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    Everything posted by archie777

    1. The Woltemade Decoration for Bravery (Gold) This decoration is the senior of two classes of a South African civil decoration for acts of bravery. It replaced the Union of South Africa King's Medal for Bravery, Gold and Union of South Africa Queen's Medal for Bravery, Gold, the award of which had been discontinued in 1952 and 1961 respectively.
    2. Woltemade Cross for Bravery (Silver) Post-nominal letters WDS, is the lesser of two classes of a South African civil decoration for acts of bravery. It replaced the Union of South Africa King's Medal for Bravery, Silver, Union of South Africa Queen's Medal for Bravery, Silver and Woltemade Decoration for Bravery, Silver, all of which ranked on par with each other and the award of which had been discontinued in 1952, 1961 and 1988 respectively.
    3. Challenge Coins made for SA Airborne veterans
    4. Woltemade Cross for Bravery (Gold) Post-nominal letters WD, is the senior of two classes of a South African civil decoration for acts of bravery. It replaced the Union of South Africa King's Medal for Bravery, Gold, Union of South Africa Queen's Medal for Bravery, Gold and Woltemade Decoration for Bravery, Gold, all of which ranked on par with each other and the award of which had been discontinued in 1952, 1961 and 1988 respectively.
    5. Here we have the following South Acrican Military award: Korea Medal (South Africa) A military campaign medal which was instituted by the Union of South Africa in 1953. It was awarded to volunteers of the Union Defence Force for service in Korea during the 1950 - 1953 Korean War. In the mid 1990's this medal war restruck with some minor differences. Shown are both variants.
    6. Here we have the following award Unitas Medal Instituted by tge President of the RSA on 4 November 1994. It was awarded to all ranks who were on the active strength of all seven constituent military forces from 27 April 1994 to 10 May 1994, to commemorate their amalgamation into the SANDF. It was also awarded to personnel of the British Military Advisory and Training Team which served in South Africa at the time. Not many variations were seen
    7. Here we have the following award General Service Medal A South African military campaign medal which was instituted by the RSA in 1987. It could be awarded to members of the SADF from 1 January 1983, for operational service inside South Africa in the prevention or suppression of terrorism or internal disorder, or the prevention of life, health or property, or the maintenance of essential services and law and order, or crime prevention. The were numerous variations awarded
    8. Here we have the following award A South African military campaign medal which was instituted by the RSA in 1987. It was awarded to members of the SADF for service in military operations in Southern Africa, outside the borders of South Africa and South West Africa, between 1 April 1976 and 21 March 1990. Part of a captured T-55 tank was melted and used to struck the first 20 000 of these medals. Not all variations were struck from this metal. This information came from a worker who worked for the manufacturing company. There was about 4 different variations.
    9. Here we have the following award Pro Patria Medal A South African military campaign medal which was instituted by the RSA in 1974. It was awarded to members of the SADF for service in an operational area, as designated by the the Minister of Defence or for engagement in armed combat with the enemy The Cunene clasp was awarded for service in Angola, between 1975 - 1976 Two bars were approved, but never awarded Bronze bar - 2nd medal awarded Silver bar - 3rd medal awarded The Cunene clasp was worn on the medal with the swivel suspender, but many recipients lost their medals through the years and on reissue, received the fix suspender medal Here are too many variations and only those in my collection, are shown. The rarest of all variations, is the SA Mint mark (SAM) medal Medal set of a former SA Special Forces Operator and RSM
    10. It was made for their 40 Years Anniversary
    11. Here is my plaque of the SA Railways Police Northern Cape Reginal Taskforce, where I was a member and did the design
    12. SA Special Forces Operator neck pendant Different sets of cufflinks, tie and blazer pins for 4 Special Forces Regiment
    13. I gave the sample without a name, to a friend of mine, also a collector and a member of GMIC Paul Roos. He wrote two excellent books, one on the Pro Patria Medal and recently one on the Honoris Crux awards. He stays currently in Australia. Should anyone be interested in buying his books, please let me know
    14. Here we have the first samples for the De Wet Medal (DWM) The first sample, doesn't have any names on the medal
    15. A set of medals of a 32 Battalion Recce Wing Operator
    16. Here we have the following award De Wet Medal (DWM) A military long service decoration which was instituted by the RSA in 1965. It could be awarded to members of the Commandos, the rural civil defence component of the SADF, for ten years of efficient service and good conduct. Numerous variations were awarded. Nit all show, but only those in my collection. Here is a picture of medal number 1
    17. Here we have the following award De Wet Decoration (DWD) A military long service decoration which was instituted by the RSA in 1965. It could be awarded to members of the Commandos, the rural civil defence component of the SADF, for twenty years of efficient service and good conduct. The decoration was initially reserved for officers, but it was made available to all ranks in 1986. A clasp could be awarded after thirty years service. Numerous variations were awarded.
    18. Last three scarce Koevoet patches
    19. Very scarce Angolan Special Forces insignia
    20. Two first type diver badges worn by the SA Special Forces Divers, before they changed to Attack Divers
    21. A collection with awards for a former Chief of the S outh African Defense Force
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