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    Everything posted by Claymore

    1. Hi Pete, I'm not jealous in any way that you are still finding SA tinnies, but I can't find anything new & 'original'......nope....not jealous at all......
    2. .....here's the reverse.....identical print.....and again use of 'odd' fastener......the colouring and print is similar to the original 6 you posted......alarm bells are ringing about this one......(and I'm fairly sure that there is another 'Bonn' style that I've seen elsewhere.....different in style to the green 'Bonn' that you have already shown).....
    3. ...aye, that's the one's I was thinking of......
    4. Hi Pete..... ...I agree, nice to see 'new life' here on this thread......I've not seen anything worthwhile to buy in the past 10 months (at least, not for my collection).... ...and I also agree about that card tinnie of mine....when I initially bought it I did think it was in 'superb' condition for a '32 tinnie......I have two or three other 100% genuine 'card' tinnies....but this one was a bit shiny and pristine......I felt that it could be true, as there will obviously be some still surviving in such great condition.... ...but in the past few months I've seen a couple of dealers selling this same card tinnie ('big' name dealers).....along with another card tinnie, named 'Bonn'....coloured green....imagine the shape of a horseshoe.......in fact, now that I think about it, there's also another SA (possibly) 'Bonn' card tinnie doing the rounds.....white coloured.......different date and lettering & artwork to the green one..... ....so, either 'someone' has found a pile of old card SA tinnies, or 'someone' is making them up ???? ...but if they are made up ('fake')....why pick this type of SA ??? ...they're not very 'special', and by 'special' I mean that the date that's used, or the location......nothing to tie in with a major event of the 3rd Reich....apart from all being pre '32......(or is that enough to be considered 'special' ?)...... ....it would seem strange only to make a couple of card tinnies.......have you seen anymore 'card' tinnies for other organisations suddenly appearing....?? Regards...................
    5. ...a very nice badge to begin with Paul... ...it also comes in a cream colour instead of the silver....I've no idea why though... ...plastic 'tinnies' are great to collect as they usually all appear to have just been made that day...usually very good condition and with great colours... ...some people collect every tinnie that comes their way, some collect one field (ahem! = SA anyone ?)....and them some stick with a particular 'material'.... ...that's the 'happy, happy, joy, joy' part of collecting tinnies! ...oh, and of course, being able to 'show-off' a bit here :rolleyes:
    6. ...a little something for the Party faithful...("Die Fahne Hoch!")... ...a great badge with wonderful detail on the flag... ...note date on tinnie, a mere 21 days before "Operation Hummingbird", or to give it the more common name of 'Night of the Long Knives'... "SA Treffen Sturmbann II/131, L?denscheid 9.Juni 1934" .
    7. ...once upon a time, I declared my intention to track down the 14x Horst Wessel tinnies shown in the 5th editon Tieste books....after another more detailed 'surf' through the pages of those books, I found out that there was actually 16x Horst Wessel tinnies listed (bugger!)... ...oh well, then....10x more to go ! ...latest additon is the one located in bottom right of the photo... "Taufe des Horst Wessel Turmes, Eppstein i.T. 23.7.1933" ('Eppstein im Taunus') .
    8. ...thanks for the offer! ...your 'Kempten' is on page 496 of Tieste's 5th edition version of Book 1....(Kempten 34-01)... ...here's a rather colourful example of a (my first!) wooden 'tinnie'... "SA Vereidigung 1934, Standarte 416" .
    9. ...very nice, especially the 'Kempten' tinnie...that's been on my 'hit-list' for a while now....
    10. ...(glad you like!)... ...more 'paper'... ...always keen to find a pre-1933 SA tinnie...this one looks like it has been kept 'mint' in a drawer someplace... "Standarte 157 Aufmarsch und Sportfest, Brieg 10.7.1932" .
    11. ...(thank you!)... ...and now time to 'row, row, row your boat gently down the stream...' ...a fine looking 'paper' tinnie... "Marine-Standarte 116 S.A.Treffen 28./29.Sept.1935. Wilhelmshaven" .
    12. ...first off, a big 'WELL DONE' to Pete for keeping alive a dozen or so 'tinnie' threads...his work alone has ensured that the threads all have some form of activity... ...as for my small effort, here's a tinnie that appears to straddle ('oo-er missus!' )...two tinnie categories, 1/ Flugtag and 2/ SA... ...but seeing as how I favour the 'SA', here is where it belongs! ...a fine looking tinnie with the use of cap-eagle device, SA roundel (yay!) and glider (?).... "N.S.Flugtag SA Bamberg 1933"
    13. Hi Pete... ...you seem to be the sole provider at the moment ! ...I like the 'stylised' imagery of the early areoplanes used on the 'Luftschulz' tinnie... ...as for the M?nchen tinnie....I'm not sure about the lettering, but the tinnie itself shows the famous Munich landmark of the 'Catherdral Church of Our Lady'.....M?nchen meaning 'monks'...the city having started out as a village of monks ('m?nch')..... ...the coat-of-arms showing a 'm?nch'...
    14. ...I have one as well....they do 'pop' up quite often....which was why I had to chuckle when I saw a UK dealer flogging one as 'Very rare' and selling for $120.00 !!!.....the market value of tinnies seems to have made a sharp increase just within the last couple of years.... ...I do find these so much more appealing than the heavily faked 'combat awards' and medals that were once the main 'thing' to collect...
    15. Hi Pete... I really like that stand-out looking plastic 'tinnie' for Grevenbruck.....as much as I usually stick with only SA, I could be tempted to go for a bit o' plastic ! ...I'm curious though...do you keep all your tinnies in a box (yuck!) , or do you display them all somewhere / somehow ? Regards, Ian
    16. Hi Pete... Nice to see this thread back in vogue....my own collecting has hit the proverbial 'brick-wall'....absolutely nothing around anywhere...at least, not on the web-sites I'm visiting... Good to see your offerings here and on the other threads... Regards, Ian
    17. ...don't have this one yet, but it certainly looks the part...I like the dagger detail...
    18. ...100% original...got one just like it...
    19. ...100% original...got one just like it...
    20. ...a really great looking badge from Benten....especially if you know the very sad story of what happened to the Gustloff and the many lives that were lost when the ship was sunk... ...a very attractive badge....well done!
    21. ...and on page 605 of the 2nd volume 5th edition of Tieste...
    22. Hi Pete, I know what you mean...there mere use of the SA roundel on a tinnie seems to give some dealers the idea that they can ask for stupid money for a tinnie....which is why it's nice to pick up a SA tinnie that only mentions 'Standarte' instead of the SA roundel... As for your Hessen 1939...no, I don't have that one yet....whenever I've seen it listed by a dealer, the condition was always poor.....next time I see one I will report back about the pin....I'm only guessing now but I assume the pin would resemble the pin normally found on 'Efoplast' and plastic tinnies....and again I assume it was placed vertical... ...nice Hessen 1932....got that one a while ago....always good to find pre-1933's !
    23. Hi Pete, Your 'Chemnitz 1938' tinnie has got nice toning, which helps to show the detail quite well....compared to mine a few posts back up this thread... ...I haven't bought a new SA in bloomin' ages.....they seem to have all disappeared....
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