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    Posts posted by christerd

    1. :jumping: :jumping::jumping:

      Wonders may still Happen !

      Now The certificate for Arnolds Hamburg Cross has turned up on Ebay , and his vet medal/cert (ehrenlegion)

      and the medalbar with EK, Hamburg, HEK Hungary !!!!!

      The only thing is that seller only sells to Germany ? I maild him/her and asked if I could bid so i hope hi will sell to Sweden .......

      Would be great to get some more docs together to this group :cheers:


    2. There's a number of additional awards and documents I have not seen before, I will add them as time permits. Any ID help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Rick

      Here's the cover to an impressive folder that holds a four paged typed document that i have no clue about. Does the cover lend anything?

      Wow !

      Very impressing group, one of the best I´ve seen for years :jumping::jumping:

      I´m looking forward to see the rest, I am sorry to say I don´t have a clue to the last document.

      Again a super group !


    3. Hello!

      I need information on using.Thanks for help. :cheers:

      All the best


      Hi Morten,

      Concerning the optical instrument for 20 mm gun, i Think it was used by putting this device in the barrel and aiming with it. Than you removed it and test the guns and see if the guns hit the target.

      The flag was a warning not to forget to remove the instrument :cheeky:

      I have used similar instrument during test firings in Sweden,not in this caliber but I still think that is how it was used.

      Best regards from neighbour country


    4. The Heroic Deeds Cross had no Roll, only the individually signed receipts when every recipient acknowledged getting one from the issuing authority.

      Those individual receipts exist, but have not been copied or transcribed and at this point will not be included in that volume, because there IS no "Roll" for it.

      Aha, thanks Rick.

      So I will have to look for more books to learn something about his guy.


    5. Here is an example how much time, patience and money it takes to learn soemthing about just a small pic :rolleyes:

      The photo shows three Leutnants, named Ehlers ? , Potthoff and Bine ?

      And this time there was names on the backside :jumping:

      The man to the left Ehlers or something is well decorated EK II, EK I , I think Oldenburg FA cross II and Oldenburg FA cross I

      The middle man is the most interesting with EK II, Lippe KVK and War Honor Cross

      Since the WHC was only awarded in 740 pieces I thought it would be possible to find out something about him :unsure:

      But inspite of all the books I have (and my wife thinks I have to many....) I didnt have the Staatshandbuch from Lippe (I have the book from 1916 where some of the awardees is listed from 1914/15) so I had to order a book from 1918 from Germany!

      And I hope he was a member from Inf Rgt 55 ? with that in thougt I bought a Regimential story for only 5 Euro !

      and of course if the LIppe Rolls will be published next year I will stand first in line for a example!!!

      Conclusion : You need a lot of research material and its never enough :whistle: (I hope my wife read this )

      Have a nice weekend all !


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