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    VtwinVince last won the day on May 27

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    1. I thought this one might have a real Anhalt Order of Albert the Bear, but according to 'the Germans', it isn't.
    2. Ridiculous. For various reasons I believe that engraving to be completely spurious.
    3. Ja, sieht man nicht alle Tage. Jetzt wissen wir, wo die alle gelandet sind.
    4. There are some very good fake batons floating around. I once held the alleged Interim-Stab of Graf von Haeseler, which was very convincing, even down to the case, but which was apparently an old copy.
    5. I was going to say, I'll sell mine immediately for that kind of money.
    6. I've always thought these were kind of cool. Here are a couple of my examples.
    7. Barry at emedals is a good guy when it comes to guaranteeing his material. I agree with Komtur that the Adler-Ritter is a fake, these are quite scarce. Here is my Inhaber example.
    8. Here is the clasp awarded by Kesselring to my uncle, Hauptmann Dr. Ochs, on July 12th 1940 for an action on July 10th during which his unit, 9. JG 3, wiped out a Blenheim unit, 107 RAF, near Amiens.
    9. What does the engraving say? Here's another PLM, already up to 1K, bargain for a 'real' Godet.
    10. Claudio, I'm no expert on VWA's, but in nearly fifty years of collecting, I've never seen one like that. Unicorn perhaps, but they don't exist in reality either, do they. As for giving precise examples of fakes sold by Thies, I think if people want to do business with him it is up to them to do some research, that's why we have the interwebs, after all.
    11. Nice, I particularly like the SEHO with dates, a scarce one. And that KO2mS looks familiar.....
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