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Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignias of the Supply Corps* in Djibouti: * I'm not sure of the exact name in English in French "Intendance (from de 1817 à 1983) et Commissariat de l'Armée de Terre (from 1983 to 2009)" Since January 1, 2010, the Army, Air Force and Navy services have merged into the Army Commissariat Service (Service du Commissariat des Armées / SCA). The symbol depicts an Acanthus leaf (feuille d'acanthe). - Intendance Drago Paris homologation G.2738: - Commissariat Drago Paris homologation G.2738: - DC FFDJ / Direction du Commissariat des FFDJ Y.Delsart t89100 Sens: - DCA FFDJ / Direction du Commissariat des Armées des FFDJ Y.Delsart t89100 Sens: Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Brief history 1560-1604: creation of the Great Regulation by Sully 1691: merger by Vauban of the administration of Land Fortifications and Maritime Works which created a single body of military engineers ...~... 1945: creation of the Colonial Equipment and Building Service (Service du Matériel et des Bâtiments Coloniaux / SMBC) 1966: became Equipment and Building Service (Service du Matériel et des Bâtiments / SMB) 1976: became Command and Direction of Equipment and Buildings (Commandement et Direction du Matériel et des Bâtiments / CDMB) 2008: became Defense Infrastructure Directorate (Direction d’Infrastructure de la Défense / DID) Presentation of the insignias: - SMB CFS (Service du Matériel et des Bâtiments de la Côte Française des Somalis) Drago Paris homologation G.2054: - SMB TFAI (Service du Matériel et des Bâtiments du Territoire Français des Afars et des Issas) Drago Paris homologation G.2054: - CDMB FFDJ (Commandement du Matériel et des Bâtiments Forces Françaises de Djibouti) type I Drago Paris homologation G.2054: - CDMB FFDJ (Commandement du Matériel et des Bâtiments Forces Françaises de Djibouti) type II Drago Paris: - CDMB Djibouti (Commandement et Direction du Matériel et des Bâtiments Djibouti) Djibouti J.Balme Saumur homologation G.3728: - The outline of the badge represents the type of Vauban fortification Sébastien Le Prestre, Marquis of Vauban - Wikipedia - DID Djibouti (Direction d'Infrastructure de la Défense à Djibouti) FIA Lyon homologation G.5115: - the insignia is that of the Defence Infrastructure Service (Service d'Infrastructure de la Défense / SID) - patches: Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, The medal was on sell here: Baldwin's Hong Kong Coin Auction 56 by A. H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd - Issuu Baldwin's Hong Kong Coin Auction 56 Published on Feb 26, 2014 p.104 #295 They didn't use the right Chinese charactere, it's unfortunate. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, I found the origin of the item and its description: Baldwin's Hong Kong Coin Auction 56 by A. H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd - Issuu Baldwin's Hong Kong Coin Auction 56 Published on Feb 26, 2014 p.103 Although it says 'First Division Staff Medal', I believe it's more of a badge than a genuine medal. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignia of the Technical Section of the Army* in Djibouti: *Section Technique de l'Armée de Terre / STAT homologation G.2223 The Army Technical Section (STAT) ensures, the conduct and monitoring of armament operations from the design stage until the withdrawal of the equipment from service. To verify the suitability of the systems for military needs, it conducts evaluations and technical and operational experiments of all the equipment under its jurisdiction. -STAT Djibouti Drago Noisiel Marne la Vallée : - a table medal: Note: 18 Floréal Year III, (1795) birth of the Artillery Committee Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignia of the "Joint Directorate of Infrastructure Networks and Information Systems"* in Djibouti: *Direction Interarmées des Réseaux d'Infrastructure et des Systèmes d'Informations à Djibouti / D.R.I.S.I. FFDJ. homologation G.4875 The DIRISI was created on 1 January 2004 by decree of 31 December 2003. Joint Directorate of Infrastructure Networks and Information Systems - Wikipedia More information on the French links: Direction interarmées des réseaux d'infrastructure et des systèmes d'information — Wikipédia (wikipedia.org) Page d'accueil DIRISI | Ministère des Armées (defense.gouv.fr) Présentation - DIRISI | Ministère des Armées (defense.gouv.fr) - D.I.R.I.S.I. FFDJ Arthus-Bertrand Paris: - D.I.R.I.S.I.FFDJ Delsart: - D.I.R.I.S.I.FFDJ Boussemart 2011: Yours sincerely, No one
Dear TracA, Thank you. Let's continue with the Joint Medical-Surgical Center (Centre médico-chirurgical interarmées / CMCIA): FFDJ – Le CMCIA, une structure de santé unique | Ministère des Armées (defense.gouv.fr) The patch of the "Direction Interarmées du Service de Santé des FFDJ" seen on the link above: - Centre médico-chirurgical interarmées Djibouti 2021 patch (three misspellings!): - MEDEVAC: Medical Evacuation (Évacuation Médicale): - MedicHos: Medicalization in a Hostile Environment / Heath Angels (Médicalisation en Milieu Hostile) : #SantéArmées #MEDICHOS Médecins du désert, médecins de guerre Du 17 au 20 mai 2015, le Service de santé des armées (SSA) a organisé un exercice de... | By Ministère des ArméesFacebook Note: The Joint Medical-Surgical Center (CMCIA) doctor captain Dominique Mattei opened its doors on July 1, 2016, taking over the activities of the Bouffard hospital following its closure. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Newsflash: "Djibouti: The Army’s Puma helicopters will be replaced by NH-90 Caimans in 2025" (January 30, General Pierre Meyer, commander of ALAT [COMALAT]) NHIndustries NH90 - Wikipedia Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignias of the (French) Armed Forces Health Service* in Djibouti: *Service de Santé des Armées - Service de Santé des Armées de la Côte Française des Somalis / CFS Drago Paris: There is no insignia for this service when the Côte Française des Somalis became the Territoire Français des Afars et des Issas, but I have this patch: - Service de Santé des Armées Djibouti: The colors were so different that I assumed it was an unknown variation, but upon receiving it, my reaction was 'Oh décéption!'. Then the "Armed Forces Health Service in Djibouti" became the "Joint Directorate of the Health Service of the French Forces in Djibouti*: *Direction interarmées du service de santé des forces françaises à Djibouti / DIASS homologation G.3441 - Direction interarmées du service de santé des armées des FFDJ Drago Noisiel Marne-la-Vallée: - Direction interarmées du service de santé des armées des FFDJ FIA: - Direction interarmées du service de santé des armées des FFDJ Boussemart 2012: - table medal FIA: - Centre hospitalier des armées Bouffard (CHA BOUFFARD) FIA homologation G.4569: Centre hospitalier des armées Bouffard Boussemart 2012: - table medal of the Bouffard Medical-Surgical Hospital: Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, I have this Military Identification Tags to Fareh Issa: Until now I got only this information about him: " In the Official Journal of April 30, 1930, mention is made of Fareh Issa, sergeant, number 66, 1st Mixed Regiment of Madagascar, in the table of advancement for the year 1930 to the rank of warrant officer (adjudant in French). He was appointed to the rank of warrant officer by ministerial decision on 30 September, effective 1 October 1930. In the 1937 Official Bulletin of the Colonial Office, there is a man named Fareh Issa, warrant officer of the Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment of the French Somali Coast, appointed to the Order of the Star of Anjuan at the rank of knight." And yesterday, I found his name here: TH_BTSomalis (free.fr) as a corporal. Campagne 1914 – 1918 – Tableau d’Honneur du Bataillon de Tirailleurs Somalis Auteur : Colonel BOUET – Rochefort - 1931 Source : http://gallica.bnf.fr. - Droits : Domaine public - Transcription intégrale : P. Chagnoux - 2015 page 13 Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignia of the 1st Battalion of Somali Tirailleurs*: *1er Bataillon de Tirailleurs Somalis / 1er B.T.So. homologation G 1080 from 1954 to 1958 - 1er B.T.So. Drago Paris: 1er bataillon de Tirailleurs somalis.pdf (aamtdm.net) Historique du bataillon de tirailleurs somalis pendant la guerre. Colonel Bouet | Gallica (bnf.fr) TH_BTSomalis (free.fr) The flag of the 1er B.T.So. was decorated with: - Fouragère in the colors of the Croix de guerre 1914-1918 - Croix de guerre 1914-1918 with two plams and one silver star - Croix de guerre 1939-1945 with one plam and one silver star The 2nd Company of the B.T.So. Croix de guerre 1914-1918 with one star The 4th Company of the B.T.So. Croix de guerre 1914-1918 with one plam Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlement, Here is le last paragraph (an epitaph) of an article about the CILA: Yours sincerely, No one
- 1 reply
Dear TracA, Nice one and great pictures as always. It's a real pleasure to follow your work. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, My belief is that the designer of this patch had the intention of writing Ninghai, but was not skilled at writing Chinese. Ninghai County - Wikipedia Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, The Joint Munitions Service is a joint body of the French Armed Forces created by decree on 25 March 20111. It is made up of pyrotechnicians from the Army, weapons mechanics from the Air and Space Force, pyrotechnicians from the Navy and civilian personnel from the Defence, including state pyrotechnics workers. In Djibouti the SIMu is at the La Douda depot. Presentation of the insignia of the Joint Munitions Service* in Djibouti: *Service Interarmées des Munitions / SIMu FFDJ homologation 5334 - Service Interarmées des Munitions Boussemart By Promodis 2014 : Yours sincerely, No one
Dear TracA, Interesting, but it could just be a human manipulation mistake. As you mentioned, who is this prolific manufacturer? I have only three rosettes with 'ス ' hallmark: - Golden Kite : - Pillars of State (Manchukuo): - Red Cross: Yours sincerely, No one
- 1 reply
Dear Gentlemen, The origin of the CILA is the 3rd Company of the 3rd BILA. Battalions of Light Infantry of Africa - Wikipedia After the independence of Algeria, the CILA was sent near Obock (Djibouti) where it occupied the site of a former penitentiary located 500 m from the sea and three kilometers from the village. Its workforce was then reduced to around forty "Joyeux" supervised by two officers, half a dozen non-commissioned officers and around ten "white executives", corporals made available by the marine troops of the 5th Overseas Interarms Regiment (5th RIAOM)19. The conditions of detention at the CILA are denounced by André Ruff, Gérard Simonnet and Michel Tachon in The Bagnes of the French Army (Fort Aiton, C.I.L.A., etc.). The CILA, the last light infantry unit in Africa, was dissolved on March 31, 1972. Presentation of the insignia of the Company of Light Infantry of Africa* in Djibouti: * Compagnie d'Infanterie Légère d'Afrique /CILA homologation G 857 Drago Paris - CILA homologation G 857 Drago Paris: Here is the insignia of the 3rd Battalion of Light Infantry of Africa / 3e Bataillon d'Infanterie Légère d'Afrique homologation G 857 Drago Paris: Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Farkas, Thank you for the information. I missed the 're' in 're-examined'. I'll contact the RC. So the medal was issued in 1933/34 #017497 and the voucher on June 18, 1940. That's why the number on the voucher is different #024508 and the medal one is added handwritten.I found this to be intriguing. "His service number was : 15847 India gained its independence on : 15.8.47" I like this kind connection, coincidence. As you said 'it add an item extra qualities'. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignia of the Communications Autonomous Detachment* in Djibouti: *Détachement autonome des transmissions / DAT homologation G 2481 - DAT Y.Delsart 89100 Sens: - the patches: - Note: the spider is red, for the other DAT the color of the spider is different: Bibleair - Bible des insignes de l'Armée de l'Air ** **(DAT : Armée de terre / Army, not Armée de l'Air / Air Force) What is the proper translation for ' transmissions', 'communications' or 'signals'? Thank you. Yours sincerely, No one
Show Your Japanese Medal Hallmarks & Maker's Marks
No one replied to Gunjinantiques's topic in Japan
Dear TracA, One word: "Beautiful'! Yours sincerely, No one -
Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the insignia of the Communications of the French Territory of Afars and Issas* (Djibouti): *Transmissions du Territoire Français des Afars et des Issas / TRANS TFAI French Territory of the Afars and the Issas - Wikipedia - Trans TFAI homologation G.2352 Drago Paris turquoise sea: - Trans TFAI Drago Paris brown sea: - Trans TFAI Drago Paris unfinished?: Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, "Drakkar" is the call sign (indicatif opérationel) of the SA300 Ba PUMA The patches: - DETALAT Djibouti Drakkar: - Puma armed with a 20mm cannon: - BATALAT Djibouti Drakkar: - Short-term mission* 1st CHR** August-December 2007: *MDC mission courte durée **(1er Régiment d'Hélicoptères de Combat / 1er RHC) 1st Combat Helicopter Regiment 1st Combat Helicopter Regiment - Wikipedia Stickers: "Fakir" is the call sign (indicatif opérationel) of the SA3160 ALOUETTE III "Corsaire" is the call sign (indicatif opérationel) of the SA341 F et SA342 M GAZELLE Yours sincerely, No one
French Victory Medals
No one replied to Kev in Deva's topic in Inter-Allied Victory Medals of the Great War
Dear Gentlemen, Here is an interesting refusal letter (February 1st, 1931) requesting interallied medal 14-18 because the soldier has not completed 18 months of presence in the army zone "n'ayant pas accompli 18 mois de presence dans la zone des armées./ not having completed 18 months of presence in the army zone.". Yours sincerely, No one