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    1. Your right Darrell but who ever gave the Feds credit for being Bright. This is a "NOBODY will get hurt by busting the Collector of Valor Medals in opposition to a DRUG Bust Play" Let's see where this goes at say the next SOS show in Feb. I know I'll be there watching and waiting because I have a large investment in these types of medals. Also thought that I'd buy a few more but we'll wait and see.It will definitly have an effect on the market as we knew it. It surely is a double edge sword on how the pricing will go. Some will pay more because of " BLACK MARKET VALUING" some will ask less to divest. Again we'll see. I still want to LEASE the group from Luft-NUT.
    2. Great grouping Mensch!! Vy dunt you LEASE the Group to me for 99 Years. Den you vont be zelling it to me, Hummm.
    3. OK, Thanks Militaria ! We're off to a great start. You fellows on the forum never cease to amaze me! Does anyone have listing of this Officers Awards?? I could only HOPE!! Thanks so much, Fliegeraldo.
    4. Many thanks for the kind words Herr Luftmensch. Seems to me to be a field award to Observer. Love to know where he's been. It goes with a complete Observer uniform with 1st class Iron Cross, Observer badge, black or very dark silver Wound Badge, Lt. Flieger boards on tunic and leather flying coat. Thanks again, Fliegeraldo
    5. Hello Gentleman, I don't usually post but I do drop in from time to time to see the latest items being discussed on the forum. I thought that maybe Rick research or Paul might have some info on my Award Document. Any help would be greatly appeciated. Many thanks, FLIEGERALDO.
    6. Hey Dan, I don't think I would know if I had anything related to your Regiment. Not much of what I have is attributed, just a lot of loose pieces. But I love the Imperial stuff. I guess as I watch and learn more I'll be able to tell the Difference. Hell, I'm only 60 years old and have been collecting for 40 years. I'll get it yet !!
    7. I'll post this back of the bar with the two Hansas on it. A little late but. Now we ALL know why I don't post anything!!
    8. No Hansas but a neat pile!! I promise to get better at the pics. Thanks for putting up with me.
    9. Funny thing is none of this bar is UV positive.
    10. This has all three hansa ribbons on it. Doesn't everybody have this bar?? LOL
    11. Well you can see I'm still at it:This is a neat 9 ribbon lapel device.
    12. Some pics just won't load at the right size??
    13. Sorry guys, don't fall asleep on me, please! I get this right.
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