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    Paul R

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    Posts posted by Paul R

    1. When I started collecting Soviet items in 1992, Igor M. at Collectrussia.com has been my source. Being a former Soviet Officer, he knows what he is selling. I have known him for 13 years and he is a great guy to do business with. He has always offered great customer service and a very friendly attitude. I learned a lot from him!

      As stated above, the Comprehensive Guide on Soviet Orders and Medals is a must have if you are wanting to collect them. I think that he is even offering uniforms as well. Check his website out.

      Here are his uniforms



      Best regards

      Paul Reck

    2. Hi Chris!

      When I was stationed on a cutter(210 foot ship), USCGC CONFIDENCE(1998-2001), we did some Caribbean Ops with US and British Navy. I remember pulling into GTMO Cuba and the HMS Northland(I think that was the name of the ship) pulled in that night. I remember meeting the medic on board. I was invited to their first class mess where I was give some of the finest British rations. That was a great night. I had a blast. I wish we were allowed to have a drink or two after watch. I think they told me that the British were allowed two drinks per day... and some told me that they would save their rations for a few days and have them all at once!

    3. The British Army frowns, on the bringing back of war trophies, stating that they are property of the Iraqi people. I assume that the American Coast Guard, takes a different view of this thinking. I`d very much like to hear other peoples opinions of this this.

      Hi! :D

      I can assure you that these items were not ripped from either the clutches of a dead person or from a protesting native. The vessel was caught trying to sneak things out of the country and was detained. The crew members(like so many other workers) were from other countries and I was told that they were sent home after some time.

      The items were declared legal when I listed them on my customs sheet on the way out.

      As far as the medals are concerned, I traded for them.

      There were rules as to what we could bring back... The ones I remember are:

      1. No weapons, weapon parts, or ordinance.

      2. Nothing of monetary value(unless there is a proof of purchase)

      3. Nothing tastless(body parts and ect)

      There were more but that is all I can remember now...(I am home sick so my brain is a bit fried. LOL)

      Thanks again for your responses...

      As for differences in military policies amoungst the allies... I wish we were allowed to have alcohol rations... Our military did away with that with the onset of the Prohibition. Although the US Govt has revoked that law, the military has not. We still are not allowed to drink onboard any military craft nor are we allocated any. (No disprespect was intended or taken).

      Thanks Darryll,

      I just wanted something to go with what I decide to tell my kids... if or when they ask.

      Warm regards


    4. My favorite TR medal is the Lifesaving medal. I know that it is a really obscure area, but I just cannot get enough of them. Anyway, as far as I knew there were two accepted variations of this medal...

      The solid silver pendant that is hallmarked with the silver purity number and halfmoon(Left). The second variation is the silver plated zinc or tombak.(on the right).

      Based on another thread on the WAF, there is evidently a third variation as seen in this thread... There was a heated debate on it and it now has the backing of Detlev.


      What do you all think about this. Have any of you ever heard of this variation? I have the opportunity to trade an item or two for this... I just want to hear some of your thoughts on the matter first.

      If you have pics of your lifesaving medals, please post them. Especially those on bars! :love:

      Best regards


      PS... I wish to apologize in advance for my crappy ability in photographing these medals. I took about 20 pics of these and cannot seem to get them to come out clearly!

    5. Very nice DDR collection, Paul! :love: I've a few tunics in my collection, but nothing like yours! Actually, my wife was pretty ticked off at me for having the tunics, so now, I focus my DDR collecting to badges and medals. In fact, she encouraged this change in collecting by buying me a small display cabinet, and not take up too much space in the closet! :lol:

      Faked uniforms...

      It makes one think... How many of the tunics in our WW2 collection are made in the same manner... Blank tunics that people(maybe germans themselves) added original insignia post war to sell to the sovenier hungry occupation troops. I see that happening a lot as I am sure that jobs were not the most abundant for a while. In most cases, we would never know

      Oberst Gen,

      I have the same issue with my wife now. I have so many East German tunics that she actually gets mad when I receive a TR item... not because of "what it is" but because of the quantity of items I have in the room!!! I only have seven TR uniforms now. To my wife, she view them one and the same!!!


    6. Very impressive collection, Paul! I really like your SVT-40! They are alot of fun to shoot, but in my opinion, the SVT is a beast when it comes to field stripping to clean. What is your opinion of the accuracy of your Mosin Nagant rifles versus your K98? Thte last time that I had taken my Mosins and K98 out to the range, I actually grouped much better with the Mosin Nagant than I did with the K98. Overall, you have a collection to be very proud of! :jumping:

      The worst part about field stripping the Tokarev is freeing the bolt from the receiver. Other than that, I was shocked to see how few pieces were present... I do remember the first time trying to field strip it, I because so angry I saw myself flinging it through a window!

      I traded an AR15 for my SVT40! I wanted one that badly. I had been looking for about two years(funny how rare things are when you are looking for them).

      I have not fired my WW2 weapons(except the mortar and P38 in re-enacting) in a very long time. I would say that the most accurate rifle would have to be the Mosin Nagant 90/31. I remember the Tokarev kicking like a mule, yet being really accurate. I never fired the Mosin Nagant M44 nor the Lugar).

      Thank you very much for your words of praise, Roy :violent:

    7. Darrel,

      i would chose the Typ 5 Lenin, as its the oldest of them and has a chance to have been awarded for Military Merit. The very late ones weren?t given for Long-Service anymore, as the Long-Service Medals already existed.



      I agree with Gerd... When I was still buying these, I would buy the one with the lowest number for the same reasons...

      Pretty sad how the Order of Lenin and other orders were diminished as time passed... It went from being a high honor for sacrifice and heroism to being given as a token retirement present... :mad:

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