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    Posts posted by christerd

    1. And the search for Felix Ferdinand von Bomhard goes on :cheeky:

      Internet is fantastic :jumping: I now know he was at Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munchen 1910.

      What I can found out he became Major 1938, Colonel in 1942 and was in 1944 Chef for Heeres Rohstoffabteilung H RO /

      Army Raw Materiels Branch. Charged with the procurement of raw materiels for OKH.

      Far away from the battlefields in World war one. I will see if can get something more, does anyone know if he was related

      at all to Adolf Bomhard and to GenLt d Art Theodor von Bomhard

      who died in 1945 105 years old !!!!


    2. Hi, this is a interesting picture , I think I see the following Orders /medals

      EK II
      Austria Franz Joseph Order Officers Cross
      Bulgaria Order for Bravery IV class ?
      Bulgaria Order of Military Merit IV class
      Bulgarian Order of Alexander IV class w Crown and Swords
      Bulgarian Medal for Science and Art Ribbon ?
      Bulgarian Order of Merit
      Bulgarian Long Service Cross XX years
      Bulgarian Long Service Cross X years
      Bulgarian medal ??? Prince Alexanders Aceesion to the throne 1879 ???
      Bulgarian Com Cross for Independence 1908

      Quite an impressing row of orders and medals to a former Major ??


    3. This must be a rare one :rolleyes: , I cant find anything about it and no one here seems to have info about it either. Since it was only awarded between 1911-1918 and for civil servants who had worked for 40 years :speechless1:

      I suppose they had to start work in 1871-1878,just after the 1870 War.

      I found a ribbon for it, but the seller is a well known medalbar faker. And I dont like to give him more money to destroy our collector community so I keep on searching :cheeky:

    4. Maschine Gewehr Scharf Shutzen Abt 49 ,one real long name for a quite small unit :rolleyes:

      I got this paper n my collection to a Langwieler issued in Juli 1917 wich states if I am right that he has been with the MG SS Abt 49 from May 1916 to June 1917. I am now trying to find out anything about the MGSS 49 :unsure:

      I have been looking all over the net for MG SS but so far didn´t find anything, does anyone have some info or have a link to where I can find some ?

      All help appreciated...

      All the best from Imperial Sweden


    5. What do you think about this one ? I just bought in on pure instinct and maybe it was a bad beat :unsure:

      What I could find out in a hurry is that its from persia Sha time 1960´s ??

      It have the original box and a award cert to an English man ... I paid about 60$ was it a bad buy ?

      And could anyone say something about this medal......... all info is helpful

      Christer new Persia Collector

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