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    Everything posted by FALvonKyffhausen

    1. Thank you! That were my thoughts too? Do u know when These uniforme were used? Or something like Artillerie/Infanterie. Maybe something about the Rank Insignia (I See Schulterstücke but I don’t know what that means). Thank you in advance! Kind Regards
    2. Thank you a lot. I got it now! Do u know something abt the other soldier I posted currently, the picture is from Strassburg and he's wearing smith I just know from the modern Bundeswehr and there it is called Schützenschnur. Thank you very much again! Kind Regards!
    3. Or Could it be possible that he was Part of the 3. Garde- Regiment zu Fuß. Because I habe found a Small Book abt it Besides the Photo. This one: https://www.kpemig.de/Das-3-Garde-Regiment-zu-Fuss-1860-1900-57-Seiten-etwas-unter-DIN-A5-leichte-Verschmutzung Kind Regards!
    4. Hello, I have a question again. I am a genealogist by hobby and I have this person here. Can anyone tell me anything about this uniform (division, rank, origin, year etc). Could it be that this person was born in 1854 or 1880 wearing this uniform? I'm not sure if that works. Kind regards and thank you in advance!
    5. Wow! Thank u very much, I cant Imagine how much work That was! Am I right, That u mean he was a Gunner ( Kannonier) from the Field Art Reg von Holtzendorff and he was Part of the First Batterie cus of the White sword knot? Thanks Again, I have also an other Person where I am a bit Lost. Kind Regards FAL v. K
    6. Can anybody Tell me smth abt this Award? Is it real?
    7. Hello guys, Can someone tell me something about this soldier, for example rank, branch of service or origin (Prussian, Bavarian etc..)?
    8. I don't have better Pictures because I wanted to buy this Piece from a seller. Kind Regards FAL v. K
    9. Hello Guys! Is there an Expert who can tell me if this EK 2 1939 is a authentic one from WW2? Kind Regards FAL v. K
    10. Hi Er wurde einmal von einer Granate getroffen, einmal angeschossen und erlitt schwerste Erfrierungen welche später zu Amputationen führten. Daher dachte ich an silber und wegen des Bildes, die Farbe des Abzeichens ähnelt so sehr dem grauen Koppelschloss. Kind Regards FAL v. K
    11. Hi Can someone help me here, is it a Wound Badge 1/2/3 level? I thought of second/silver level. Kind regards
    12. I already thought that it could be a „Sammleranfertigung“. And thanks for the Information about the Grade! Kind Regards FAL v. K
    13. Hello Guys Can someone tell me if this gold wounded badge is an original or a collector's item? Kind Regards FAL v. K
    14. Hello Guys I have a picture of an ancestor and I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about his rank. Kind Regards FAL v. K
    15. Very kind, thanks a lot. Best Regards FAL v. K
    16. Yes it is I a (silver?) wounded badge for sure. But the Question was about the Sponge above it. Kind Regards FAL v. K
    17. Do you know what the Ordensspange stands for? Kind Regards FAL v. K
    18. Hi guys, I have another picture of an ancestor. Unfortunately, the graphics are bad here, but I still wonder whether the part circled in red is a medal/a medal bar. If so, maybe someone even knows what it stands for. Thanks in advance and Kind Regards!
    19. Hi guys, I have a picture of an ancestor,I can date it to the time before or during WWI,but can anyone tell me anything about rank or uniform.Thanks in Advance! Kind Regards FAL v. K
    20. Hi guys, I have a picture of an ancestor here,I can date it to the time before or during WWI,but can anyone tell me anything about rank or uniform.Thanks in Advance! Kind Regards FAL v. K
    21. Sorry I didn't understood that, I thought I saw an portepee on his left side. So is he a Sergeant or a Vizefeldwebel? Kind Regards FAL v. K
    22. Hi guys Which award and what rank is this? Kind Regards FAL v. K
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