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    Posts posted by VtwinVince

    1. Great thread. You can't under-emphasize the value of this decoration, especially early in the conflict. My grandfather won his in November, 1914 with the 203 R.I.R at Dixmude, apparently one of the first enlisted men in the regiment to get it. He was badly wounded and unfit for further duty, but most photos of him after this point show him wearing his EK2.

    2. Claudio, this just gets more and more interesting. I didn't know Falke was CO of Kampfstaffel 24. The Beurteilung is written by Hauptmann Hermann Kastner at Karlshorst, and he was CO of Bombengeschwader 7, in which my uncle served as Flugzeugfuehrer in Kampfstaffel 22. He got the Ehrenbecher in 1918 for shooting a Spad off the CO's tail. It is quite likely that my uncle knew Falke from this time.

    3. That reminds me of a reunion of pilots my organization sponsored many years ago, to which a large number of Allied and Axis aircrew showed up. One German guy was wearing a Kette on his lapel with the Knight's Cross, so I asked him if it was indeed the RK. He replied that it was, and that he had won it in KG40 on anti-shipping strikes. I looked into it afterward, and of course he was full of it. Having said that, I've met genuine RK holders who were very humble and never talked about it.

    4. Chris, I like the points you bring up concerning the nature of vets. I have personally interviewed many vets over the years, both Allied and Axis, and you're right, a disproportionately high number of them were alcoholics and pathological liars, as well as egomaniacs. I also met some vets who were really outstanding individuals. It is interesting that you bring up the Loewen incident, as I have photos of it taken by my grandfather.

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