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    Antonio Prieto

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    Everything posted by Antonio Prieto

    1. A new update this week Some rules added and also images Please help me to obtain images (obverse and reverse) of: Australia Police Overseas Service Medal (POSM) Barbados General Service Medal Bulgaria Medal for participation in Operations Canada Gulf and Kuwait Medal, Somalia Medal, South-West Asia Service Medal (SWASM), General Campaign Star–ALLIED FORCE (GCS-AF), General Campaign Star–SOUTH-WEST ASIA (GCS-SWA), General Campaign Star–EXPEDITION (GCS-EXP), General Service Medal–ALLIED FORCE (GSM-AF), General Service Medal–SOUTH-WEST ASIA (GSM-SWA), General Service Medal–EXPEDITION (GSM-EXP), Operational Service Medal–South-West Asia (OSM-SWA), Operational Service Medal–Sierra Leone (OSM-SL), Operational Service Medal–Haiti (OSM-H), Operational Service Medal–Sudan (OSM-S), Operational Service Medal–HUMANITAS (OSM-HUM), Operational Service Medal–EXPEDITION (OSM-EXP), Special Service Medal (SSM), Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM). Czech Republic Medaille ministra obrany Za službu v zahanicí (vÅ¡eobecná, operace KFOR, mise EF, operace SFOR, operace ISAF, mise Irák, bojová mise) Cestný pametní odznak Za službu míru Pametní odznak 7. polní nemocnice Pametní odznak Vojenské Policie – Irák Pametní odznak Speciálních sil mise Enduring Freedom z Afghánistánu Chile Medalla al Mérito por Servicios Distinguidos en Operaciones de Paz. Denmark Forsvarets Medalje. Forsvarets Medalje for International Tjeneste Redningsberedskabets Medalje. FN-Soldaterforeningen De BlÃ¥ Baretters Fredsprismedalje. Estonia Päästeameti Missioonimedal. Ethiopia Medal for the Ethiopian United Nations Mission to the Congo. Medal for Peacekeeping Operations. Fiji General Service Medal. FINLAND Kansainvälisen palveluksen mitali. Georgia Medal "Peacekeeping Operations" Germany Einsatzmedaille bronze, silver and gold Hungary Békefenntartásért Szolgálati Jel. EU/EBSZ/ENSZ/NATO Szolgálati Érdemérem. India Videsh Seva Medal (and clasps). Special Service Medal (and clasps). Ireland An Bonn Chosantóirí Siochána na Náisiún Aontaite / United Nations Peacekeepers Medal.. An Réalt Míleata / Military Star. Island Icelandic Crisis Response medal. Italy Croce donore alle vittime di atti di terrorismo o di atti ostili impegnate in operazioni militari e civili allestero. Medaglia commemorativa per la partecipazione ai soccorsi in Umbria e Marche. Medaglia commemorativa per la partecipazione ad operazioni di soccorso alle popolazioni colpite da pubbliche calamitá. Medaglia commemorativa per le operazioni di soccorso alle popolazioni colpite dal sisma del 1976 (Friuli). Medaglia commemorativa per le operazioni di soccorso alle popolazioni colpite dal sisma del 1980 (Campania-Basilicata). Medaglia di Benemerenza al personale intervenuto per lemergenza Etna 1991 1992. Japan Memorial ribbons Kosovo Medalja pjesëmarrje në Operacione ndërkombëtare / Medalja Ucestvovanje u medunarodnim operacijama. Latvia NBS pieminas medala “Par piedaliÅ¡anos starptautiskajas operacijasâ€. Nopelnu zime “Par ieguldijumu starptautiskajas misijas un operacijas†Lithuania Medalis “Už tarptautines misijasâ€. Macedonia Medalje për pjesëmarrje në operacione humanitare ose paqeruajtëse jashtë territorit të Republikës së Maqedonisë. Moldova Medalia „Pentru Misiuni Umanitare si de Mentinere a Paciiâ€. Crucea Misiunilor Internationale. Mongolia Afghanistan Memorial Medal Africa Memorial Medal Iraq Memorial Medal Morocco Médaille commemorative de la campagne de Zaïre. Nepal Paradesha Seva Padak. Niger Médaille des théâtres d’opérations extérieures. Norway Innsatsmedaljen. Forsvarets medalje for internasjonale operasjoner. Forsvarets Operasjonsmedaljen (Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Active Endeavour, Iraq medal, Lithuania, Sudan, Lebanon, Chad, Somalia, Libya) Politiets medalje for internasjonal tjeneste. Poland Gwiazdy Afganistanu Gwiazdy Iraku. Gwiazdy Konga. Gwiazdy Czadu. Gwiazdy Morza Sródziemnego. Gwiazda Zalog Lotniczych. Romania Emblema de merit „În Slujba Paciiâ€. Emblema de merit „Actiuni Umanitareâ€. Emblema de merit „În Slujba Paciiâ€, Aviatie. Emblema de merit „În Slujba Pacii†„Umanitareâ€, Jandarmeriei. Emblema de merit „Umanitareâ€, Politia. Rwanda Foreign Campaign Medal (FCM). Peacekeeping Medal (PKM). Serbia Vojna spomen-medalja za uceÅ¡ce u multinacionalnim operacijama na opÅ¡tim i logistickim dužnostima. Slovakia Medaila “Za službu v mierových misiách Armády Slovenskej Republikyâ€. Vojenská medaila Za službu v mierových pozorovatelských misiách. Vojenská medaila Za humanitárnu pomoc. Vojenská medaila Pamätná medaila za úcast vo vojenskej operácii. Slovenia Medalja v službi miru. Trinidad and Tobago Humanitarian Service Medal. United Kingdom South Atlantic Medal. Gulf Medal. Operational Service Medal (Sierra Leone). Operational Service Medal (Afghanistan). Operational Service Medal (Democratic Republic of Congo). Iraq Medal. Iraq Reconstruction Service Medal (IRSM). Civilian Service Medal (Afghanistan). Accumulated Campaign Service Medal. Accumulated Campaign Service Medal 2011 (ACSM 11). Others Medal for participant of the peacekeeping operation in Transnistria OSCE High Level Planning Group Medal. OSCE Medal. Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) Medal. African Union Medals
    2. A few weeks ago I decided to upgrade work on the medals for new military operations (peacekeeping, humanitarian, campaign, etc.) and do it in English The idea is to include the updated and official legislation, whenever possible, of all known. Where appropriate an electronic translation for those countries that do not have in English Any help or contribution to achieving these laws (include a better translation) or pictures is always welcome The front and reverse images of the medals at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi This document permanently available at the following link: http://coleccionesmilitares.com/medallas/MilOps%20Medals.pdf Thanks for your help
    3. A interactive site (virtual tour) of the "The portrait in royal colections" http://www.patrimonionacional.es/retratos/
    4. The badges of the spanish armed forces rank "capitán general" OF-10 are as US General of the Army, Maréchal de France, or UK Field Marshal Full dress
    5. http://www.patrimonionacional.es/programas-culturales/publicaciones/all/retratos_ssmm
    6. A new medal for MINUSMA (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali) Source: MINUSMA
    7. Ordre de Nichan El Iftikhar. Order of Nichan El Iftikhar. 1837-1959 Ordre su Sang. Order of the Blood. 1839-1959 Ordre du Pacte Fondamental. Order of Fundamental Pact.1860-1959 Médaille commémorative de l’expédition contre l’insurrection de Ben Gdahoum. Commemorative Medal of the expedition against Ben Gdahoum. 1864 Médaille commémorative de l’expédition contre l’insurrection d’Adel Bey. Commemorative Medal of the expedition against Adel Bey. 1867 Médaille commémorative de l’expédition de 1881. Commemorative Medal of the expedition of 1881 Médaille d’honneur de la Police. Medal of Honour of the Police. 1927 Médaille commémorative de la Bataille de l'Evacuation de Bizerte. Commemorative Medal of the Battle of the Evacuation of Bizerte. 1963 Ordre de l’Indepéndance. Classe majeure, 1ère, 2ème, 3ème et 4ème classe. Order of Independence. 1956-1963 Ordre de l’Indepéndance. Grand Cordon, Grand officier, Commandeur, Officier et Chevalier. Order of Independence. 1963- Ordre de la République. Classe majeure, 1ère, 2ème, 3ème et 4ème classe. Order of the Republic. 1959-1963 Ordre de la République. Grand Cordon, Grand officier, Commandeur, Officier et Chevalier. Order of the Republic. 1963- Ordre du 7 Novembre 1987. Grand Cordon, Grand officier, Commandeur, Officier et Chevalier. Order of November 7, 1987. 1988-2011 Ordre national du mérite. Grand Cordon, Grand officier, Commandeur, Officier et Chevalier. National Order of Merit. Médaille du Travail. Or, vermeil, argent, bronze. Labor Medal. 1955-1968 Médaille du Travail. Or, vermeil, argent, bronze. Labor Medal. 1968- Ordre du Mérite Social. Chevalier, Officier, Commandeur. Social Order of Merit. 1955-1990 Médaille de Mérite Social. 3ème, 2ème et 1er échelon. Social Order Medal. 1990 Ordre du Mérite Commercial. Chevalier, Officer, Commandeur. Order of Trade Merit. 1956 Ordre du Mérite des Sports. Or, argent et bronze. Order of Sport Merit. 1957 Médaille du Mérite Sportif. Medal of Sporting Merit. 1969-1974 Médaille du Mérite Sportif. Medal of Sporting Merit. 1974 Médaille Militaire. Military Medal. 1958-1988 Médaille Militaire. Military Medal 1988- Ordre du Mérite Bourguiba. Order of Merit Bourguiba. 1963 Ordre National du Mérite Culturel. 1ère, 2ème et 3ème classe. National Order of Cultural Merit. 1966-1969 Médaille Culturelle. Grand Cordon, 1ère, 2ème 3ème et 4ème classe. Cultural Medal. 1969- Médaille d’honneur de la Garde Nationale. Medal of Honour of the National Guard. 1966-1985 Médaille d’honneur de la Garde Nationale. 1ère classe, 2ème classe. Medal of Honour of the National Guard. 1985- Médaille d'honneur des douanes. 1ère et 2ème classe. Medal of Honour of Customs. 1971-1999 Médaille d'honneur des douanes. 1ère et 2ème classe. Medal of Honour of Customs. 1999- Ordre du Mérite Agricole. Officier et Chevalier. Order of Agricultural Merit. 1971 Médaille de la Santé Publique. Medal of the Public Health. 1972 Médaille d’honneur de la Sûreté Nationale. Medal of Honour of the National Security. 1974-1985 Médaille d’honneur de la Sûreté Nationale. 1ère classe, 2ème classe. Medal of Honour of the National Security. 1985- Ordre du Mérite Maritime. Chevalier, Officier et Commandeur. Maritime Merit Order. 1974 Médaille d’honneur des Services Pénitenciaires et du Travail Réeducatif. 1Medal of Honour of the Prison Services and Correctional Labour. 977-1985 Médaille d’honneur des Services Penitentiaires et de la Rééducation. 1ère et 2ème classe. Medal of Honor od the Services Penitentiaries and Rehabilitation. 1985- Ordre National du Mérite de l’Enseignement. National Order of Education Merit. 1979, 1983 Ordre National du Mérite Universitaire. 1ère, 2ème et 3ème classe. National Order of University Merit. 1985 Médaille d’honneur de la Protection Civile. Honour Medal of the Civil Protection. 1980-1985 Médaille d’honneur de la Protection Civile. 1ère et 2ème classe. Honour Medal of the Civil Protection. 1985- Médaille Bourguiba. 1er, 2ème et 3ème degré. Bourguiba Medal. 1980 Médaille de Mérite de la Jeunesse. Medal of Youth Merit. 1981 Médaille d’honneur de la Securité du Chef d’Etat et des personnalités officielles. Honour Medal of the Chief of Security and VIPS. 1989 Médaille d'honneur des forces de sécurité intérieure. Honour Medal of the Internal Security Forces, 1998
    8. Complete revised ribbons plates.
    9. The updates of the ribbon plates
    10. Credit for all the images: http://www.wafaimages.ps/
    11. Another الممتازة العسكرية الأردن ميدالية الخدمة Medal of Distinguished Service?
    12. الثقافة والعلوم والفنونOrder of Culture, Sciences and Arts
    13. Order of Merit and Excellence وسام الاستحقاق والتميز
    14. Please add at least as civil decorations - Medal of Honor - Order of Culture, Sciences and Arts - Order of Merit and Excellence (three classes?) وسام الاستحقاق والتميز
    15. Perhaps these are made in Worth, Paris, France http://www.worth-paris.com/medalsofhonor.php
    16. Unfortunatelly dont include images Some images can see at: http://www.wafaimages.ps/esearch.aspx searching by "Keyword": medal, decoration, star
    17. The last document: Original Versions English and Arabic, Geneva and Ramallah, 2008. Law of Service in the Palestinian Security Forces No. 8 of 2005 Article 19 The Committee of Officers shall be authorised to hear all matters and issues pertaining to the affairs of officers, particularly the following: 6. Recommendations to grant officers decorations, badges and medals. Article 29 fficers shall be subject to a system of appraisal reports in the following manner: 2. The Committee of Officers may issue special appraisal reports, such as reports of recommendation of service, reports recommending eligibility for command, and reports recommending the awarding of decorations, badges and medals and the like. Article 35 In a manner not contradicting the provisions of this law, the provisions of the Law of Service in the Palestinian Security Forces shall apply to the members regarding appointment, seniority, promotion, delegation, assignment, transfer, secondment, scholarships, salaries, leaves, obligations, prohibited acts, penalties, decorations, badges, and medals, transfer to provisional retirement, expiration of service, and any other matter of which a relevant provision is not mentioned in this law. The document can be downloaded at: www.dcaf.ch/content/download/35601/526419/file/final_EN.pdf
    18. Star of Honour نجمة الشرف
    19. The Legislative Framework of the PNA Security Forces Chapter IX. Decorations, Badges and Medals First. General Provisions Article 99 The awarding of military decorations, badges, and medals and the permission to bear Arab and foreign decorations shall be by order of the President. Article 100 The awarding of military decorations, badges, and medals shall be to the appointees which the competent minister determines. They may be awarded at any time to officers who perform glorious acts. The award of military decorations, badges, and medals shall be an encouragement for others to follow the example of each honoree. Article 101 Requests for decorations, badges, and medals shall be made in a confidential manner. Officers for whom they are requested may not be informed thereof. Article 102 Requests for decorations, badges, and medals shall be presented to the Committee of Officers for examination, recommendation, and to choose whom it deems should receive them. Following the approval of the competent minister, the recommendation shall be sent to the President to be awarded. Article 103 The bylaw of this law shall determine a system to award military decorations, badges, and medals and to regulate their handing over, bearing, ranking, deprivation, and all else that is related thereto. Article 104 Military decorations, badges, and medals shall be identical to other drawings, specifications, and conditions which are to be determined by the President. Article 105 1. Arab and foreign military decorations, badges, and medals and the signs pertaining thereto may not be borne prior to the announcement thereof in the Military Report, with the exception of awards presented during official ceremonies attended by the President or his representative. 2. Foreign military decorations, badges, and medals, and the signs pertaining thereto shall be borne in accordance with the date of their awarding regardless of their grade or affiliation, provided that they precede decorations, badges, and medals of the Arab states and the remaining decorations of other states, regardless of the date of their awarding. Article 106 Military decorations, badges, and medals and their certificates shall remain the property of the successors of the person to whom they were awarded, as a means of commemoration and preservation of their advantages, without any one them having the right to bear them. Second. Ranking of Military Decorations, Badges, Medals and their Awarding Article 107 Military decorations, badges, and medals shall be given the following names and ranking: 1. Decorations: a) The Star of Honour. b) The Star of Palestine. c) The Star of Jerusalem. 2. Badges: a) The Badge of Military Sacrifice, which shall be of three grades. b) The Badge of Military Duty, which shall be of three grades. c) The Badge of Military Training, which shall be of three grades. 3. Medals: a) The Medal of Exceptional Promotion. b) The Medal of Distinguished Service. c) The Medal of the Wounded in War. 4. Memorial decorations, badges, and medals shall be established by a decision of the President as circumstances warrant. Such memorial decorations, badges, and medals shall be awarded to officers or members of the personnel of the Security Forces. They may also be awarded to personnel of Arab and foreign forces, provided that their bearers do not enjoy the material privileges set forth under this law. Article 108 The Star of Honour shall be awarded to a soldier who has performed exceptional services or acts that indicate outstanding sacrifice and courage in a confrontation with the enemy. A soldier who is awarded this Star shall be entitled to a monthly remuneration to be determined by the bylaw of this law for the period of his service. Article 109 The Star of Palestine shall be awarded to a soldier who has performed distinctive acts that designate sacrifice and courage on the battle field. Article 110 The Star of Jerusalem shall be awarded to a soldier who has performed distinguished acts. Article 111 The Badge of Military Sacrifice shall be awarded to a soldier who has performed an act that is characterised by courage. The designation of the grade of the badge shall be in accordance with the act for which it is awarded. Article 112 The Badge of Military Duty shall be awarded to a soldier who has performed his duties in a devoted and sincere manner. The designation of the grade of the badge shall be in accordance with the act for which it is awarded. Article 113 The Badge of Military Training shall be awarded to a soldier who has brought his unit to a high level of training or to a soldier who has been injured during or because of the training. The designation of the grade of the badge shall be in accordance with the extent of his performance. Article 114 The Medal of Distinguished Service shall be awarded to a soldier who has spent a period of at least twenty (20) years in military service and who has performed his acts in a trustworthy and sincere manner. Article 115 The Medal of the Wounded in War shall be awarded to a soldier who has been injured in the field or during the performance of his duty. It shall be proven that the injury was because of the acts of the enemy or the performance of the duty, based upon a report of the competent Military Medical Committee or a report by his direct commander. Each time an injury occurs, the number shall be inscribed on the Medal. Third. Civilian Medals and Badges Article 116 1. The bylaw of this law shall determine a system to award civilian decorations, badges, and medals and their handing over, bearing, ranking, deprivation, and all that is related thereto. 2. A soldier may be awarded civilian medals or badges in accordance with the manner in which military medal and badges are awarded. Article 117 The ranking of military and civilian decorations, badges, and medals that are awarded shall be in the following manner: 1. The Star of Honour, the Star of Palestine, and the Star of Jerusalem before the civilian medals. 2. The military badges after the civilian medals and before the civilian badges. 3. The military medals after the civilian badges. the Military Report, with the exception of awards presented during official ceremonies attended by the President or his representative. 2. Foreign military decorations, badges, and medals, and the signs pertaining thereto shall be borne in accordance with the date of their awarding regardless of their grade or affiliation, provided that they precede decorations, badges, and medals of the Arab states and the remaining decorations of other states, regardless of the date of their awarding. Article 106 Military decorations, badges, and medals and their certificates shall remain the property of the successors of the person to whom they were awarded, as a means of commemoration and preservation of their advantages, without any one them having the right to bear them.
    20. No. They are not in my collection. Photography is the website quoted Cleave & Company Ltd, No1 Buckingham Place, London SW1E 6HR
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