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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Christophe

    1. Question #2, the gold cross on his right chest... Isn't that a religious award??

      I believe it is the Order of Alexander Nevski (Ордена Святого Князя Александра Невског) of the Academy of Security, Defense, Law and Order.



    2. Awards of Sergei Chemezov and Mikhail Kalashnikov

      Sergei Chemezov is the Director General of the Rostekhnologii State Corporation. No need to introduce Mikhail Kalashnikov.


      Pic : Fuerzas de Defensa y Seguridad - #367 - November 2008

    3. Awards of Nikolai Makarov.

      Nikolai Makarov is Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, First Deputy Defense Minister of the Russian Federation, General of the Army.


      Pic : National Defense - Oct. 2008.

    4. Only 51 surviving Companions of the Liberation.

      On 27 April 2009 died Serge Ravanel, Companion of the Lib?ration.

      Serge Ravanel, whose real name was Serge Asher, born in 1920, was a student when the war began. Je joined the French Resistance in 1941, and then the group of journalists of the Temps Nouveaux review. He created his own Resistance group at the end of 1941. He will then join the group Lib?ration-Sud, and is arrested in November 1942, and again in March 1943 after an evasion. Free in May 1943, he becomes National Head of the Groupes-Francs, and adopts his war-name "Ravanel". He will again be arrested in October 1943 and will again evade himself. In June 1944, he will be appointed by General Koening Head of the FFI Forces of the Toulouse region, and will participate in the liberation of Toulouse, Autun, Royan. Wounded in September 1944, he will rsign from his command position.

      After the war, he will be have several industrial management and direction responsibilities in French ministries.

      Here is his bio (in French) :


      After his death, there are now only 51 surviving Companions of the Liberation.


      Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.

    5. Hi to all,

      After a recent visit in Moscow, where I went from -65 meters deep to 59th floor high...; from the Taganskii Nuclear Bunker (-65 meters) to the top of the 59th floor at "Moscow City" new restaurant, see thread here :


      I will now take even more height !! :rolleyes:

      Last week-end, I was in Baikonur for a Proton M rocket launch. This is a very special chance to get this opportunity to see a launch, live in Baikonur, such a mythic place, the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.

      The launch vehicle lifted off from Pad 39. Really impressive, and one experience you will never forget!!!! :jumping::jumping:

      I have taken a lof of pics. I will post some of them in the coming days, here.

      These firsts will give you a small flavour. Enjoy!!! :beer:



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