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    1. Hello , I cannot thank you enough gentlemen for all the help and effort you have gone to for me, I have been in touch with the archivist at Sedbergh School and have been given some excellent help. The chap is the brother of my officers collection of items who was killed serving in the RFC in 1917, God rest his soul. Regards David
    2. Hello, Just thought I would share this document with you hope it's of some interest to you. Regards David
    3. Hello , Huge thanks to all who have taken the time and trouble to help very much appreciated as always. Regards David
    4. Thank you for replying much appreciated, I have attached picture hope this may help. Regards
    5. Thank you for looking much appreciated, I will have a look see if I can get an idea of the lettering. Regards
    6. Hello, I would appreciate help identifying the badge pictured please? Apologies for the quality but it's taken from an original picture of the chap in 1906. Regards
    7. Hello Tony, My sincere thanks for looking very much appreciated, I'm trying to replace one I accidentally damaged which belongs to a chap whose medals I have. He was 1 of 3 brothers who served 2 were KIA, the 3rd became a famous footballer and also served in WW2. Regards David
    8. Hello Tony, Thank you for looking very much appreciated. Regards David
    9. Hello, I'm looking for a 24mm Cambridgeshire regiment button from WW1 by the maker Jennens if anyone can help please. Regards
    10. Thank you for your reply here, I am fully aware of the OMRS having been a collector of British war and campaign medals over 50 years. It was not a complaint about the information being only available to members just a response to the previous reply to my request. I'm sure that what you provide to members maybe invaluable but many people today especially have to watch their finances regardless. Regards David
    11. Thank you for your help much appreciated, the information is excellent. Regards
    12. Good evening all, Could anyone help dating this award please any help would be much appreciated. Regards
    13. Thank you much appreciate the reply and your time, unfortunately you have to be a member to access the information. Regards David
    14. Hello, Are records available for the victorian volunteer long service medal please appreciate any advice ? Regards
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