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    new world

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    Posts posted by new world

    1. Here's what fellow collector told me in reference to my question:

      "The clear plastic sleeves are standard A3 size file protectors. They come in

      2 qualities - the thin ones you should be able to buy in a good stationery

      store, while the heavy ones are usually from an art supplies shop. I use

      the artist portfolio (like a leather folder) to carry the docs around and

      store them safe and dry. You can also get them in A2, A1 and A4 sizes for

      different size docs."

      Thank you Ross!

    2. hello all!

      ihope someone is able to help me!

      has anybody seen a 2 class form the alexander order with swords on the ring with star. it have to be very seldom because i have a look over 100 catalogs but i never fing it. it comes from a german general.

      how seldom is it? the swords ar on the ring.

      thank you!



      This variation of St Alexander order is rare, very limited numbers were awarded.

      What year is your award? Can you post some pics?

      Best regards,


    3. I would be interested to see Mongolian uniforms.

      I will start with Mongolian General uniform which I own.

      It's very unusual tunic!

      1970-1980's vintage for a Lt. General of the Mongolian Army. According to a well known uniform collector it's very rare, in his many years of collecting he had never had in, or even seen, another Mongolian Generals item before.

      Comes with ribbons,tie and shirt too.


    4. Thanks Ed for so many great pictures. It really is nice to see......other places. The first and third images are really very nice. I notice the lack of traffic on the streets (compared to south Florida in winter). Is traffic really as light as that?

      Mongolian ODMs are, of course, great but it's really nice to see something other than those.

      Having said that I happened to notice a certain part of the mural at The Zaisan Memorial.

      In the photoshopped image below we see some particularly intersting images. Was the artist just guilty of wishful thinking or do these models for said mural with their western-style, upgraded "racks" wander about Main Street in downtown UB?

      I know it's very unprofessional and ungentlemanly-like to speak of these sort of things publically but for some reason my eyes were drawn to them and I just had to ask. Apologies in advance for such wanton thoughts.

      I had the same thought, they look out of place.

    5. As I have aged and decayed, I have come up with a stunningly wonderful, fool-proof, zero-aggravation method for dealing with group splitters:

      I do not bid on ANYTHING from such dispersals, EVER.


      Problem is that not many groups stayed intact through 60-80 years of turbullent history of this particular Balcans nation. We are talking WWI, WWII, revolts, purges, socialism period, post-socialism.

      I guess I can ignore this particular seller, but believe me - I have not seen such groups very often in many years of collecting...so the natural instinct is to jump on and try to salvage whatever I can...


    6. About the question of groups preservation and keeping them intact.

      Don't you hate it when seller splits the groups and lists each item individually?

      I just went through terrible experience when seller put for sale bunch of items from various groups. I placed my bets and here's what happened:

      - I convinced the seller to keep ONE group intact and sell it outside the auction (luckily this is the most interesting one - to important historical figure, although it cost me heavy premium, about twice of what I would have paid on the auction), :cheeky:

      - I won ALL items from ONE group, :jumping:

      - I won SOME items from FIVE other groups (I was outbid on the rest). :banger:

      I am so pi**ed of at this point :violent: : the groups survived through over 60 years of turbullent history and now they are split between multiple winners.

      I'd like to keep the groups together if possible at this point. How to re-unite the items ready to go aover several countries?

      What would you do in my situation?


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