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    1. Speechs in TV-Melilla Conferencias en TV-Melilla Después de unos meses, refloto el post, para indicaros los enlaces donde podréis ver unos extractos de las conferencias. TV-Melilla, encargada de la grabación en vídeo, ofrece en su página dedicada http://www.tvmelilla.es/videos/index.html, los vídeos de las conferencias. I bump this post today for present to you the video-extracts by TV-Melilla. http://www.tvmelilla.es/videos/video.html?v=12733286 En guerra ajena (II) En este, a partir del minuto 17 Emilio expone su conferencia, se ven las fotos, al U-617, y se presentan los temas, una entrevista. http://www.tvmelilla.es/videos/video.html?v=12733219 En guerra ajena (I) Jan.
    2. He encontrado una reseña, firmada por Andrés Moraga del prmer día de las Jornadas. Podéis leerla en: I found a review, signed by Andres Moraga in the first Day of the Journeys. You will can read it in this link: http://www.elfarodig...de-la-uned.html Algunas reseñas más: / More links-In Spanish-: http://www.elfarodig...en-la-uned.html http://www.elfarodig...en-catalan.html Santiago me indicó que leyese esta noticia, la reseña de la última Jornada de las conferencias. Santiago told me to read this news, the review of the final day of the Journeys. Emilio Umbría Cruz glosa la presencia de los submarinos alemanes en Tres Forcas - Infomelilla.com: Periódico Digital de Melilla I offer to you a translation, as a friend lets me about this matter. I hope that you like it. Local Culture Melilla and the Second World War. Emilio Cruz Umbria glosses about the presence of German submarines in Cape Tres Forcas Albrecht Brandi commander of U-617- after many adventures he returned to command two other submarines before the end of the war the U-380 & U-967, falling prisoner of Canadians, as commander in chief of the Midget Submarine Flotilla. in the Netherlands- Professor Emilio Umbria Cruz holds in his hand a small model of the German submarine U-617 along with local historian Santiago Dominguez momentum that has made it possible to have developed in the UNED of 20 to 23 April 2010, days around Melilla in the context of the Second World War with the participation of many qualified speakers connected with that time in various disciplines that have attracted a good number of attendees at these conferences, even exposing some vivid memories of those years. / Author: JJF The photograph is a nice snapshot just before the start of the conference star. The legends and myths of German submarines in the Cape Tres Forcas near Melilla were known at the top secret aura. The first publications Manuel Cuenca, including lectures in Melilla Studies Association and other disclosures of witnesses and experts have attracted passionate about the stories of German U-boats of World War II as is the case of professor in Umbria data and photographs on display in his paper, the result of over ten years of intensive research. D. Emilio, is also my Director of Investigation It is the voyage of the submarine U-617 led by their commander Albrecht Brandi Kapitänleutnant, which ran aground near the mouth of the River Kert ships pursued by allies a September 12, 1943. How workforce was housed in Tauima, moved to Chefchaouen, Ceuta and finally Arsenal de La Carraca the San Fernando (Cádiz). / Author: JJF Brandi himself after many adventures he returned to command two other submarines before the end of the WWII, dropping as the Canadian troops, survived the World War and died on June 6, 1966, and was buried with military honors at the cemetery in the German city Dortmund. Many visitors arriving in Melilla, as news of this kind of stories related to World War II in areas of the former Spanish protectorate in Morocco have a vested interest in visiting these locations in the neighboring country, either of English pilots, 1944, the bunkers of the " Pérez line" near at Muluya River, the operation in 1943 Backbone II American occupation of the former Spanish protectorate, or stories of spies who swarmed in the 40s Melilla as the attractive German spy Mary Riltter and the secret presence in our city's own of General Patton. It's funny how the data in those 40 years were in the city of Melilla Consulates French, English or Italian, for the various powers were carefully Franco's attitude in his decision to join the Axis. Congratulate both the UNED in sponsoring such initiatives, which aroused much interest among the public of Melilla citizens also crossing borders by monitoring of this conference on Internet forums, hoping that these papers are published in a foreign war that almost caught us, as Santiago Dominguez Llosá concludes. JUAN JOSÉ FLORENSA (Author of the chronicle) Free Translation by Juan Jaramillo Jan.
    3. Conferencias en Melilla sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial.. Speechs in Melilla about the Second World War. Speechs in Melilla about the Second World War. Conferencias en Melilla sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En los próximos días 20 al 23 de Abril de 2010, y de 17:00 a 21:00 hEA (15:00 a 19:00 UTC-GMT) en el Aula 10 (Centro Asociado a la UNED de Melilla) se impartirán una serie de conferencias. En Guerra ajena, Melilla y el Protectorado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Están dirigidas por Concepción Ybarra y son sus coordinadores Ángel Castro y Santiago Domínguez Contenidos: MARTES 20 DE ABRIL 17,30 h.- "La frustrada ambición marroquí de Franco" Por la Dra. Dª. Concepción Ybarra, profesora titular de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la UNED. 18,45 h.- "Incidentes de guerra en el área de Melilla". Por D. Santiago Domínguez Llosá. Investigador. Experto en Historia Contemporánea de Melilla MIÉRCOLES 21 DE ABRIL 17,30 h.- "El alquimista clandestino: un episodio inédito de la bibliografía catalana sobre Melilla". Por el Dr. D. Vicente Moga Romero. Jefe del Archivo Central de la CAM. Profesor-Tutor Uned-Melilla 18,45 h.- El Cine: La lucha desde la Pantalla. Por la Dra. Dª. Josefina Martínez. Profesora titular de la facultad de Geografía e Historia de la UNED 20,00 h. Proyección de Documentales sobre la II Guerra Mundial JUEVES 22 DE ABRIL 17,00 h.- " Tánger español: la realización de un viejo anhelo" Por la Dra. Dª Susana Sueiro. Profesora Titular de la facultad de Geografía e Historia de la UNED 18,15 h.- "Los planes de defensa del Estrecho" Por el Dr. D. Francisco J. Álvarez Laita. Director del archivo MdR Almirante de Castilla y colaborador habitual de la revista española de Defensa y Marina Civil. 19,30 h.- "La batalla contra los agentes alemanes en el estrecho de Gibraltar" Por el Dr. D. Carlos Collado, profesor de la Universidad de Marburgo (Alemania) VIERNES 23 DE ABRIL 17,00 h.- " El ejército de África durante la II Guerra Mundial. Factor estratégico". Por D. Jesús Albert, investigador del TEIM Coronel del Ejército 18,15 h.- "Los planes de Franco frente al Protectorado francés en Marruecos". Por el Dr. D. Manuel Ros Agudo. Profesor de la facultad de Historia de la Universidad San Pablo CEU 19,30 h..- "El incidente del U-617. El submarino de Sammar". Por D. Emilio Umbría. Profesor en EE MM. Especialista en el Norte de África y la II Guerra Mundial Condiciones Para obtener un diploma acreditativo expedido por la UNED habrá que inscribirse en Secretaría, asistir a las sesiones del curso y presentar una memoria de las actividades realizadas o un trabajo de profundización, dentro de los 15 días naturales tras la finalización del curso. Validez académica: Un crédito de libre configuración. Plazas limitadas Speechs in Melilla about the Second World War. In the next days 20 to April 23, 2010, and HEA 17:00 to 21:00 (15:00 to 19:00 UTC-GMT) in the Aula 10 (UNED Associated Center of Melilla) will be given a series of lectures/speeches. "En Guerra ajena, Melilla y el Protectorado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial" aka In foreign war, Melilla and the Protectorate (Morocco) during the Second World War. These acts are led by Concepcion Ybarra and their coordinators are Angel Castro and Santiago Dominguez Contents: (All the times in Peninsular EA mode) TUESDAY, APRIL 20 17:30 - "The Franco's Moroccan frustrated ambition" By Dr. D ª. Concepcion Ybarra, associate professor of Faculty of Geography and History, UNED. 18.45 h. - "Incidents of war in the area of Melilla." By D. Santiago Dominguez Llosá. Researcher. Expert on Contemporary History in Melilla WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 17:30 - "The clandestine Alchemist: an unpublished episode Catalan literature about Melilla. " By Dr. D. Vicente Moga Romero. Head/Chief of the Central Archives of the CAM. Teacher-Tutor-Melilla Uned 18.45 h. - Movies: The Struggle from the screen. By Dr. D ª. Josefina Martinez. Professor of Faculty of Geography and History, UNED 20.00 h. Documentary Footage/Screening/Films on World War II THURSDAY, APRIL 22 17.00 h. - "Spanish Tangier: performing an old dream" By Dr. D ª Susana Sueiro. Professor of the faculty Geography and History, UNED 18.15 h. - "The defense plans Strait of Gibraltar" By Dr. D. Francisco J. Alvarez Laita. MDR Archive Director Admiral of Castile and regular contributor to the Spanish magazine "Defensa y Marina Civil" aka Civilian Defense and Navy. 19.30 h. - "The battle against German agents in the Strait of Gibraltar " By Dr. D. Carlos Collado, professor University of Marburg (Germany) FRIDAY APRIL 23 17.00 h. - "The African army during World War II. Strategic factor. " By D. Jesus Albert, a researcher at the Army Colonel TEIM 18.15 h. - "Franco's plans against the Protectorate French in Morocco. " By Dr. D. Manuel Ros Agudo. Professor of the Faculty History of the Universidad San Pablo CEU 19.30 pm .- "The U-617 incident. Sammar's submarine. " By D. Emilio Umbria. EE MM Professor. Specialist North Africa and the World War II Conditions: Terms To obtain a diploma issued by the UNED should be Secretariat register, attend the sessions of the course and present a memory activities or work of deepening within 15 calendar days after completion of the course. Academic validity: A provision of free choice. Limited capacity Free translation at English by Juan Jaramillo Jan.
    4. Dear Erik: As any shipmates of this Forum must know, I'm investigating the History of U-617 and his crew. Yesterday, in a new search in Internet, appears your post. Many months ago, a german officer, appointed me in the rigth direction, about the matters of soldiers of WWI and WWII. Sehr geehrter Herr Jaramillo, herzlichen Dank f?r Ihre E - Mail vom 20.08.2007 nebst Anlagen, die mir am 23.08.2007 zur Bearbeitung zugeleitet wurde. Die Pr?fung in unseren daf?r in Frage kommenden Best?nden verlief leider negativ, so dass ich mich au?er Stande sehe, Ihnen Informationen zu dem gesuchten Offizier "Albrecht Brandi" zukommen zu lassen. Aus diesem Grund wenden Sie sich, bitte, an nachfolgend aufgef?hrte Dienststelle, die fast in G?nze s?mtliche Personalunterlagen zu ehemaligen Marineangeh?rigen des Zweiten Weltkrieges verwahrt. Deren Adresse lautet wie folgt: Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) Eichborndamm 179 D - 13403 Berlin www.dd-wast.de Tel.: +49/30/41904 - 0 In der Hoffnung, dass man Ihnen dort weiter helfen kann, verbleibe ich mit freundlichen Gr??en. Im Auftrag gez. A d o l p h, ArchHS If you translate to English, could understand better his words. This organism, can help you in your enquirie. One of his services, is precisely, trace a person, with more complementary options. Yesterday, when I discover your photos, I very surprised..... I trace, means the Times Online at the destiny of the crew, and with the help of german friend shipmates of Forums, discover interesting matters: The remaining crew present in C?diz, in 1945, at the end of WWII in Europe, then captured and conduced as POW by a warship of Royal Navy, inprisioned in Gibraltar, and newly, conduced to Italy and work as POW in camps until his repatriation to Germany. This is an obscure stage..... Is for this reason, that one of your photos, its very emotive for me. Most of the names that I can understand in the back of the photo are very familiar. Do you know more details, as the date in wich its taken? Jan. P.S. Is for this reason, dear Erik, excuse me if I importunate you, the reason that I solicite you, if you wish, of course, and destinated for our job could share with us scans of any of your photos.
    5. You are welcome, Ben! I hope you find at last at your officier.... Jan.
    6. Dear Ben: If you wish know more details of a german soldier who fougth in the WW2, read this message who send me from a German Officier: ----- Original Message ----- From: j.adolph@barch.bund.de To: Juan Jaramillo Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 1:27 PM Subject: Commander Albrecht Brandi, geboren am 20.06.1914 Sehr geehrter Herr Jaramillo, herzlichen Dank f?r Ihre E - Mail vom 20.08.2007 nebst Anlagen, die mir am 23.08.2007 zur Bearbeitung zugeleitet wurde. Die Pr?fung in unseren daf?r in Frage kommenden Best?nden verlief leider negativ, so dass ich mich au?er Stande sehe, Ihnen Informationen zu dem gesuchten Offizier "Albrecht Brandi" zukommen zu lassen. Aus diesem Grund wenden Sie sich, bitte, an nachfolgend aufgef?hrte Dienststelle, die fast in G?nze s?mtliche Personalunterlagen zu ehemaligen Marineangeh?rigen des Zweiten Weltkrieges verwahrt. Deren Adresse lautet wie folgt: Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) Eichborndamm 179 D - 13403 Berlin www.dd-wast.de Tel.: +49/30/41904 - 0 In der Hoffnung, dass man Ihnen dort weiter helfen kann, verbleibe ich mit freundlichen Gr??en. Im Auftrag gez. A d o l p h, ArchHS I hope that this organization help you in your enquiries. Jan.
    7. Thanks, Eric. I go to your indicate section and read it carefully..... Jan.
    8. Thanks, Mike for your help!. I will transmitt your word for my friend and will let him for more details of this auction. Jan.
    9. Dear Friends: As you must know, I registered also in others Forums. A shipmate of WW2F, answer me of a Badge in: Wound Badge of Condor Legion Jan.
    10. More details about the Allied warships: The Allied ships implicated in the finally gunfire of U-617 are as follow: K-84 HMS ?Hyacinth? (Flower Corvette) HMS 306 Trawler ?Haarlem? J-172 es la HMSA ?Wollogong? (Australian warship) Los buques aliados implicados en el ca?oneo final al U-617 fueron: La K-84 es el HMS ?Hyacinth? (Corbeta clase Flower) La HMS 306 era el Arrastrero ?Haarlem? ( Buque de pesca armado) La J-172 es la HMSA ?Wollogong? (Barco australiano) Jan.
    11. More details aported by friends of others Forums and research in Internet Dear Friends of Forum: As all you seen in my last post and as said to all in my presentation, I'm in a Historical Investigation on U-617: As all you seen in this post of Liberator Surrender of U 570 - World War II Forums And in this pages I am now in a research of photos or any the aircrafts who are destinated In the RAF Gibraltar Base or any material similar and adequate for complete our Investigation. As a member of our Historical Investigation group, I thank you in advance. Jan.
    12. Dear Chris: I'm a fan of subs. I dont found any reference for this interesting question. I suggest you visit this pages: http://www.fleetsubmarine.com/ Its one page very amazing. Jan.
    13. Querido Gordon: En primer lugar, agradecerte la atenci?n que has demostrado hacia nuestra Investigaci?n, sugiriendo a los dem?s miembros del GMIC su visita. Respecto a tus comentarios y preguntas, te indico que nuestro trabajo se basa en los hechos constatados mediante los diferentes memorandum de los distintos Organismos Espa?oles e Internacionales que tenemos en nuestro poder. He recibido el ruego personal de mi Director de Investigaci?n, conocedor de tu gran experiencia y val?a como historiador, que te invite, si es tu deseo, aportes tus materiales a nuestro proyecto. Dear Gordon: First, thank the attention it has shown you toward our research, suggesting to the other members of this Forum his visit at my post. Regarding your comments and questions, we point out that our work is based on the facts found by the various memoranda of various Spaniards and International Organizations in our possession. I received a request from my personal Director of Research, being cognizant of your great experience and worth as a historian, I invite you, if you wish, your input materials to our project. Jan.
    14. U-617 12/Sept/1943 Albrecht Brandi Karl D?nitz Doenitz U617 A Historical Investigation on the U-617 in Spain. Dear mates and friends from the Forum: I am Juan Jaramillo y Blasco. I'm a participating among other friends from the U-Historia Forum on a Historical Investigation that Emilio Umbr?a is carrying out on the U-617. The historical investigation about the incident that took place in the mouth of the River Kert, near Melilla in September 1943, after that the German submarine under commanded by the Kapit?nleutnant Albrecht Brandi stranded, is near to its end after 9 years of working. It has been years of material compilation of diverse kind, such as Secret and confidential documentation declassified specifically at request to be incorporated, coming from many varied National Governmental Archives, Formal Requests at the German Embassy in Madrid, Collaboration, Compilation and Interchange with different people and Organizations in our own country, but also abroad. We will present, with the inestimable help, presence and collaboration as much of friends as of people that, with the performance of their duties, have assisted us, this new investigational work to the audience that hopefully will show again the linking between the History of Spain in the historical context of the World War Two. I will present to you the Team: Emilio Umbr?a ? Director of Investigation Luis Montero ?Logan- Luis Borr?s ?Spoon- Juan Jaramillo ?Jan7- Brief historical synthesis of the Investigation: According to the analysis of the documentation we have in power, the following facts are emphasized: The submarine was attacked by the British air force and navy, and even when it ran into a ditch inside the Spanish territorial waters, the whole crew was therefore safe in the coast, being afterwards land rescued by the Spanish army and confinement to barracks of the Legion in Tahuima in Nador (Spanish protectorade in Morocco) in two expeditions. Only two crew members of the submarine stayed in Melilla, the Lieutenant Ferdinand von Arco as a companion of a crew member that was surgically operated in the military hospital of the previously mentioned city. According to a encrypted telegram by the High Commissioner in Morocco to the Presidential Government in the afternoon of the October 15th 1943 aboard the Ca?onero Dato, 48 crew members of the submarine, 4 aviators and 16 evaders from the French zone that were confined in the Arsenal de la Carraca in San Fernando (C?diz) travel to C?diz. By the paper by the Chief of Staff of the Navy in November 1943, the disappearance of the previously mentioned Arsenal of four submarine crew members: A Lieutenant, two Brigadas (the "Brigada" is a military employ in the Spanish Armed Forces, it is a NCO employ and it ranks between the Second Lieutenant and the First Sergeant) and one Sergeant. To avoid new prison breaks, leaving the confined compound was forbidden to the personnel. A new paper by the Chief of Staff of the Navy dated in December 1943 informs about a new prison break, of two crew members: A Brigada and a Sergeant; this new prison break caused an energetic protest by the British Embassy to the Spanish authorities, resulting in these being forced to make a investigation that would verify the enlistment of these two evaders into the Spanish Legion with a false name. The Commander Albrecht Brandi was able to escape himself from the guards near the city of Madrid, while he was being transferred by train from Algeciras to Madrid, and he presents himself in the Third Reich Embassy, where he is provided with a passport with a false name, being able to cross the French border, and within some days he presented himself to the Admiral Doenitz, Commander of the submarine forces, in Berlin. Dear readers and mates from the Forum, if you are in possession of interesting materials for our investigation such as photographs, don't hesitate to share them with us in this project. As a member of our Historical Investigation group, I thank you in advance. Jan. U-617 12/Sept/1943 Albrecht Brandi Karl D?nitz Doenitz U617 Queridos compa?eros y amigos de Foro: Soy Juan Jaramillo y Blasco. Participo con otros compa?eros del Foro U-Historia en la Investigaci?n Hist?rica que est? realizando Emilio Umbr?a acerca del U-617 Est? a punto de culminar un trabajo de investigaci?n hist?rica de m?s de 9 a?os de duraci?n, sobre el incidente acaecido en la desembocadura del R?o Kert, cerca de Melilla en septiembre de 1943, tras embarrancar el submarino de nacionalidad alemana U-617 al mando del Kapit?nleutnant Albrecht Brandi. Han sido a?os de Compilaci?n de todo tipo de materiales: Documentaci?n secreta y confidencial expresamente desclasificada a petici?n para ser incorporada, procedente de diversos Archivos Gubernamentales Nacionales, Peticiones formales a la Embajada Alemana en Madrid, Colaboraci?n, Recopilaci?n e Intercambio con muy diferentes personas y Organismos tanto de nuestro pa?s, como del Extranjero. Con la inestimable ayuda, presencia y colaboraci?n en esta tarea tanto de amigos como de personas que en el desempe?o de sus funciones nos han prestado su apoyo, presentaremos ante el p?blico aficionado este nuevo trabajo de investigaci?n que muestre una vez m?s la imbricaci?n de la Historia de Espa?a en el contexto hist?rico de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Os presento al Equipo: Emilio Umbr?a - Director de Investigaci?n Luis Montero ?Logan- Luis Borr?s ?Spoon- Juan Jaramillo ?Jan7- Peque?a s?ntesis hist?rica de la investigaci?n: Seg?n se desprende de la documentaci?n que obra en nuestro poder se constatan los siguientes hechos: Que ?ste fue atacado por la fuerza a?rea y la marina brit?nica, incluso una vez embarrancado dentro de aguas jurisdiccionales espa?olas, la tripulaci?n en su totalidad se pon?a a salvo en la costa, siendo posteriormente rescatada en tierra por el ejercito espa?ol y conducida al acuartelamiento de la Legi?n en Tahuima en Nador (protectorado espa?ol en Marruecos ), algunos d?as despu?s la tripulaci?n del submarino es conducida a Xauen (protectorado espa?ol en Marruecos) en dos expediciones. S?lo dos miembros de la tripulaci?n de este permanecer?n en Melilla, el Teniente Ferdinand von Arco como acompa?ante de un miembro de la tripulaci?n que es intervenido quir?rgicamente en el hospital militar de esta ciudad. Seg?n telegrama cifrado del Alto Comisario en Marruecos a la Presidencia del Gobierno en la tarde del d?a 15 de octubre de 1943 a bordo del Ca?onero Dato salen hacia C?diz, 48 tripulantes del submarino, 4 aviadores y 16 evadidos de la zona francesa que quedaran internados en el Arsenal de la Carraca en San Fernando (C?diz). Seg?n escrito del Estado Mayor de la Armada en Noviembre de 1943, se observ? la desaparici?n de dicho Arsenal de cuatro miembros de la tripulaci?n del submarino: Un Teniente, dos Brigadas y un Sargento. Para evitar nuevas fugas se prohibir?an en lo sucesivo las salidas del recinto de internamiento a dicho personal. Un nuevo escrito del Estado Mayor de la Armada fechado en diciembre de 1943 informa de una nueva fuga, la de dos miembros de dicha tripulaci?n: Un Brigada y un Sargento; esta nueva fuga conllevar?a una en?rgica protesta por parte de la Embajada Brit?nica ante las autoridades espa?olas, vi?ndose obligadas ?stas a realizar una investigaci?n que llevara hasta la comprobaci?n de un posible alistamiento de estos dos evadidos en la Legi?n Espa?ola con nombre falso. El Comandante Albrecht Brandi, mientras es trasladado en tren desde Algeciras a Madrid, consigue evadirse de sus guardianes cerca de ?sta y se presenta en la Embajada del Tercer Reich, all? se le proporciona un pasaporte con nombre falso, consiguiendo cruzar la frontera francesa, y en unos d?as se presenta en Berl?n al Almirante Doenitz , Jefe de las Fuerzas de Submarinos. Permitidme, queridos lectores y compa?eros de Foro, si ten?is en vuestro poder materiales interesantes para nuestra investigaci?n tales como fotograf?as, que os anime a compartirlas con nosotros en este proyecto. Como representante de nuestro grupo de Investigaci?n Hist?rica, os lo agradezco en este momento. Jan.
    15. Jan.... Una nueva entrega: son las Hojas de Prendas, ?Interiores y Exteriores? A new delivery Leaf with garments. "Inside and outside" Hoja con las prendas menores, corresponde a un amigo. Leaf with minors garments , corresponds to a friend. Hoja con las prendas mayores, corresponde a un amigo. Leaf with older garments, corresponds to a friend. Jan.
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