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    Everything posted by Motorhead

    1. I've seen it,too.....but when I remember right it was from "Caarlos",one of the typical suspects when it comes to "new variations".But it could have been also "HD Luder" alias "E-Gliderider"-this guys are buying 2nd class EKs and converting them into all these funny screw and pinback ones you can see at Ebay! Micha
    2. Heres another LS Adrian,this time in LS blue with the regular LS wings.Another one that you won't find at every corner.... Micha
    3. No,I don't see them everywhere-but what I see from time to time doesn't call "buy me".Mostly the same "suspect" sellers........ Micha
    4. After seeing David Gregorys Military merit cross 1st class of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in the the "keyback"variation,I would like to show you this EK1.unfortunately the plate is missing! It belongs to the collection of a friend of mine.To the hardware-the EK is the variation with the blued sheet metal core(variation with the silvercontent stamp at the back/the "Silber" stamped ones have sa different crown).I have never seen a good one of these variation(forget the junk from Caarlos and HD Luder/Egliderider at Ebay!) From the pics it looks like the attatchment system was there for ever...what do you think? Micha
    5. That would be another very interesting collection field-but how to tell the good from the bad? LS tabs can't be found on every corner and the stuff you can see at places like militaria321.com.........wasted money! A tunic or a complete uniform would be something for my mothers son,too .But unfortunately I'm collecting also iron crosses-and together with the helmets this is not the cheapest hobby..........but with a little luck(and of course the right money) I will get an M16 with an RLB sunburst decal! Micha
    6. I've seen some pics from an LS exhibition at the "Auto und Technikmuseum,Sinsheim" showing a british LS helmet.But from the pics it was impossible to tell the helmet wa good or not.But I'm shure they have used british helmets. Micha
    7. Another highlight?An absolut strange one with an RLB sunburst decal.....I have no explanation how this could be happen,but the star is at this helmet for ages! Micha
    8. Ssh36,french adrians in several variations,some czech ones..........
    9. Hmmmm,when we are talking about highlights....this one could be one of them.A totally complete,unused Ssh36 with full decal and 2nd model liner! Highlight? Micha
    10. That sounds good but isn't right! Here in Germany pictures are generaly protectet.That means if I take a picture and I put it somewhere into a forum ect. I'm the owner of it.You can't use it without my permission,so simple is it.In the most cases nothing happens because the owner of the rights doesn't care about it-or he doesn't know. But what happens if the owner feels treated unfair?May be he think he will have a loss because of an unwanted discussion? You can easily speak about fair use because nothing can happen to you because you live on the other side of the planet-here are the things a little different! I can see the problem of pushing up the prices,so the next time I will ask you to post the pics for me-I better spend my money for medals than for lawyers! Micha
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