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    Posts posted by Deutschritter

    1. Here is what I have for Gempp, any additions (WW II decorations???) or corrections would be appreciated! Sorry, I couldn't find a picture of him.


      Einjährig-Freiwilliger (1. April 1893)

      Fahnenjunker (1. April 1894)

      Fähnrich (16. Juni 1894)

      Sekondeleutnant (27. Januar 1895)

      ... umbenannt in Leutnant (1. Januar 1899)

      Oberleutnant (15. September 1904)

      Hauptmann (19. Juni 1909)

      Major (1. März 1915)

      Oberstleutnant (18 Dezember 1920 mit Rangdienstalter vom 1. Oktober 1920)

      Oberst (1. Dezember 1923);

      Charakter als Generalmajor (30. Juni 1927)

      Generalmajor z. V. (1. Februar 1941)


      Zentenarmedaille, 1897

      Roter Adlerorden, IV. Klasse mit der Krone

      Medschidie-Orden, III. Klasse (TM3)

      Militär-Verdienstorden (Bulgarien), Kommandeurkreuz (BO3)

      Eisernes Kreuz (1914), II. und I. Klasse

      Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz (HH)

      Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), IV. Klasse mit Schwertern und der Krone (BMV4⚔mKr)

      Albrechts-Orden, Ritterkreuz I. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern (SA3a⚔Kr)

      Eiserner Halbmond (TH)

      Liakat-Medaille in Silber mit Säbeln (TL2⚔)

      Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Ritterkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern (BZ3a⚔)

      Orden der Württembergischen Krone, Ritterkreuz (WK3⚔)

      Verdienstkreuz für Kriegshilfe (VK)

      Militärverdienstkreuz (Österreich), III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration (ÖM3K)

      Königlicher Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern

      Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz

      Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer

    2. Thanks to all, here now is the list:


      Zentenarmedaille, 1897

      Roter Adlerorden, IV. Klasse

      Fürstlich Schwarzburgisches Ehrenkreuz, II. Klasse (SEK2)

      Ritterorden der hl. Mauritius und Lazarus, Offizierkreuz (JM4)

      Franz-Joseph-Orden, Offizierkreuz (ÖFJ3)

      Danebrogorden, Komturkreuz II. Kreuz (DD2b)

      Schwertorden, Kommandeur II. Klasse (SS2b)

      St. Alexander-Orden, Großoffizier (BA2)

      Medschidie-Orden, II. Klasse (TM2)

      Eisernes Kreuz (1914), II. und I. Klasse

      Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz (HH)

      Orden der Württembergischen Krone, Ritterkreuz (WK3⚔)

      Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), IV. Klasse mit Schwertern und der Krone (BMV4⚔mKr)

      Eiserner Halbmond (TH)

      Große Silberne Imtiaz-Medaille mit Säbeln (TJ1⚔/TI1⚔)

      Königlicher Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern

      Orden der Württembergischen Krone, Ehrenkreuz (Offizierkreuz) mit Schwertern (WK2c⚔)

      Albrechts-Orden, Ritterkreuz I. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern erhalten (SA3a.mKr⚔/SA3a⚔Kr)

      Friedrich August-Kreuz, II. und I. Klasse (OK1)

      Kriegsverdienstkreuz (Braunschweig), II. Klasse (BrK2)

      Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), III. Klasse mit Schwertern (BMV3⚔)

      Militärverdienstkreuz (Österreich), III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration (ÖM3K)

      Orden der Eisernen Krone (Österreich), Ritter III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration (ÖEK3KD/ÖEK3K)

      Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz

      Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer

    3. Thanks so much, Daniel ... and yes, you have mentioned it once or twice ... ? One day ... maybe, but the next years I am investing every cent in my four children. I would love to have a big library with all of these documents and books ... but ... oh well, you know ... I'm having problems with "f.WK3X", would you please shove me in the right direktion? Does that maybe mean he received first WK3X, then WK2cX?





      12 hours ago, Glenn J said:

      Hauptmann: 11.9.07 B8b. Although his promotion was überzählig (supernumerary), he was immediately awarded a Patent effective his promotion date of 11 September 1907.








      Great, thank you so much, Glenn!

    4. Gentlemen, I am looking for WW I decorations for Walter Nicolai, leader of the Sektion / Abteilung III b from 1913 to 1918. Seeing the picture we can see EK II and I, but what else? Surely HOH? Some austrian awards (III b worked closely together with the k. u. k. „Evidenzbureau“)? Some Turk awards? Please let me know! Thanks!!!


      Walter Nicolai.jpeg


      This is what I have on his promotions, not 100 % sure about Hauptmann:

      22.3.1893 Sekonde-Lieutenant

      22.4.1902 Oberleutnant

      11.9.1907 Hauptmann ohne Patent

      ... 1909/1910 Patent als Hauptmann vom 20. März 1906 erhalten (maybe just a new Rangdienstalter?)

      1.10.1912 Major

      27.1.1918 Oberstleutnant

      27.2.1920 Charakter als Oberst; zur Disposition gestellt

    5. Thanks so much, Glenn, another officer brought out of the dark. I read, he had Roter Adlerorden, 4th class and Landwehr-Dienstauszeichnung, 2nd class before the war. Do you know anything about war decorations? He was active until July 1916, then went as a diplomat to Persia. He was also in Turkey and Georgia 1917/18, but I couldn't find an award list anywhere.




    6. On 10/07/2021 at 10:45, Glenn J said:


      Morning, Dr. Robert Holtzmann was commissioned as a Seconde-Lieutenant der Reserve in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 143 on 21 April 1898 (Ll) and was promoted to Oberleutnant der Reserve on 27 January 1909. He transferred to Landwehr status in 1910/11 (Landwehrbezirk Straßburg). He left the Landwehr on 10 June 1913 with permission to wear the Landwehr army uniform. Recalled for service in WW1, he was promoted to Hauptmann der Landwehr a.D. on 26 October 1914. He served with Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 87 during the war.




      Dear Glenn, maybe you can help me out with diplomat Rudolf Nadolny. He was Einjährig-Freiwilliger [Grenadier-Regiment „König Friedrich der Große“ (3. Ostpreußisches) Nr. 4], left the reserves of the army as Oberleutnant around 1913, was called back for the war 1914, was Hauptmann d. R. and leader of the Sektion Politik Berlin des Generalstabs (military intelligence). Later he was Major d. R. in the Wehrmacht. If you have anything on him (exact dates?), PLEASE let me know. Thank you!

    7. Oh well, too bad. That what have been a nice match (it would have been the first known picture of von Schaetzell). I found this in the „Johanniter-Ordensblatt“.  Yes, a small resemblance. On some pictures during his Bundestag time, Bismarck would were only his Johanniterkreuz. Bismarck was Ehren- (1852) and later Rechtsritter (1858).



    8. Here we have Rainer Stahel 1925 in the Finnish Zivil-Garde. He also received, besides the liberty cross III. and II class, the Jägerkreuz des Jäger-Bataillons Nr. 27 (Steckorden), the Finnische Erinnerungsmedaille für den Freiheitskrieg 1918 mit Gefechtsspange „Karjalan R.“ (Vapaussodan – Karjalan rintama) and the Bronzenes Kreuz für Verdienste der Zivil-Garde (Verdienstkreuz der Zivilgarde; Suojeluskunta Rautainen ansioristi).




      On 12/03/2014 at 11:49, Chris Boonzaier said:

      Some time ago I mentioned that I thought Cross collectors all to often seperate the crosses from "History" and concentrate too much on makers marks.


      This was a bit unfair to the cross collectors as just as often Document collectors seperate the documents from "History" and just go for nice print variations....


      That can of course work to my advantage. i just picked these up on ebay for about what most dealers would charge for just the EK1 doc...


      It is not a great Print variation.... 2 pretty ugly docs..... but they are soooooooooo interesting... full of history.... there is just one thing after another that comes up when you reasearch the dude.... even just googling...


      Here is clue one..... he wrote his Regimenatl History... which I still have to get....


      Can anyone find anything else?




      Hello, Chris! I am pretty sure, these two documents are NOT for Rainer Stahel, surely for his younger brother Heinrich (same Regiment), who fell as Leutnant und Führer der 11. Kompane on 31 March 1918. Rainer was in February 1916 already Oberleutnant, he received EK II 1914 and EK I 1915. What do you think?

    9. Gentlemen, what a great read, wonderful information. I was happy to find out more about Major i. G. Werner Paul Hermann Crantz. Too bad not much is known of his life after 1920. I read somewhere, Hauptmann Cranz was in Stockholm for Ludendorff in Spring 1917. Together with Hauptmann Dr. jur. Dr. h. c. mult. Ernst von Hülsen he was involved with the first meetings with Finnish freedom fighters from the Soldatenkomitee (Rittmeister Hannes Ignatius, Militärattaché Mauritz Gripenberg, and Oberst Nikolai Mexmontan) and the Unabhängigkeitsbewegung (both from Finnland). Von Hülsen wrote about this, he (von Hülsen) also received the Liberty Cross 1st Class on 21 June 1918 and the Großkreuz des Ordens der weißen Rose von Finnland on 19 October 1938. He was at last Major (Reserve? Landwehr?). I would be thankful for any information about von Hülsen's military time beginning with his service as Einjährig-Freiwilliger 1898/1899. Thank you!

    10. Here I have another picture of Holtzmann as Führer of the Flieger-Abteilung 16 (1918 in Finland as part of the Ostsee-Division), around autumn or the end of 1917. Nice medal bar (once again, thanks Daniel). The very short hair is surely do to hair lice, so common on the western and eastern front.


      Robert Holtzmann, Führer der Flieger-Abteilung 16 (FA 16).jpg

    11. Here are the decorations I have for GdI Paul Ritter von Kneußl ... additions welcome:


      Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), Ritter II. Klasse (1905 in IV. Klasse umbenannt)

      Jubiläumsmedaille für die Armee 1905

      Bayerisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz, II. Klasse

      Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), III. Klasse

      Roter Adlerorden, IV. Klasse

      Lippisches Ehrenkreuz, Ritterkreuz I. Klasse

      Ehrenkreuz des Verdienstordens vom Heiligen Michael

      Verdienstorden der Bayerischen Krone, Ritterkreuz im Februar 1913

      ... Damit verbunden war die Erhebung in den persönlichen Adel und er durfte sich ab diesem Zeitpunkt „Ritter von Kneußl“ nennen.

      Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), Offizierskreuz

      Preußischer Kronenorden, III. Klasse

      Franz-Joseph-Orden, Großkreuz (ÖFJ1)

      Eisernes Kreuz (1914) II. und I. Klasse

      Ritterkreuz des Militär-Max-Joseph-Ordens am 3. Juni 1915

      Pour le Mérite mit Eichenlaub

      ... Verdienstorden am 3. Juni 1915

      ... Eichenlaub am 11. Januar 1917

      Roter Adlerorden, II. Klasse mit Schwertern am 12. Juni 1915

      Orden der Eisernen Krone, I. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration am 28. Juni 1915

      Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden, Kommandeurkreuz am 2./8. Oktober 1915

      Komtur I. Klasse des Friedrichs-Ordens am 5. April 1917

      Bayerischer Militärverdienstorden, II. Klasse mit Stern und Schwertern am 4. August 1918

      Ehrenbürger von Lindau am 10. Juni 1916

      Bayerisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz, I. Klasse

      Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Erlangen am 20. Mai 1925

      1937 wurde in Augsburg eine Kaserne der Wehrmacht nach ihm benannt

    12. May I add something: I found this short story on OUR Holtzmann about his last days as commander of the air field in Böblingen by Stuttgart 1919 (Das Propellerblatt, 2008). Then I look at the picture ... and it is not OUR Holtzmann, but instead Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h. c. Robert Holtzmann (1873--1946). Maybe related? It gets more interesting. Prof. Holtzmann was also Hauptmann of Württemberg (actually Großherzogtum Baden) during the war, but Hauptmann der Reserve. He was once Einjährig-Freiwilliger in an infantry regiment (which one?) and was taken over by the reserves. He was severly wounded 1916 by Verdun. He received EK II and I, Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Ritterkreuz II. Klasse and the wounded badge in back. But why not any Württemberg decorations (maybe he only served in the Prussian army?). Later of course the Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer, 1943 the Goethe-Medaille für Kunst und Wissenschaft, and summer 1944 the Ehrendoktorwürde der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Halle-Wittenberg. If anyone can add anything, please let me know.


      Holtzmann, Robert (1883), Das Propellerblatt, 2008.jpg

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