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    Everything posted by Bernd_W

    1. The Date is 18. IX 1919, so 18.09.1919. Which make sens, because why should someone dedicate a picture to his female Friend while being in Innsbruck and use the date when he joined Freikorps Weickhmann next to the location. At 24.08.1919 Freikorps Weickhmann denied the retreat behind the German border, like ordered by the German gov. At 25.08.1919 the Deutsche Legion was formed, and in mid of September they became part of the West army. So at this point, basically nobody could drive back to Innsbruck for a photoshoot at a studio there. Note, the bench and the wall tapestry, it is the same in both pictures, also the same studio, and both pictures are quiet sharp, so its IMO not a print of a picture which was done somewhere in the Baltics. So I tend to think, this guy was never with the West Army, he left the Baltics before mid of September 1919. According to Tessin, Freikorps Weickhmann was in Kurland since May 1919, so the first picture, is perhaps a picture which he took during a vacation in Innsbruck in mid of 1919 and later gave his female friend with the dedication when he finally returned from the Baltics. In this pictures, he has no crossed swords above the W onto his shoulder boards and no Baltenkreuz, this makes me think, the crossed swords are for the ones who saw action with Freikorps Weickhmann. So, for CDV I think, its a "back from the Baltics" picture, sometime short before mid of September 1919.
    2. I know. I know. I looked up the names in the screenshots above, have bought or bid from them years ago, so IMO not much Freikorps offers from these people recently. They are IMO "Haushaltsauflöser", but could be a new shill bidding tactic done by a few. They are companies so they are eligible for input tax deduction if they invoice each others. IMO prices have also just risen because of various reasons I pointed out above. The picture you showed above is clearly the same, so what I describe now is not true for this offers, but for other offers with two prints of the same picture sold in a few weeks or month. So two buyers bid on the first offer (200 and 199€), one get it (200€), so one buyer stays. On the second offer he bid again 199€, but now he have to compete only with the third buyer who bid 100€, so the second buyer get it for 101€.
    3. IMO most eBay auctions are decided in the final seconds, because a lot of people use sniper tools. Back then forbade, now at least for German ebay legal. When the seller relists a item, then its a shill bidding for sure. But shill bidding in the last seconds dos not work really well, you have to bid a recent time before the end, so your "victim" can also do again. Also relisting is IMO quiet seldom. One guy from Germany sold his Freikorps collection recently, pictures papers and also awards and so on. A lot of insane prices, I can show you more cool stuff at dealer for half of the price when if comes to some examples, but also some justified prices for SSOS or West army stuff. IMO all real prices, only one Loewenfeld Militärpass was relisted, but by another person. Maybe a scalper or a undecided collector who bought it. IMO most prices for world war I and Freikorps pictures are real. Might be a mix out of new collectors with too much Money, and (foreign) dealers. The number of dealers has risen in the last few years, some even have a paid update, so they always need new stuff to justify this. And then there are the dealer from foreign countries IMO also buying at German eBay. Because there might be a lot of war booty Pickelhauben in the US, but not much world war I and Freikorps pictures, but also these collectors there need some offers. I even saw Weitze buying at eBay. What IMO also drive the prices up, is when the seller is offering international shipping. When you buy at German eBay as a non German or EU citizen, most sellers wont bother with shipping to your country, so this drives the prices for these auctions up.
    4. No, the German national library dos not offer this. Our former chancellor Ms. Merkel said once: Well, not for everyone. But I cant upload it on this forum because its to big. So I have to use this free Hoster, hope you can handle it: https://rapidgator.net/file/43f3a36402cc6fc6a9400b6527877a51/IR135.pdf.html You have to click and wait a couple seconds.
    5. Therefore I posted the quote. This medal has no own page. Its for merit in industry, commerce, agriculture and trade, while the one shown in the link is for art and science.
    6. Later causality list have no regiment because the enemy used the lists as an intelligence source. Its almost impossible to find his awards if he was not an officer. From the denkmalprojekt link he seems to have been a Lt. And not a Lt. d.R., which would also be a little less less impossible. Maybe the officers data collecting gentlemen here can help you, if denkmalprojekt is right. Here: https://wiki.genealogy.net/IR_135#Literatur is a digitization of the regimental chronic from 1922 linked, maybe you will find something in there. https://portal.dnb.de/bookviewer/view/1032199512#page/n0/mode/2up
    7. https://www.ehrenzeichen-orden.de/deutsche-staaten/silberne-ludwigsmedaille-fuer-wissenschaft-und-kunst.html
    8. Look, Im not into politics, dont care about these people, doesn't matters from which country, they are as important as the dirt under my nails towards me. Could all extinct like the dinosaur, I would not care. I would open a bottle of Champagne or some XXO cognac. I just posted what was the consens about these pictures when the were posted on several other boards. At the WAF there is also a topic about the "Deutschland erwache" flags at this museum, while the experts there share the opinion the flags in the older pictures are real, the newer pictures seems to show reproductions. Therefore the "Sounds legit", after 1990 everybody tried to make his pockets as full as possible, that's common knowledge, and is more judging politicians worldwide than the Russian people.
    9. The glass rectangle is not full, its just one layer behind the visible parts of the glass, you can see the fabric shining through below the first layer of ICs a several times. Some say, it was full back in the times, but then the officials needed a side hustle. Sounds legit, its Russia.
    10. Mit den Angaben der Regimenter, schaust du auf genwiki oder wiki, ob dort Digitalisate der Regimentschroniken für den passenden Zeitraum verlinkt sind. In den Regimentschroniken findest du vielleicht Bilder, sofern die Herrn herausragende Stellungen im Regiment eingenommen haben. Manche Regimentschroniken erhalten aber auch keine Bilder. Bei so was hast du eher gute Karten: Chef MG./Inf. R. 27 (Halberstadt) Kom. d. Feldart. R. 60 Chef 10./Inf. R. 115 (Darmstadt) Führ. 10./Inf. R. 44 Bei den anderen eher schlechte, wenn sie nicht eine Dienststellung wie Zahlmeister begleitet haben.
    11. Google Lens says "Kaukasus". I guess: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasus_campaign
    12. I had some mediocre results when using google Lens. You upload the picture here: I you combine it with your Brain and charts like this down below and take a little bit of time, you can read a lot of Stuff. Whats IMO hard, are signatures and some writings where they mixed Sütterlin and Kurrent. IMO mostly written like this by the generation who was <= 30 years at the end of WW1
    13. "Prussian Train Guard Detachement" is onto the back, if I spot it right. IMO thats a Garde-Train-Battalion. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garde-Train-Bataillon Train is this context is not railway, its supply train or baggage train. But thats just my opinion as a native, not an expert.
    14. Thanks for the clarification, then I will give it a try, whenever it shows up at genwiki.
    15. Are in "Erinnerungsblätter deutscher Regimenter" pictures at all? In all I have seen not, so I dont bother to search for them when looking for pictures. IMO "Erinnerungsblätter deutscher Regimenter" is mostly focusing on battles often with maps and some names are also in there.
    16. IMO the case is not so seldom. "Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen" implies, it was used for all these medals, not only "Tapferkeit".
    17. Ribbons: https://www.medals.pl/de/de3.htm Shoulder boards and so on: https://www.germandaggers.com/Gallery/CT0W.php
    18. In Germany stuff like Graf or Prinz and vom or von became part of the last name in 1919. While in Austria for example, these parts of the name were completely forbidden.
    19. As a European, first to my mind came the General Data Protection Regulation.
    20. https://www.germandaggers.com/Gallery/CT0W.php
    21. Why they build Dacia and not only Bentley? High quality fakes like Blass are so-called manufacture when its comes to the making. While you can pump out a few hundred FEKs per hour with a die stamp and a press.
    22. https://www.warrelics.eu/forum/orders-decorations-third-reich/fake-1914-1918-ehrenkreuz-hindenburg-cross-422255/ Yes, I know, a collector would spot this easily. But it exists.
    23. Hello gents Anybody have the exact size of the left one? Maybe out of some official regulations? The question came up because the Landesjägerkorps / Freikorps Märker seem to have used a "blue award ribbon" for the 5. Abteilung at the sleeve. So, how do you differentiate them in pictures? While most award ribbons have ~30-35mm, the exact size of the early sleeve ranks could be valuable to solving this question. Kind regrets and thanks.
    24. Long time ago, but: https://www.google.de/books/edition/Organisation_Heinz_O_H/eTtDAAAAIAAJ?hl=de&gbpv=0 Organisation Heinz (O.H.) das Schicksal der Kameraden Schlageters Von Friedrich Glombowski · 1934 See page 288 of the pdf. Normal page numbering: 241
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