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    Everything posted by Chad8504

    1. True...but the Medallion was indeed given to my friend's father from a German military doctor as stated above.
    2. Whoops sorry...when I replied none of the information or pictures you posted showed up. Here are the pics in a larger size.
    3. Yeah I know of the camps and their history. What I am not sure of is what the medallion is. Not sure if it was worn by a prisoner or not....and if so...what the inscriptions mean.
    4. Hello everyone, A friend of mine asked me to help him identify a medallion that was given to his father. Here is what he told me about this medallion: "My father transported POWs in Wyoming in 1945-1946, During that time frame he became friends with the camp doctor, a captured German soldier. This Guy gave my father the medallion pictuerd above, the words are Auschwitz, Kaufering, Landsberg, Allach and dated 1945. I don't know exactly what it is and have no idea of its value or historical significance." Here are two pictures of it. This part ^^^ lists four concentration camps/labor camps: Auschwitz, Kaufering, Landsberg, Allach as well as the year 1945. We know all about these camps but cannot seem to find out WHY they are on this medallion. Here is the other side. Here you see the number 120148 (identification number?) and the letter C. I tried to find information online but was not very successful. At first I thought it was a medallion worn by a prisoner, showing their identification number and the letter maybe pertains to their country? It also puzzles me that the triangle is upside down...does that mean that they were homosexual? Does anyone have any ideas?
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