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    1. Hi Andy, Well done for the information, it's our officer and it also gives me the link with the Landsturm Infanterie Regiment nr. 8. Many thanks to all the participants. See you soon with a new question. Have a nice day! sincerely Joel
    2. Hello GreyC Yes, of course, I should have thought of that. I know where to get a digital version of the first two volumes of the book. If I find the photograph, I'll post it here. Thank you very much. sincerely Joel
    3. Hello Jens, First of all, thank you for your reply. The oberst Pohlmann who commanded the RIR 83 was from mobilisation to 02/07/1915 when he left the regiment due to illness (according to the regimental history). After some research I found a generalmajor Friedrich Wilhelm Pohlmann kdr of the 213 infantry brigade from 06/02/1916. Is this our man? There exists on the other hand another Oberst Hugo Gustav Georg Pohlmann mobilized in the RIR 10 then classified Offz der armee from the 21/11/1914. Recalled to the head of the RIR 82 on 20/01/1915 then as kommandeur of the 244 BI from 02/01/1917 and finally as kommandeur of the 14 DI from 09/07/1918 to 21/01/1919. This is the officer whose link you give on prussian machine. I need to find a photo of this generalmajor Friedrich Wilhelm Pohlmann to see if he is really my man. Research is not easy when you don't have the first names. It's all a question of patience. Thanks again Jens Kind regards Joel
    4. Hello to all of you, I am looking for information on oberst Pohlman, kommandeur of the Reserve Infanterie Regiment nr. 83 from 05/10/1914 to 02/07/1915. Career if possible and first name (Georg ?). Thanking you in advance cordially Joel
    5. Hello Deutschritter, If you don't already have them, here are a few wikipedia links on the Voigts Rhetz generals (along with some photos). https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voigts-Rhetz As for Werner, the only photo I have found is on the Prussian machine at the following link: http://prussianmachine.com/aok/voigts-rhetz.htm I hope this helps a little. greetings Joel
    6. Hello hoh 1851 Once again, thank you very much for this clarification. You are a great help. Have a good weekend with my best regards Joel
    7. Hello to you all, I am looking for information on Major Geiseler, regiment commander of IR 409 from 06/07/1916 to the end of the conflict. If I am not mistaken : - Regimentstab of IR 59 in peacetime - 2nd Btn of LIR 18 on mobilisation - Kdr of IR 409. However, I found another Major Geiseler as kommandeur of the 1st Btn of IR 60 at mobilisation and then as Regiment-führer in the same regiment from 20 to 23/04/1915 and from 15 to 31/08/1915. He was then Kdr of IR 401 when it was created on 05/07/1916. Another Oberst Geiseler was Kdr of LIR 24 at the end of the conflict.... I am looking in particular for the first names of these officers and their career paths if possible. Thank you in advance. sincerely Joel Major Geiseler Kdr IR 409
    8. Hello Hoh 1851, Many thanks. I had gone for Oberstleutnant Alfred Schuster (Kdr 19B IR) but he fell on 27 March 1918 in Flanders. So it could not have been this officer. With your precious help I have my answer. Have a great week-end and thanks again. greetings Joel
    9. Hello everyone, I am looking for information on the career of Oberstleutnant Schuster who commanded the infantry regiment nr. 369 replacing Major Bleyhöffer from 04/02/1917 until the end of the conflict. The history of this regiment gives no information except that he was brigade-führer from 05/10/1918. So probably from the 43rd ersatz Brigade if I'm not mistaken. If anyone can help me thank you Joel
    10. Hello to all of you, I am looking for information on an officer commanding the infantry-regiment nr. 138 (3rd of Lower Alsace). It is about Oberst Friedrich Von Friedeburg. He seems to have been with the regiment from 27/01/1913 to 01/06/1915. The regiment's Wikipedia page shows the following photo of this man but the text seems to have no connection with him.... is this the same man who commanded the 6th Infantry Brigade at the beginning of the conflict? sincerely Joel Wikipedia link: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_von_Friedeburg_(General,_1866)
    11. Hello Bernd-w Yes, thank you, I've just seen that. There's a badge on Helmut Weitze's website. It's also mentioned here. https://www.armeemuseum.de/images/publikationen/2018_Katalog_Friedensbeginn_online.pdf many thanks sincerely Joel
    12. Hello again, I have just received the following information: - Major Kühl (Regiment-führer) of IR 116 from 12/07/1917 is listed as kommandeur of the 2nd Btn of this regiment in March 1918. He took command of IR 332 from 12/04/1918. I only have to find the history of this regiment to find his first name and possibly his photo 😉 with kind regards Joel
    13. Hello, Well, I'm having a bit of bad luck. Either Erich Mansfeld doesn't appear in any of the photos I have, or I don't have the history (yet). The same goes for Fritz Jungé and the two Kühls, Ferdinand and Otto.... On the other hand, I did find Kay Meyn's photo in the history of RIR 230, so that's one for me 😉 It's only a postponement... Thanks again for your precious help. Sincerely Joel
    14. Hi Andy, Many thanks for all this very, very valuable information. I'm looking at it all tomorrow...I've got some research to do 😉 with many thanks Sincerely Joel
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