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    Posts posted by christerd

    1. When I was looking through an old thread I saw another NCO with "Schwed Schwert Order " but most probably this means

      "svärdstecknet" or Royal sign of the Sword" , that makes it much more rare then an ordinary Sword Order!!

      see here http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=46774&st=0

      OffzStellw Hermann Solcher , from Bayern Inf Lieb Rgt



    2. I might as well list the germans in the 1902:

      Wilhelm Ambach "överbåtsman" German navy awarded 1895

      Heinrich Friedrich Christian Jonas Preussian "sergeant" aw. 1899

      Frantz Matern "Fyrmästare" German navy aw. 1895

      Friedrich Wöhlbier "Musikdirektör" aw. 1895



      Super Kim ! I didn¨t know they even awarded this to foreigners . Very interesting I keep on looking in old "Statskalenders" really boring reading I promise :cheeky: But perfect to make you sleep .....

      Andreas I send you a copy of the list

      Beautiful Photo by the way :cheers:


    3. Hi Christer,

      do You have some names from german navy nco with RSO ?


      Hallo Andreas,

      I have some names to Navy , but It dosnt say which rank thay had when thay were awarded (all on the list are officers in 1918). I Sweden all awardedes with RSO was in fact officers , in 1850 a new class of the award (Sword Cross) was instituted to NCOs but I´m not sure if this lower class was ever awarded to foreigners??, The gold one is the RSO and the silver is the Sword Cross

      if you send me your email I can

      give you the list and you can see if you recognize any names.

      I will update it regulary and the goal is to make a complete list as possible

      all the best from Sweden


    4. What is the source for this Christer? I'm guessing some old "Statskalender"? You know that a couple are online here:



      Aha Thanks Kim , now I can find some of the older ones from 1850-1870 possible :)

      I have just some Commanders 2nd class left now so this weekend the first version is complete I will mail it to everyone interested

      Its very interesting reading almost every Noble German seems to be in there :cheeky:

      Hold out for a few more days ,


    5. Hi Christer

      how far back does your data go? I would be interested in any data you had on the kurhessian officers ( I have two who receipt before 1840)

      Hmm , until now I haven't made any research on the before WW 1 awards , but the fist Sword Order was 26th September 1748 and it was 100 Officers from GenLt down to LtCol all Swedish at that time. Later that year 256 Majors, Captains and similar got the order making more than 350 Knights already the first year.

      The Sword Order was actually only for Swedish military personal , but already in 1749 it was awarded to a foreigner ;)

      Then GenLt Count von Schlippenbach from Holland got a Commander class.

      in 1752 there was 6 foreign commander class holders, but Knight class was awarded first to a foreigner in 1753 and 1754 Col von Stralenheim and Major von Stralenheim , Then it took 10 years to the next Sword Knight : Russian Col Boretinsky 1764.

      And after that it took 40 !! years before an foerigner got a Knight Sword Order.....

      1801 got Commander in Danish Navy Sten Bille a Knight Sword Order, Hessian Col Wildemouth 1803 , Bavarian Col von Reichenbach 1804 , Baden Col von Eck 1804.

      It was only after the fall of Napoleon that the Sword order started to be more common among foreigners ,then over 200 Knight class was awarded to Foreign officers , 22 Commander class and 19 Great Cross class.

      I am going to see what I can find on older awardees, probably everything is the Swedish archives , it just a matter of time to find it :unsure:

      i will be back

    6. Hallo all , thanks for the interest , I´m just ready with the RSO 1st Class list in Excel 250 names , I have only the year of award no dates so far but almost every first name wich could be of help. Normally the list say Preuss,, Sachsen , Bayern or Würtemberg. No mention of Army or Airforce but Navy is sometimes written out

      I will go on with 2nd class and the higher classes today , I don't know if I can enclose a exc file here ? Otherwise I send the file by email to anyone who is interested

      Best regards


    7. I dont know if its interesting but a lot of German Officers had the RSO and RSO2kl Knight of Sword Order 1st class and 2nd class

      maybe it could be some help when trying to indentify a ribbon bar ?

      here is a list over German officers and what year they got the award


      von Abeken Hans Navy Com, 1905

      von Abel Günther , Rittmeister 1919

      von Arnim Joachim Hans Detlev, Navy Com Capt , 1912

      Aur von Herrenkirchen Frithiof Wilhelm Rudolf Maria , Major , 1919

      von Babo Lambert Karl Hugo , Capt 1919

      Baltzer hermann , Navy Capt , 1918

      von Barnekow Henning Marten Christoph , Preuss GenMaj 1902

      Bartenstein Georg Ludwig bernhard , Preuss Maj 1908

      von Baumbach Ludwig Gustolph Moritz , Preuss Col 1908

      von Beaulieu-Marconnay Karl August Alexander Oliver , Preuss GenMaj 1907

      Becker , Maj 1919

      Beckh Albert Hermann Raimond , Bavaria Maj 1915

      von Berge und Herrendorff Hans Joachim Lothar Hermann Maxmillian , Preuss LtCol 1899

      Bertning Hans , Capt 1919

      Bertram Otto Friedrich Ernst Richard , KapitänLeutn 1918

      Blanc Eugen Ludwig , Bavaria LeutCol 1904

      von Borcke Karl Ludwig Hermann , Preuss Col 1908

      von Brandenstein Hans Carl Julius Curt, Col 1910

      Bredenbreuker Friedrich , Preuss Capt 1912

      von Broich Hans Karl , Preuss LeutnCol 1909

      Buchholtz Carl August , Preuss LeutnCol 1894

      von Buchwald Christian Gregers Kaspar , Preuss LeutnCol 1894

      von Bulmerincq Ludwig Eduard Joachim , Preuss Capt 1908

      von Burgsdorff Karl Georg Hans Leo , Preuss Capt 1908

      von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen Clamor Otto Hans , Preuss Col 1911

      von Bülow Gottfried August Karl friedrich , Preuss Col 1908

      Böning Ferdinand Max Franz , Preuss Maj 1908

      If anyone is interested I can continou with the rest ;)


    8. Thanks Raz, its always great to know some about the man behind the medals.

      Sometimes we collectors forget that there is a real story behind every one of

      the medals and ribbon bars in our collection.

      Your friend seems to have had a good life and now a piece of his history will

      be conserved in a far away country.


    9. Maybe , just maybe I found him :jumping: There is at least a chance !!

      I found a book called " 1. Westfälischen Feldartillerie-Regiments nr 7 1816-1916 " printed in Berlin 1916

      and there is a list of all that got awards 1914-1915 so only one year, there was of course three more years but an NCO with a EK I should have been quite unusual ? In this book there is ( 1) NCO with EKII+EK I

      Uoffz Niestegge award date 1/7 1915 . They doesn´t mention him in the book , but there must have been som real hard fighting in June 1915 ? I enclose the page where he his.

      At least one candidate :cheeky:


    10. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2011/post-3473-0-09193800-1320927493.jpgHi all ,

      Just wonder if anyone has a really early document to show ?

      My earliest is to a Wilhelm Hulke from R FA Rgt 19 he got the FrontkämferKreuz 27th October 1934 living in Hannover

      and doc numbered H 419/34 . Sorry for the very very small pic but I have the doc on the forum in another thread so if anyone want see a bigger pic I will load it up for you. :blush:

    11. Hallo Sachsen ,

      Yes it was bought on German Ebay three years ago, I will see if I can find out where the seller came from :unsure:

      I have never seen any documents or more photos and I don´t think there were any at the same auction.

      Why I belive its from the 1934-35 period is because the 7th ribbon , that is the "Ehrenkreuze für Frontkämpfer" and was inaugurated on July 13, 1934 by Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg for those soldiers of Imperial Germany who fought in World war one.

      So he was still alive in early 1930´s.

      If you have any photos that you would like to publish here , you can mail me at christer.daun@swipnet.se and I will help you.

      MFG Christer

    12. fantastic! it is not often that à ribbon bar like this could be given à name, and it even more unusual that relatives hear of it ;)

      The bar was bought on EBAY some years ago, and is probably from 1934-1935 . Where it has been between 1935 and 1995 is à mystery. if you have more info about him I would be grateful to hear about it. Best erfaras from the north of Europe Christer

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