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    Everything posted by jonv

    1. General-Adjutant Weiland Seiner Majestaet des Kaisers und Koenigs Wilhelm I. Many, many thanks! I wasn't sure if weiland was modifying G-A or S.M. (?) Either way, to translate as -- former adjutant general of his late Majesty -- seems to capture it ... although one of those would be implied in the German. For some reason, the Rangliste stops including this information in 1909.
    2. Looking for a smooth English translation of Generaladjutant Weiland Sr. Majestaet. The generals connected with Wilhelm I. and Friedrich III. continued appearing in the Ranglisten for several years after both Kaisers died in 1888. Was their listing purely ceremonial, or did any of them have real function or influence within Wilhelm II.'s court???
    3. I really enjoy using the DOA, although frustrating to understand it is not necessarily definitive ... but having to research and cross-reference is something that makes all of this so much fun. That, and having pals who can correctly use "parsimonious" in a sentence.
    4. ok Dave, good information. Great info .... about Prittwitz, am I understanding correctly that he had no connection to the China campaign, that he just purchased the medal? thanks for the Wer ist's!
    5. Wow, Glenn - the Deutsche Ordens-Almanachs are great, although maybe a bit unwieldy. I'm assuming they are very authoritative, or have you noticed errors? Example1: the two Guenthers Etzel and Pappritz are both confirmed in the Rangliste as Ostasiatisches Expeditionskorps veterans, but neither is credited with China-Denkmuenze DChM in 1904 / 1908. Example2: Max v Prittwitz u Gaffron is credited with DChM in 1908, but I can't find evidence he ever went to Asia. My question is if I assume the Almanach is correct or does my cross-referencing with the RLs demonstrate errors?
    6. Glenn -- these are nice references, so thanks! Cases such as Plessen stumps me ... as you point out, an active duty soldier will not necessarily be engaged in a conflict more limited in scope. But ... his career does span back to that time frame. ?
    7. Thanks, fellows, for the quick response! ... sort of good news - bad news. I'm wondering, Glenn, if since the Ranglisten do not show campaign medals, are there other clues pointing toward the soldier having been engaged in war? I mean, I may just have to be satisfied with confirming the individual's active duty status in 1864 ((for example, I found both SekLt Hans von Plessen and PremLt Graf von Haeseler)) ... but I thought, certainly Prussia would somehow officially recognize a combat veteran in the RL. currently thumbing through Militaer-Wochenblatt items but wow, so tedious:
    8. Some of the WW1-era generals, i.e. Haeseler and Plessen, were born early enough to have taken part in the German-Danish War of 1864. Does anyone know of a listing of German participants during this conflict? Or ... is there a way to determine participation status by their medals/orders? For 1864, I believe (?) there was a Verdienst-Kreuz and also a commemorative Denk-Muenze ... but is it possible to identify these (or others) in the individual's list of medals? Thanks and Merry Christmas from Denver Jon V
    9. Thanks Andy ... many new profiles to come.
    10. Good news, for those interested ... the 1,300 page site Prussian Machine is back online. The website profiles Imperial Germany's leadership and the formation of the Imperial Army. http://www.prussianmachine.com/ cheers!
    11. Yes guys, thanks so much for your clarifying comments! The "acort" mentioned here is in reference to a last will. Very interesting about the Sütterlin chronology, GreyC. Almost every letter in this document match up very nicely with Sütterlinschrift. German speakers must have been learning a variant of it in school over 100 yrs before Prussia officially taught it.
    12. the site remains intact ... trying now to get it back online
    13. Looking for assistance with Suetterlin script: ?? aufrichtigen acort oder ?verglich gemacht? den 24 Tag October 1799 *context: possibly a last will/testament. Thanks
    14. Hey Glenn, Thanks for the assist! regards from Colorado - Jon
    15. Looking for some name verification of these generals: 1. Karl Bansi or Paul Bansi 2. Hugo v. Altrock or Konstantin v. Altrock Bansi Altrock
    16. Almost hopeless; so you're saying there's a chance, Glenn? Haha well, I figured as much ... stupid Überrocks - ruining my life. Thanks Glenn Jon
    17. not much to go by ... does anyone recognize this one?
    18. great! hey Chris, get back with me via email: jcviser@comcast.net
    19. For those interested, the Prussian Machine website is now located at: http://www.prussianmachine.com/ The site maintains numerous profiles on Germany's Great War military leadership.
    20. Can someone please help transliterate this script?
    21. In Ordnung, Uwe...vielen Dank - Jon
    22. Tach! Was benennt man diese Gruppe von Generalstabs-Mitglieder, die in Friedenszeit bei Korps- bzw Divisionstäben gedient haben...dh im Vergleich zu jenen Soldaten, die beim Großen Generalstab Berlin ein permanentes Amt bekleidet haben?? Ich meine, obs dafür einen spezifischen Ausdruck überhaupt gibt? In Kriegszeiten sagt man dazu = Truppengeneralstab (glaub ich) Gruß - Jon http://home.comcast.net/~jcviser/army/genstab.htm
    23. Gracias Jens für die Websites, das Wühlen tue ich aber gerne Gruß Jon
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