Klaus P. Schad
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Hello Andi, Landwehr-Infanterie Regiment Nr. 38 LIR 38 was formed in Schweidnitz with Rgt.-Staff and I-III Btls. and became Festungsbesatzung Breslau of 21. L.I.Br. By July 1915 it became part of Ldw.Inf. Div.14 and by June 1918 part of 4th KD. CO of LIR 38 : Oberstlt. von Roos, I.Btl. Oberstlt.z.D. von Reuss, II.Btl. ???, III.Btl. Oberstlt.a.D.Goerlitz Battles : 14.LID Eastern Front only, 4th KD at the Eastern Front and since April/May 1918 at the Western Front, Vogesen and Oberelsass ‘till end of war. War formation of 14.LID 1915 21.L.I.Br. with LIR 10 and 38, Lst.IR 10 and FMGZ 246, 260 and 261 War formation of 14.LID 1918 21.L.I.Br. with LIR 10 and 38, IR 346 and Radf.Komp.155 War formation of 4th KD, June 10.1918 39.Kav.Brg. with LIR 38, 40 and 436. Source : Mein Regiment, Formationsgeschichte der deutschen Infanterie 1914/18 by Hartwig Busche, Zur Formationsgeschichte der Infanterie 1914/18, by Oberst a.D. Hans Kling in Deutsche Heereskunde, 1960. With best regards, Klaus
Here is some of my treasure
Klaus P. Schad replied to Klaus P. Schad's topic in Deutsche Kaiserreich: Man spricht Denglish
Additional info on R.J.R.109, EKII and certificate of Utffz. der Reserve Adolf Poll of 1.MGK R.J.R.109, dated January 24th 1917 More treasure, 1910 DWM, unit marked to “R.169.3.3.”Baden Inf. Regt.169. 3rd comp. weapon #3, Baden I.D.29. 1916 spiked helmet of Inf.Regt.169 1912 Erfurt, unit marked to “40.R.M.G.73.” Fuesilier Regt.40. MGK weapon #73, Baden I.D.28. 1911 holster with ink stamp of F.R.40. and shoulder boards. Regimental history book : Die Hohenzollernfuesiliere im Weltkrieg 1914-1918 @USN @ostprussenmann_new Hi Guys, thanks for your reply Klaus -
Here is some of my treasure
Klaus P. Schad replied to Klaus P. Schad's topic in Deutsche Kaiserreich: Man spricht Denglish
More treasure: 1917 DWM LP08, unit marked “L.G.R.109.3.6.” Leib Grenadier Regiment 109, 3rd comp. weapon # 6. Regimental history book “Geschichte des 1.Bad. Leib Grenadier Regiments 109." 1916 spiked helmet with cover, Bierstein and shoulder boards of LGR 109. 1908 DWM, unit marked “109. R. (cursive) 9.4.” Reserve Inf. Rgt.109, 9th comp. weapon # 4 with matching clip and reworked Reichs-Revolver holster. Feldmuetze with owners name, rank and unit. -
Here is some of my treasure
Klaus P. Schad replied to Klaus P. Schad's topic in Deutsche Kaiserreich: Man spricht Denglish
Hi Guys, here’s another one of my treasure. I found this beautiful 1913 P08 holster with handwritten name of Hptm. Killmann and “10/G.G.R.5” (10th comp. of Garde Grenadier Regt.5) garrisoned in Spandau at the Great Western Gun Show in LA. It took me roughly about 30 yrs. to stuff this holster with the proper gun of the same unit. I couldn’t find one of 10th comp. but the MGK was close enough. (this gun is a 1912 DWM unit marked to 5.G.G.M.G.55. = 5.Garde Grenadier Regt. MG-Kompanie, Waffe 55. Shortly after, I was able to get Killmann’s engraved EKI from a good friend of mine. Naturally, I had to get the regimental history book and found Hptm. Killmann’s very interesting service records on page 769. Please see copy. Klaus -
Here is some of my treasure
Klaus P. Schad replied to Klaus P. Schad's topic in Deutsche Kaiserreich: Man spricht Denglish
Hi Guys, here are some more goodies from my collection. As far as I know and according to Jeff Noll’s “German Imperial Regimental Markings”, there are only 3 Lugers unit marked to Grenadier Regt.110 which are reported in the US and one more supposedly in New Zealand. 1908 DWM unit marked to 110.R.8.3. = 110.Grenadier Regiment, 8.company, weapon # 3. (ex’d out “R.”110.12.2.) which stands for: “Reserve Infantry Regt.110”, 12.company, weapon # 2. 1912 Erfurt unit marked to Gr.R.110.M.G. 80. = Grenadier Regiment 110, MG-company, weapon # 80. 1913 DWM unit marked to 110.R.8.1. = 110. Grenadier Regiment, 8.company, weapon # 1. Furthermore, the regimental history book “Das 2. Badische Grenadier Regiment Kaiser Wilhelm I. Nr.110 im Weltkrieg 1914/18”. My uncle’s personal book filled with letters, postcards and pics while fighting in France, was handed down to me from my family. A 1916 P08 holster, ink stamped to 2nd company /Regt.110. My uncle was called to arms on June 19th,1917 to Leib-Grenadier Regiment 109 in Karlsruhe and after boot camp went on February 12th,1918 to the Feldrekruten Depot of the 28.I.D. in France, where he was transferred to the “2nd comp. of Gren.Regt.110. Klaus -
Sturmbataillon 14
Klaus P. Schad replied to Klaus P. Schad's topic in Deutsche Kaiserreich: Man spricht Denglish
Hi Guys, here is a dog tag of Ernst Kruetzfeldt from Kiel. Looks like he was called up to I.Ers.MGK of IX. AK and went after training to MGSS-Tr. 36. By Oct.1st, 1916 MGSS-Tr.36 was transformed into 3rd comp. of MGSSA of 4th Army.
I was fortunate to pick up this bayonet just recently at EBAY. 1916 Bayonet, Gottlieb Hammesfahr, Solingen. Unit marked : “ST.B.14.1.94.” which stands for : Sturmbataillon 14, 1.Kompanie, Waffe 94. The scabbard is mismatched but also unit marked : “Fea. 6. 2743.” which stands for : Fliegerersatzabteilung 6, Waffe 2743. (Air Force Replacement Detachment) As far as I know there are only three more unit marked bayonets of St.Btl.14 reported. See pic.
Hi Guys. This article appeared on May 19th, 2022 in the Sued Kurier Paper of Konstanz/Bodensee (Lake Constance). The article is regarding the battle of the Konstanz RJR 111 at the Winterberg Tunnel near Craonne/Aisne by May 1917. The regiment was under heavy artillery fire and suffered terrible losses with dozens of casualties buried inside the tunnel. The tunnel has been reopened recently and excavations were taken place under the supervision of the French- and German Government. Exhibitions of the battle field excavations will be shown in Konstanz and in the State Archive of Karsruhe/Baden.
Hi Guys. This article appeared on May 19th, 2022 in the Sued Kurier Paper of Konstanz/Bodensee (Lake Constance). The article is regarding the battle of the Konstanz RJR 111 at the Winterberg Tunnel near Craonne/Aisne by May 1917. The regiment was under heavy artillery fire and suffered terrible losses with dozens of casualties buried inside the tunnel. The tunnel has been reopened recently and excavations were taken place under the supervision of the French- and German Government. Exhibitions of the battle field excavations will be shown in Konstanz and in the State Archive of Karsruhe/Baden.
Klaus P. Schad
Klaus P. Schad replied to Klaus P. Schad's topic in Deutsche Kaiserreich: Man spricht Denglish
Thanks, great pics of an LMG 08/15 troop most likely taken at their quarters in Sedan or vicinity. BTW, I have the regimental history book in my archive. Klaus -
Hello Boulon57, MGSSA 68, initial organization : End of March 1917 by Sub. Gen Kdo. XX.AK. (According to the War Ministry of 03/28/1917. Mobilized since April 1917. MGK 1-3 from I.R. 616. Replacement : 3.Ers. MGK, XX AK. Subordinated : 04/11/1917 - Ausbildungs-Kdo. West (Training) 05/27/1917 - 01/03/1918 1. Army 01/08/1918 Ausbildungs-Kdo. West (Training) 02/19/1918 - 12/12/1918 19.Army Attached : 02/16/1918 - 05/12/1918 10 Bavarian I.D. Remain : Mid Dec. 1918 in Arys (East Prussia), early Jan. 1919 disbanded by I.R. 152 Source : Kling, von Stein : Maschinengewehr-Formationen 1914-1918, Deutsche Heereskunde. Maschinengewehrtruppen, Band 2 by Juergen Kraus. Hope this helps, Klaus
Klaus P. Schad
Klaus P. Schad replied to Klaus P. Schad's topic in Deutsche Kaiserreich: Man spricht Denglish
Sorry Guys, correction : I meant boots instead of lace up shoes with the LMG-Trupp. Klaus -
Klaus P. Schad
Klaus P. Schad replied to Klaus P. Schad's topic in Deutsche Kaiserreich: Man spricht Denglish
Hi Guys, here are some pics from St. Btl. 4. Please check the ammo cans, Spare barrel and lace up shoes at the LMG 08/15 troop. -
Klaus P. Schad
Klaus P. Schad replied to Klaus P. Schad's topic in Deutsche Kaiserreich: Man spricht Denglish
Hello Prussian, re stamp on your Feldpostkarte "Sturmabteilung 7. Armee. The St.Abt. in Etaves was disbanded on Nov. 14th 1916 by the order of AOK 2. Storm comps 1+3, IGB 4 and Flamethrower platoon were transported by Nov.20, 1916 to Bosmont and vicinity to form Sturmbataillon Nr.7. The bataillon was established by Dec. 04, 1916. Formation Quarters Staff Bosmont Castle 1. Sturm Komp. Bosmont 2. Sturm Komp. Tavaux MGK Pontsericourt MWK Tavaux IGB 4 Pierremont Flamm. Zug Bosmont Total strength : 24 officers, 848 men and 167 horses Replacement : Staff and both St. comps : II.Ers.-Btl./IR 111 in Rastatt/Baden MGK : 2. Ers.MGK/IR 111 in Rastatt/Baden MWK : Pionier Ers.-Btl. 14 in Kehl/Baden Flamm. Zug : G.R.P.R. Source : Sturmgrenadiere, Chronik des Sturmbataillons Nr. 7 by Fritz Ristow Klaus Glenn J, nice picture !!! Klaus
Hi Chris, wie geht's ? Thanks for your response. Your card was definitely from St.Btl.5(Rohr) and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Stenay used to be the HQ of Crown Prince Willi. IMO, Julien's card was stamped with a leftover from Abteilung Oberrotweil or from the "Sturm-Lehr-Abt." of the 12. Ldw. Div. which was also garrisoned in Oberrotweil. There is no St.Btl.5(Rohr) stamp on that card. Klaus
Hi, the Feldpostkarte is not from St.Btl.5(Rohr) but rather from the Sturm-Lehr-Abt. of the 12.Ldw.Div. garrisoned in Oberrotweil. Lehr Kommando Oberrotweil. By Feb.3rd, 1916 St.Abt.Rohr was transported to Verdun and left a small part of the Abt. in Oberrotweil for training and instruction purposes and was named Lehr Kommando Oberrotweil. It was disbanded by May 8th, 1916 and the Sturm-Lehr-Abt. of 12.Ldw.Div. was established with garrison in Oberrotweil. Source : Deutsche Sturmbataillone 1915-1918 by Werner Lacoste. Klaus
Here is some of my treasure
Klaus P. Schad replied to Klaus P. Schad's topic in Deutsche Kaiserreich: Man spricht Denglish
G'day Mate, I'll show you the reverse of my tank badge as soon as my PC helper shows up. Remember , I'm an old fart and not very computer savvy. How are things Down Under? Have you ever heard of Michael O'Hara, the crook who invented the AH-Pistol for 3 Mil.bucks ? Klaus Hello Flavio, thanks for your reply. The Totenkpf insignia is an officer's patch from the G.R.P.R. according to Dr. K.-G. Klietmann.