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    Posts posted by christerd

    1. :jumping:

      Thanks Rick !

      You are right, that would be a possibility!

      I have start to search the Finnish Generals during WW2 and they were "only" about 60 or so

      (I have to start with something) trying to find out wich were in J?g Battl 27.

      20 of the former J?gers were Mannerheim Cross Winners !!

      It going to be a long dark autumn, with only me and old papers (my wife will probably take a vacation in some sunny place when I start to look through dust old books ......)

      Good night from Sweden


    2. Hi all !

      Just want to tell about a new "mini" project!

      I am going to try to find the man behind my long "navy" ribbonbar with Libertycross 2nd , 3rd and 4th class + German eagle order and Ehrenkreuz.

      As he was a member of Preuss 27th J?gerbattalion I got about 2000 possibilities :speechless:

      Hmmm, BUT there was only about 1200 of theese fighting in the war 1918!

      So from 2000 to 1200 , and 120 was killed in action so down to about 1100 left.

      Now from research I found out that about 800 former J?gers become Officers in Finland after 1918!! So now down to 800 possible

      Still to many, but in a book from 1943 concerning the J?ger Batl it is said that about 300 become Majors or higher rank. And 39 become Generals.

      Much better with 300 than 2000. Now I have to start looking for Finnish officers who has been i 27TH J?ger Btl and in war 1918 AND in Battle of Tammerfors 1918 AND recived German Eagle order but no EK 1918,1939..... wish me luck :cheers:

      If anyone have any information about Finnish former J?ger officers I am happy to know everything you got


    3. Thanks Ed and Rick !

      I think you are right Rick about the 27th J?ger Btl most of the former members become high ranking officers in the Finnish Forces later. Have to see if I can find a list of Finnish officers who wa sin the 27th J?ger? Maybe it is possible to give a name to the ribbon bar?

      Here is some pics of the backsides, hope they are ok.

      Most are of the same type with long rather thin needles, but some older one from 1918 has screwposts

      the ones with the thick blunt needle are often from Sweden.

      Have a nice weekend all


    4. Ribbon Bar to Colonel or GenMaj ?

      Now we are talking !

      Mini ribbon bar said to be used by navy personal?

      Here we have a high decorated fighter fron three wars ! 1918, 1939 and 1941

      1: Liberty cross 2nd class 1941? at no front service

      2: Liberty cross 3rd class 1939 ( I am guessing here)

      3: Liberty cross 4th class 1939

      4: Order of White Rose Commander

      5: Order of White Rose Knight

      6: Com medal 1918

      7: Com medal 1939 ws

      8: Com medal Tampere 1918

      9: German Ehrenkreuz 1935 (for 1918 civil war together with german troops ?)

      10:German Eagle Order 1941-42?

      Some high ranking officer in Finnish navy 1941-43? could possible have a 1 st class Liberty cross as well? If only theese ribbon bars could speak!


    5. Interesting bar!

      Now to something more difficult,

      1: Liberty cross 4th class But 1918 or 1939 ? I would guess 1918

      2: Libety cross 4th class civil 1939

      3: Com medal 1918 with rose (for bravery I think)

      4: Winter war medal wo s

      Could have been fighting in 1918 got liberty cross then back in HQ or behind lines in 1939?


    6. Here is the first of two very similar ribbon bars

      first this one:

      1: Liberty cross 3rd class 1941

      2: Libert cross 4th class w oakl 1941

      3: Libert cross medal 2nd class 1939 ?

      4: Winter war medal ws

      He should/could have had another 4th class Lc 1941 after the one w oakl, often you see

      different made bars and I dont relly know the regulations for theese?

    7. And yet another incomplte ribbon bar.... :o

      Why do so many finnish ribbon bars get separated?

      I dont know how many half , like theese I have seen during the years..

      Here we got a top half of something

      1. Liberty cross 3rd class 1941

      2. Liberty cross 4th class with oak leaf 1941 (for 2nd award)

      3. Liberty cross 4th class 1941

      Or maybe he did it the "less is more" way? and just showed his bravey awards and

      not the commorative stuff?


    8. Winter war 1939-1940 !

      Here is a ribbon bar to someone working behind front lines but still risking his/hers life...

      1: Medal of Libert first class 1939

      2: Civil Defence Medal of Merit

      3: Order of the cross of Liberty medal of Merit

      4: Winter War medal wo sw.

      A fireman? Airprotection unit ? maybe a female Lotta ?


    9. And another butchered ribbon bar :banger:

      Well at leasy I think so, this must be the bottom half of a real fighters ribbon bar!!!

      He must have foght in three or four wars ....

      First the medal of " War of kindred nations cross 1918-1922"

      Commemorative medal of battle of Tampere 1918

      Ok, he was in the civil war 1918 and continued to fight in 1918-1922 conflict

      and more, next medal is " Eastern Carelia commemorative medal 1918-22 OR Aunus Commemorative Cross 1919-22" I think its the Aunus cross

      But the last one is " Lappland war commemorative cross" and that war was in 1944!

      He was really a fighter

      would be nice to have the rest of this bar.... :(

    10. And now a woman !

      Here is a Finnish "Lotta"

      She?s got a Liberty Cross nonfighter 4th class 1939

      White Rose order/medal

      Lotta Sv?rd Cross of Merit (quite unusual)

      Winter War medal wo swords

      Highly decorated woman from the winter war, I havent got the numbers of LS Cross of Merit awarded

      but it cant be a lot of them.


    11. Here is a top bar of two?

      Too bad theese ribbonbars got separated at some time,

      1: Order of the Lion of Finland Commander 1st class

      2: Order of the white Rose of Finland Knight

      If he was a military guy (or she) he would have some more orders, could be an civil servant?

      but a Order of LIon Commander class wasnt issued by the dozens exactly....


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