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    Everything posted by scottplen

    1. I asked for a better pic of ek2 will post it when i get it! what would be good prices for these 2 bars???
    2. guess i am passing ! Will i ever find a real bar???? i am going to keep searching hope you guys don't mind looking at bars for me?
    3. Here one i like But gun shy!!! Does it look good??? Its super clean looking very fresh! thats my worry!!
    4. I took a break from Medal bars for a bit an know i can't believe the junk the dealers are pushing as real !!! What the hell is happening ???? is there a thread of franken bars ?? should we start one???
    5. Been looking dealer sites looking for a nice bar to buy!!! to rebuild collection sticking to baden and saxony BUt all i can see is Scary frankenstein bars!!!! guess its holloween!!! think its a franken bar ???? what do you guys think??
    6. is this bar a frankenstein monster? or correct I been back and forth on it !!! is last ribbon correct for baden LS?
    7. Vince I think i will pass on it its a bit pricey for a SAPNGENSTRUCKe piece!!! IMO !!!
    8. here is a high priced bar! I have my doubts about ??? I thought all real St henry medals were Gold or Bronze Gilt ? I was told by seller its silver gilt, and second medal is that a good variation ??? thoughts???
    9. I am NO expert ! But IMO The bar probably had another War vet. medal were the Hindenburg cross was and after its arrival was switched by Vet Seen a lot of bars like that!! I like it!!!
    10. Hello Again I have ?? about this bar Why is war ribbon after campaign medal ? what medal is missing ???
    11. Paul No SS citation yet ! hitting a brick wall Wrote Nara ,wrote Army ! Hoping its in his IDPF
    12. Jim I have bounced around a bit for a while ! i been into VN and Korean war Kias for a long time ! They are imo undervalued ! I have a 187th AB KIA VN 1965 and a USMC KIA VN 1965 both early KIAs
    13. Hello Thanks my Baden SWA bar is my favorite ! As to the the beginning bar I don't have it in hand co not able to black lite it!! Its not really expensive I can get the bar for about value of Baden medal ! The pin does seem a bit homemade ! I am gun shy anymore !!! taking a chance on this combo its on its way ! Seller says no glow under black lite!
    14. Thanks Chet ! Do you see a problem with no baden 1870 campaign medal on the noncom bar???
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