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    Alex K

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    Posts posted by Alex K

    1. 2 hours ago, Elmar Lang said:


      this 1st class cross is identical in any detail, to the piece presented along with the 2nd class, by the German Military Attaché to my father in 1970, when the Federal Republic confirmed the award of the First Class for the act of bravery done on May 30th 1942, Northern Africa, Bir el-Aslagh. The original conferment happened on May 31st, 1942.



      Very interesting, I'm surprised it was awarded retrospectively after such a long period, bit late but better than never

    2. Hi no I didn't, it looked interesting but even though I've studied ek's for years, I'm begining to get cold feet now about buying virtually anything particularly with the seriously original looking fakes which are appearing unfortunately, hence the original request, at most it will sit on my database as an item to be wary of, thanks for the update 


    3. 3 hours ago, Trooper_D said:

      Oh joy, oh rapture unforeseen! It turns out that that ever wonderful website, archive.org, hosts a scan of Army Regulations, India, Vol. VII - Dress, a link to which is below. WARNING: this volume is additive and many hours can be wasted spent browsing it!


      Now, to matters in hand. It is pp. 19 & 20 that concern us and I reproduce the relevant extracts, for convenience, below.



      Source: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.505458/page/n31/mode/2up


      Again, Yes interesting stuff, unfortunately the links don't work for me

    4. Hi Gentlemen, thanks for the additional informative details, I was beginning to wonder if the uniform was not military in nature, diplomatic or indian service had crossed my mind, also, so assuming that's not too far from the actuality then it would be a combination of the attached, the colour image is a replica lord Chamberlain's  but probably fairly accurate, thanks for the assistance



      Alex K



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