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    Posts posted by Komtur

    1. Here's a picture of this award from the recent Thies auction: The bar of British Dr. Charles Galton.

      I should say that the proper name is "Kronenorden 4. Klasse am Erinnerungsband".

      Sorry for sliding :off topic: But for some reason I was searching this bar ;) May be the following is for somebody of interest: In the obituary of Galton most of his decorations are mentioned. As usual for this time he served as a private person for different countries. So there is no british award on his bar. Unfortunately the bar is obviously new mounted.

    2. In fact I think it may well be Friedrich von Esmarch.



      Another case, where orders tell a story :cheers: . When I wondered: for me unusual the Kombination of relatively low REO3bow and high HOH Komtur with star, I had no clue who it is. But that high ranking House Order of Hohenzollern is the explanation. Esmarch was married with Prinzessin Henriette von Schleswig-Holstein of the House Sonderburg-Augustenburg, she was the aunti of Kaiserin Auguste married with the Kaiser! For his civil and also military merit (he was Generalarzt too) he was only in a rank to get something like a REO3, but as a kind of uncle for the Kaiser he got a high class of the familiy order.

      Greetings, Komtur.

    3. I'm not sure which was UP and which was DOWN on the scan I made for my friend yesterday, but I did notice that the scanner could NOT capture the pattern underneath if it was turned one way, but DID get it scanned if turned 90 degrees. I guess it is the shadows on the lines. Try turning yours sideways and see if the pattern that the scanner sees is more the way it is to look at with human eyes.

      The picture of my cross is no scan it is a photo. Just by chance we had yesterday a meeting of collectors and compared three of these beauties :jumping::jumping::jumping: . No difference except caused by wearing were to be seen in the case of the cross and the crowns. But in case of the needle and the colour of the enamel one was exactly like yours and the other like the one I showed. I suppose it is the question of different finishing by two firms as mentioned above.

    4. In between there was a visit here too :jumping:

      This one and Ricks are in my opinion the typical awarded item of the Berliner M?nze. It was minted there, but the finish was done in another firm (or for the small series produced over 20 years in the Berliner M?nze may be in different firms). That could be the reason for the difference in the enamel.

    5. Also interesting is the combination RAO 4th class with crown and RAO 3rd class with bow. He obviously still wore the 4th class, so that everyone can see, that his 4th class had a crown, right? Or was there a way to signify the crown on the 3rd class somehow? I know none.

      However, fantastic photo with the 1st class Red Cross Medal. I have never seen one worn on a uniform before. The ones, i have seen, were awarded to princesses and such.

      Often the way of mounting the decorations on the bar is indeed not accordingly to the rules. But in this case it is correct: "Die Dekoration des Rothen Adler-Ordens mit der Krone ist nicht abzulegen, wenn dem Inhaber sp?ter eine h?here Klasse desselben Ordens ohne die Krone verliehen wird." AKO vom 29. Juni 1894 (aus Hoeftmann, Preu?ischer Ordensherold, zweiter Nachtrag von 1900).

      Indeed, pics of persons decorated with the Red Cross Medal 1st class are hard to find, so here is another one ;) . But I have seen unfortunately no more. If someone have one, please show it!

      Generalstabsarzt der Armee Otto von Schjerning (by the way he is wearing the REO 3 with crown and the REO 2 with oak leaves with the star):

    6. :love: I love you all on this site :beer: Thanks magic Rick, and thanks Glenn (who sends me copies of the KWA Stammliste - about 650 pages! - a few weeks ago). You make me happy, because these medical officers are my favorites!

      The most interesting decoration for me is in this moment the Red Cross Medal 1st class. As far as I know only about 260 awarded. All decorated persons up to 1913 can be found in the K?niglich Preu?ische Ordensliste. From 1913 to 1918 there is a list in Orden und Ehrenzeichen Nr.26 (August 2003) compiled by Sauerwald from the data of the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger and K?niglich Preu?ischer Staatsanzeiger. As I know him, he did the work more than exact - but there is no information about Schultzen! The Rangliste 1914 shows him with the 2nd class. Schultzen is not the first person not to be found in the mentioned sources. As Bannicke/Tewes discussed in Orden und Ehrenzeichen 37/2005 this could be because of spontaneous awards of the Kaiser in the war where no Beamter was on his side for documentation.

    7. Fine observation Mike! There is somthing odd in this pic and you got the point. There is a difference in his prussian attitude, the correct mounting of all the other decorations and the crooked Nordstern star. Besides this, the Nordstern star for the commander 1st class belongs to the neck cross of this order. I can?t recognize the second and the fourth neck cross, but both seemed not to be the Nordstern :speechless: . On the other hand I found only pictures of Nordstern knight- and grandcrosses, may be the Komtur is of other style? But that is more than unusual ...

      Who can help?

    8. Hello forumites,

      today I got this pic of a person in a general rank with the rare red cross medal 1. class. I have only seen one other foto of a person decorated with this (Generalstabsarzt der Armee von Schjerning). May be this is a high ranking medical officer too?

      I believe to recognize:


      -Preu?en, Kronenorden 2. Klasse mit Schwertern


      -W?rttemberg, Friedrichsorden 2. Klasse mit Schwertern


      -?sterreich, Ehrenzeichen vom Roten Kreuz, 1. Klasse mit Kriegsdekoration


      -Preu?en Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse

      -Preu?en, Roter-Adler-Orden 3. Klasse mit der Schleife

      -Preu?en, Roter-Adledr-Orden 4. Klasse mit der Krone

      -? (Preu?en, Rote Kreuz Medaille 2. Klasse?)

      -Preu?en, Dienstauszeichnungskreuz f?r Offiziere

      -Deutsches Reich, China-Denkm?nze

      -Preu?en, Zentenarmedaille

      -Sachsen, Albrechtsorden Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse

      -Oldenburg, Friedrich-August-Kreuz 2. Klasse

      -Sachsen-Meiningen, Ehrenzeichen f?r Verdienst im Kriege


      -? (T?rkei, Liakatmedaille?)

      on pin

      -Schweden, Nordsternorden Kommandeur 1. Klasse

      -Preu?en, Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse

      -Oldenburg, Friedrich-August-Kreuz 1. Klasse

      -Bayern, Milit?rverdienstorden Offizierskreuz mit Schwertern

      -Preu?en, Rote Kreuz Medaille 1. Klasse

      Greetings, Komtur.

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