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    Posts posted by christerd

    1. But Wait, the story isn´t over yet !!!

      LtDr Arnold Kuschel didnt end up as a Bookseller in Hamburg in 1939, the last document I got is this paper dated 13th December 1942 and now he is Hauptmann ( new rank in 1941-42? ) belonging to Gren. Ers Batl 492, if the info I found is rightthis unit ended up in Poland in 1945. In this doc it looks like Herr Kuschel is in Hospital again !! maybe wounded for the sixth time :speechless1:

      I havent found him in any search for war dead so maybe he survived even the second WW ?

      Probably he would have an EK II 1939 or a KVK ? to his other medals

      Now I only wish to get a picture of him so I could see how this tough soldier looked like.

      Hope you like the story.


    2. Before the War ended he also got a Award from Bulgaria, in 6th September 1918 he was awarded the Military Order of Merit with crown, most probably 5th class.

      Observe that this document is signed by the Rgts Führer of Reichswehr Rgt 34 in Danzig December 5th 1919, yes so our resrve Leutnant has now been in a new fight. Now in Reichswehr Rgt34 fighting in Poland if I am correct ? :unsure:

      Anyone has info about this Reichswehr unit? InfRgt 34

      I have a pic of the Bulgarian award in question borrowed from Rick in another thread ( I hope you dont mind showing it here Rick :blush: ) Its the ONLY pic I found on this award...


    3. Arnold Kuschel seems to have been in frontline duty and had his share of the bullits and shrapnel that flew around the trenches, but he still survived. July 3rd 1918 he got one of the most respected awards the Verwundeten Abzeichen in Mattgelb, or Woundbadge in Gold. In Gold it was awarded for 5 or moore wounds, but since there was no Wound badge before March 1918, Arnold Kuschel probably got this for wounds he had recived during 1914- summer 1918.

      Amazing that he was still alive in July 1918.....

      First the preliminary Document signed by some Major.


    4. At last I have my Arnold Kuschel collection , sad to say I missed a couple of important documents and a medalbar but I got the most of it.

      To start from the beginning (and of course its a mixture of guesses and facts)

      He was a one year volunteer from Hamburg starting in Danziger Infantrie Regiment 128, maybe in 1909-10?

      Probably he made a good impression to the company commander and he continued to be a officer aspirant in the reserve.

      When the War broke out in 1914 he was a LtdR in Inf Rgt 128 belonging to Infanterie Brigade 71 in turn belonging to Inf Div 36. This division fought on the Eastern front in the beginning of the war,and it explains why he later got a Bulgarian award. In October 1915 the division was moved to the Western front and LtdR Arnold Kuschel was now in one of the bloodiest battles of the war, the Battle of Somme July-Nov 1916...

      He was awarded the Iron Cross II class in August 3rd 1916, the temporary certificate is signed August 12 1916 during the battle. It looks like its signed from one Von Metzler? rank ? anyone?

      More to come !

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