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    Everything posted by mott5ranch

    1. Take a look at this crisp clean firing pin . . . The weapon is still factory fresh!
    2. Howdy Y'all, A friend of mine who values estates for banks in our area called me to help him with a widow's WW2 collection that belonged to her husband, who was an officer in the Army Air Corps. She wanted to get rid of everything; she wanted it in a burn pile or a museum. She had no desire to keep anything The collection contained some sweet items and a collection of different 1911 45 US issue pistols from WW2. This one I'm posting is MINT. We doubt if it has even been fired after leaving the factory. I'm trying to get an idea of the value because condition is everything and firearms is not my area for determining a prices.
    3. All we can do is delay the end somewhat, especially with cancer, if it is discovered soon enough. I have lost several dear friends to cancer. Cancer does not discriminate; it attacks all groups, races, ages, religions, etc. My friend Robert was taken by colon cancer at 55. On his death bed he made all of his friends promise to get a full blown check up for cancer. All 8 of us kept that promise. We were poked and probed and and had a camera up the ass. Three of the group discovered polups in the early stages of cancer and had them removed, another discovered issues with the prostrate, but he caught it in time. Robert in passing saved 4 of us by catching the cancer in the earliest stages. I need to add one important factor, none of the four had any problems, warning signs, or other health issues whatsoever. I'm so glad we kept our word. We just kept a promise and had a full and complete physical examination with blood work and the cancer was discovered before it was too late. I'm glad to know I'm clear of cancer now, but I'll do the check up again in 7 years.
    4. I agree! Truly amazing.
    5. Hello John, Welocme to GMC. Yes, it's been a while. Thanks for the input and the information. I would love to see the MOH display at UT. Is it open to the public? Another question . . .Is there a site that shows and lists all the Texas Guard medals and awards?
    6. I was raised by WWII vets and they told me many things . . . from my teachers, to my scout master, to my little league coach, to my church leaders, and my own family. all of the adult men in my early years had been in WWII or Korea . . .or both. All of those men who had an impact on my life are now dead . . . I have known men who were at Pearl Harbor, Guadacanal, Guam, Iwo Jima, Chana, Burma, and India.....and the Pacific Ocean. I have known men who were in England, France, Belguim, Italy, Holland, and Germany . . . and the Atlantic Ocean . . . I have met men who were in the US Navy, US Army, US Army Air Corps, US Coast Guard, and the US Marines. On my wife's side of the family we have members of the Wehrmacht and the Kriegsmarine U-Boat service. (no they were NOT Nazi's . . . .. just Catholics) What stories would you like to hear from the next generation?
    7. I know Graco Industries outside of Houston, Texas is a major supplier of US medals . . . They make everything but the MOH. Who supplies the MOH now? Is the current inventory huge enough to handle the demand??. . Who supplies the replacements for lost, destroied by fire, or stolen medals plus MOH winners can have examples for their children and grandchildren. It's on the books if you don't believe me. Who makes the MOH now? Are there any other US medal makers? Who manufacturers the medals for the Texas State Guard . . often called the Texas National Guard? I know many states like Texas also have their own medals for military service. Who makes these medals? Who makes these???? I'm just curious . . .
    8. I just discovered this thread . . . . AWESOME is just one word that comes to mind. Thanks for posting these fantastic photos and thank all your mates for their service. My high school students will see this tomorrow. Again, thanks for all that you do to make the world a safer place for all of us.
    9. All I have is this not so good picture at the moment. This piece is being looked at by a dealer and he has it now. If he returns it, I'll post better pictures. If he buys it I'll let you know where it is. Both the clasp and EK have a silver backing and the support piece is also silver! I sincerely apoligize for the poor photo . . .
    10. hello joe, I've seen a few pieces where the clasp was joined to the EK with a jeweler made hinge assembly which allowed the clasp to bend OUTWARD from the chest. I assumed the bending pieces were for comfort when sitting or getting up from a chair. The combos came about because the EK w/clasp above didn't look as good together when mounted as two single pieces. As I was told by the old guys before me, combos were a personal choice not a requirement. No luck on Herr Loy as of now . . . as we all know millions of men were in service. I'm going to sell a few calves this spring and I'll make Rick an offer to search until my money runs out or until he has plenty of cat food It's quite a LONG shot, I know.
    11. Thanks for the response Steve, but I think my question was too vague. I don't have any pictures of Klaus Loy; that's what I'm asking for. I want to find out more about the name. I know what these go for and it depends upon condition as usual, I know the period engraving, I've seen the Latvia and Manion fakes. I've seen hinged pieces and solid attached jeweler pieces. I know of no makers . . . nor of any in any LDO catalogs. I'm trying to find a direction to look for this guy and what else he may have won.. . . .I'm not worried about the piece. Thanks for the honest warning, you are right, there are fakes out there. Is there a web site or text that would have names listed that won an EKI in WWI?
    12. I have an EK1 1914 w/spange combo. I believe it to be a sweet jewelers piece because of the silver alone. The name Klaus Loy is engraved on the reverse. Does anyone have any lists from any texts, soldbuchs, photos (I know I'm asking for the impossible with that one) that might mention this person with this award? Thanks in advance for any input.
    13. That would be my guess as well. When you gotta have it . . . you gotta have it.
    14. I must agree 100%.... I look forward to the email reminder that this thread is still alive and well. Darrell you have best collection of US Pulblic Service and Civilians Medals on the planet. Thanks for sharing and educating. Gary
    15. It looks like bone to me . . .and a turtle shell is basicly bone. I think the interior is some sort of old plaster that has become darker with age like grout on buildings and between old tiles. I'd have an expert look at this before I'd call it fake or MOCK. Sure it's possible, but the cracks in the shell around the drawings or etchings looks like cracks I've seen on other bleached out bone fragments. And like Rick said, the details in the etchings are very well done, it may be a MOCK shell and it may not. I just have a feeling it's a real centennial piece.
    16. Notice the name on the steamboat . . . . Again I guess it is from a Southern coastline state and it is a centennial piece
    17. My guess is ..... it is a Southern Centennial piece . . . .I would guess the shell came from a Southern coastline in 1876. Thus the reason for the Confederate flag in the back ground. The war of Northern aggression was not that long ago in 1876 and Southern pride was alive and well (even today 200 years plus ). It's just a guess . . .but I bet I am "spot on" as our Aussie friends would say.
    18. Turtle art was common in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Turtle shells were made into hairbrush handles, combs, shoe horns, you name it. Turtle soup and turtle stew were popular meals along the sea board states. Of course now most turtles, especially the sea turtles like Kemps Ridley are endangered species. I would guess that this artifact is from the centennial celebration . . .again it's just a guess. Is a turtle without a shell naked or homeless? I'm sorry, . . . . . I had to say that
    19. . . . . . the other side
    20. a closer look . . .
    21. We all know that mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and girlfriends wore various forms of "Sweetheart Jewelry" during all American conflicts. Here are three identical bracelets. These just fell into my lap last weekend from a grandson who found these in his parents estate. These belonged to his grandmother. Look at all the units represented here. I was puzzled, how could the grandmother who had one son in WW2 have so many units on her "Sweetheart Jewelry?" And why did she have three of the exact same bracelets? I got the answer from the grandson . . . . . . any wild guesses?
    22. Anyone have a copy of the regulations on the Global War on Terror Service? I think more is involved than just being in uniform and breathing.
    23. Of course Eddie Rickenbacker comes to my mind . . . . One would have to search the members of the American unit, "Hat in the Ring." I think it was called that and go from there. Uncle Sam's hat (stripes and a blue star head band) upside down within a ring was the unit symbol painted on their French SPAD biplanes. I'll search around the www and see what I can find. I'm guessing there were many who won this combo of awards from France. We are victims of the media and the few who were made famous.
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