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    Posts posted by FOR VALOUR

    1. Hello ,

                I cannot thank you enough gentlemen for all the help and effort you have gone to for me, I have been in touch with the archivist at Sedbergh School and have been given some excellent help.

      The chap is the brother of my officers collection of items who was killed serving in the RFC in 1917, God rest his soul. 

      Regards David 

    2. 34 minutes ago, SillyOldGrandad said:

      He is a cadet with the Sedbergh School Officers Training Corps. The town of Sedbergh was, back then, in the former county of Westmorland but, thanks to interfering Government pen-pushers, is now of course in Cumbria. The arm badge is the shield from the school crest and bears representations of 3 wolves, 3 lilies, 2 escallop shells and the Tau Cross.   Pete.



      Hello Pete,

                Thank you so much for the information absolutely brilliant, I will be able to do more research on the chap kind regards David 






    3. 8 hours ago, Farkas said:

      Hi Gents,

      I’ve been through everything military I could think of…


      then after thinking back to Steve’s comment about a sports club I went sideways and thought Boy Scouts…

      BST - Boy Scouts T***


      And now seeing No one’s info 👍

      The Toronto Coat of arms definitely shares characteristics with the sleeve patch.


      So Gents,

      How about…

      BST = Boy Scouts Toronto ?


      tony 🍻





      Hello ,

                Huge thanks to all who have taken the time and trouble to help very much appreciated as always. 

      Regards David 

    4. 7 hours ago, Farkas said:

      Thats a tough one 🙃

      Not a common one, I can’t find it.


      The only thing I can think of is that maybe the T is for ‘territorial’ ?


      Can you make out any of the letters above or below? Looks like B.S.T maybe?


      tony 🍻

      Thank you for looking much appreciated, I will have a look see if I can get an idea of the lettering. 


    5. 4 hours ago, Farkas said:

      Sorry David,

      No makers mark on mine…





      Are you missing one on a tunic or are you looking to ‘complete the set’ ?


      tony 🍻

      Hello Tony,

                My sincere thanks for looking very much appreciated, I'm trying to replace one I accidentally damaged which belongs to a chap whose medals I have. He was 1 of 3 brothers who served 2 were KIA, the 3rd became a famous footballer and also served in WW2.

      Regards David 

    6. 21 hours ago, Gordon Craig said:


      Membership in the OMRS is not an unusual request to access our records.  Membership is not expensive and has many rewards.  



      OMRS member #7808


      Thank you for your reply here, I am fully aware of the OMRS having been a collector of British war and campaign medals over 50 years. It was not a complaint about the information being only available to members just a response to the previous reply to my request. I'm sure that what you provide to members maybe invaluable but many people today especially have to watch their finances regardless. 

      Regards David 

    7. 1 hour ago, Dave Danner said:

      It is the award document. A vorläufiges Besitzzeugnis is a "preliminary award certificate". For awards like the Iron Cross, this was sometimes the only document the recipient got, as the sheer number of awards and the exigencies of war made issuing formal certificates less common.

      Hello Sir, 

                    Thank you for that information very much appreciated. Regards 

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