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    1. Dear Forum Members, Would anyone know who this cypher / monogram in Imperial Germany Nobility could have belonged to? Many Thanks in Advance To All! Dave.
    2. Thank you very much ! will look into it, although it is a somewhat rare order / decoration and not commonly sought after, hence lack of readily available reproductions.
    3. Dear Fellow Forum Members, Does anyone know where I can find a nice reproduction / museum copy of the Royal Order of Saint Hubert, either the whole set or just the gorgeous breast star? That would be appropriate for Bavarian Royalty to have worn during WWI or earlier? - Many Thanks - Dave
    4. Mr.Mosher these tunics are superb! Thank you for posting them, they are truly breathtaking! I really appreciate your good comments on my uniform and wonderful insight. Now it’s a matter of trying to find out who might have owned the uniform. As I mentioned, having both the Gallipoli star and Johannater order may be a clue to who owned the tunic. On the wearer’s left side, other than a wound badge and EKI, what else could have been worn during wartime ? He obviously was not in aviation, so would not be a flight badge.
    5. Thank you for posting this image Mr.Mosher, so if indeed it was the COs tunic, he most likely would have had this sort of collar insignia. So most likely, it is safe to assume, the tunic I have did not belong to the CO, but someone else, someone who would have had the Gallipoli star and the Johannater Order. As per the photo which member GreyC posted above, the officer is wearing both collar litzen and cuff litzen. On my tunic, there is no cuff litzen, and the collar litzen appear to be a generic officer variety, as you kindly mentioned were M-1915. My question was if my tunic is indeed correct being in its configuration, or if it should be like the one in the photo which GreyC posted?
    6. Thank you again Sir. My other thought I was attempting to convey is that whoever wore that tunic at the end of the war was in GGR4, based on the idea that officers upgraded their insignia when going to a new unit. That is why I thought it was the last CO. But I guess it could have been anyone that wore it before end of the war and was KIA. This is also under the assumption that the last CO was a major and battalion commanders were Captains. The last CO was also recipient of the Johannater Order.
    7. Thank you Mr.Mosher, I figured whoever wore the must have had it as their last in the war, hence my thoughts of the last CO I f GGR4. What is the Turkish half moon, was it the Gallipoli Star?
    8. This is great research and information Mr. Mosher! Thanks! What sort of a badge or decoration could have been worn on the wear’s right side im those horizontal set of loops? And lastly, would an officer retain the wear of his previous units boards and ciphers while transferring into another unit?
    9. Thank you VERY much Mr. Mosher for your feedback and great insight! Could this tunic possibly have belonged to the last commanding officer of GGR Nr.4 Major Walter von Schleinitz https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_von_Schleinitz The tunic has loops for a very long medal / ribbon bar spanning the entire area between shoulder and front button closure. The tunic also has 3 sets of vertical loops in addition to the Johanniter Order on the wearer's left side, and one set of horizontal loops on the wearer's right side. What could have possibly been placed in those horizontal loops? Thank you again very much for your most valued continued feedback!
    10. This is a very interesting thread. Mr. Mosher, thanks for a good description. I also understand that these collar tabs had matching cuff litzen, yes? How about 'generic-non colored' officer collar tabs (images attached), when were they worn, combat? I have a set on a tunic (attached), and there is no cuff litzen, the cuffs on the tunic are red piped French style with nothing on them.
    11. The bottom right Admirals shoulder board is a fake. It is a Soviet era Generals/Admirals board which had the star removed and a modern day embroidery executed of an Imperial Admirals eagle, 100% fake. Just compare the width and quality of the shoulder board field’s embroidery and constitution to the original overcoat Major Generals board which is to the left of it, night and day difference.
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