my sincere question: did he receive the swords, as you wrote, or not? As an amateur I am very inquisitive and willing to learn.

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