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    Luftwaffe Rules

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    Everything posted by Luftwaffe Rules

    1. Hi all I picked this up also. I really like it, lots of nice pics in it . Its title is: 'Flieger Funter Kanoniere'. All the best, Jon [attachmentid=53296]
    2. Thanks Mr. Paul. The Ammo pouches are now in. All the best, Jon [attachmentid=53292] [attachmentid=53293]
    3. Hey all I got this in yesterday(the shirt and belt) I wanted to share it! Im very excited as its my first Luftwaffe Shirt and I am getting various acouterments for it! Soon I will have a bread bag, flak shoulder flaps and a Australian vet bring back CAMO Lufty helm that he picked up while in Africa! Again enjoy! All the best, Jon [attachmentid=52872] [attachmentid=52873] [attachmentid=52874]
    4. Thanks much sir...looking at it it makes me think I guess its sad that in these times you have to worry about the homosexual thing and stuff. A guy on the military channel made me think of it, he said he loved this one staff sergeant in the highest comeradery possible...and then he had to explain that...I think thats sad, that men who live, fight, and die together have to explain what they mean when they said they loved another. I mean in this picture one guys got his arm around another...if you did that today you would be looked at sideways. All the best, Jon
    5. Danke sir, ya I used to be real big into it when I was a kid, and I got into the newer ones a little. Jon
    6. And finally a postcard of a Do-17. I will have more items in today hopefully that I will be sure to add! Jon
    7. Danke much sirs! It is with great pleasure I show you some more pieces that have been added to my collection. Jon
    8. Hi all I saw this on Ebay and couldnt resist. I love the shot. The back translates as such: "On recreation,you sleep well-especially on bombs." Hope yall enjoy! Jon
    9. I believe denorex has it for that Do 17 pic, its the middle one over a gold globe. Jon
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