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    Posts posted by christerd

    1. Here is a fighter from 1918-1922 wars but without any Liberty CRoss or even a Bravery medal and most strange no Commerative medal for 1918 ? Maybe its a bottom of a 2 row bar and all the others tuff is still out there somewhere?

      Here is what we got : War of Kindred Nations Commerative Cross - Battle of Tampere com medal-Eastern Carelia Cross or Aunus Cross - Lappland war com Cross !!

      Hmm here we have a fighter from 1918 who was in the fierce battle of Tampere 1918, was along the 9000 Finns whou fought in the different wars between 1918-1922 (Estonia,Aunus,Carelia etc) and still was joining the army in some way in 1940 on the Lapland front.

      An interestin thought is , if you put the ribbon bar in post 10 on top of this you get a quite good match ;) Lib cross 1939 nc - Bravery 1st 1918 - Com medal 1918 -Com medal 1940 !

      They are bought from the same seller and made exactly the same. But are they a pair? :banger: I will never know....


    2. Next one is Finnish for sure and a little bit more complicated

      Here we have a Finn that hade some sort of behind front duty during the Continuation war 1941-44, could have been a fireman or police maybe ? And later participated in some way in the Olympics 1952 !

      Com medal Con war - Cross of Merit Olympic Games (1st,2nd or 3rd class) - Civil Defence medal of Merit - Oinonen Group Com Cross

      Gen Maj Woldemar Oinonen was the commander of Group Oinonen wich fought on the Carelia and Ladoga front during 1941-42

      So this soldier was attached to that unit in some way.


    3. G´day gentlemen !

      Thought I would share some more Finnish Ribbon bars with you.

      And first I start with a off topic one :blush:

      This is not a typical Finnish bar... because it once belonged to a Swedish man fighting on the Finnish side in Winterwar 1939-40. First two Swedish medals and than the Finnish ones. Maybe he was a doc or medic ?

      Swedish Civildefence medal (broncesilver or gold)- Swedish Red Cross medal - Liberty Cross 4th 1939 - Com medal 1940 ws

      The combo Lib cross/ Com medal is very common seen for a private/NCO/Lt Swedish soldier fighting in winter war.


    4. At last a womans bar ! One of my favorites :rolleyes:

      She was a member of the military womans org "Lotta Swaerd" The did fantastic work in during all wartime.

      This woman was awarded a: Lib cross non fighter 1939- Knight White Rose order-Lotta Svaerd Merit Cross- Com med 1940

      Hmm just realized that the third on is Lotta Svaerd Merit Cross! Wow super rare only 400 was awarded. This make the bar even nicer :cheers:


    5. One problem with Finnish Ribbons bars is that they almost like the Austrians in WW1 use the same ribbon for different classes and even worse different years :o

      The problem with the classes is solved by putting devices on the ribbon .... the problem is that time take the silver away and everything looks like gold (brass devices)

      Here is a typical ex of what you can see:

      Lib Cross 4th ? w oakleaves 1941 - Lib cross 4th 1939 ? - Bravery 2nd 1939 ? - Com med 1940 (swords lost)


    6. Mooore Finnish Ribbons !! :cheeky:

      I thought there is to few Finnish ribbon bars here, as a Swedish collector with limited wallet the collecting of WW 1 German ribbon bars is a almost impossible task :banger:

      But still there is Finnish ribbons out there :rolleyes:

      So I thought I should show you some from my collection, here we go

      1: This I have shown before but it is such a beauty so I post again

      Lib Cross 2nd (homefront?)-Lib cross 3rd-lib cross 4th-Com White Rose-Knight White Rose-Com medal 1918-Com med 1940 ws-

      medal battle of Tammerfors 1918-Hk (means he was in the Jaeger rgt)-Eagle Order

      The height is only half of a ordinarie ribbon bar, some people say that the Finnish navy used these "half-bars" :unsure:

      A former 27 Jaeger who fought in Tammerfors and later in 1939-40 and still in service in 1941 at least Colonel or GenMaj


    7. Hi , I dont think we had this badge up earlier ?

      I am not sure that it really belong to Ministry of Interior awards :unsure:

      If I am right it was awrded for some sort of vol police force? I suppose these guys where´t so poular after the change

      of politics.... So this documents maybe ended up in the trashbin.

      Here is first the document

    8. Hi all,

      I won this little beauty last week in a auction. Love it because it not so common with the Ehremkreuz on finnish

      ribbonbars and probably all the exiting has ow´ners that where once in the Preussian 27th Jaeger Rgt.

      First Bravery Medal II class (probably 1918) Then Winter war medal wo swords (service behind the front?) and last Ehrenkreuz (missing swords but I´ve seen that before , maybe they didn´t have any similar swords ?)

      Backside is a quite unique fastening :rolleyes:


    9. :unsure:

      Aha , was there a whole group ? I miss that :blush: , to bad the name was messed up otherwise this strange bar could get a name ....

      I have to see if I can find the other lots

      I am wondering about taking away this 1920s ribbon and have a ordinarie ribbon bar but I usually never mess with period misstakes even if they are strange, so I don´t really know about this one.

      Maybe I should keep it like this

      Thanks for the id of the St Anne , Rick I was puzzled by that ribbon


    10. Hallo Germany !

      I need help to get a group together :banger: I spoke with the seller but she cant figure out how to open the auction for international sellers ..... So right now only buyer from Germnany can buy them.

      It is two auctions on Ebay.de i am trying to buy :

      Iten no: 330398562747 certificate Hamburg Cross

      Item no : 330398564048 certificate for Ehrendenkmunze

      The auction ends in 7 days and 23 hours , if someone in Germany could bid on them for me.Than I pay for them :cheers:

      Help anyone?


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