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    Tim B

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    Everything posted by Tim B

    1. Tim B

      TWM Prices?

      Hello, I won't answer for Demir here, as you addressed his comment directly. However, I would point out that some ebay members use proxy bidders and have "friends" that appear to come in and either save the day when an item of a certain value doesn't get enough bids and "save" the piece from selling for a low value, saving the seller to relist it later on; or as in this case, someone that artificially bids up the price with the seemingly intent of never paying for the item, thus jerking all the other bidders around, or simply helping the seller out by raising the price paid in the end. I suspect that is happening again in the relisted auction and all you have to do is look at the bidders. By having the ability to check everyone's transactions, you can usually see patterns between buyers & sellers and figure it out pretty quick if there is something going on. Happens a lot in the coin end of eBay. In this particular case, the seller has never left the buyer negative feedback on this cancelled purchase. Now, if you were the seller, would you be upset that your high bidder doesn't honor his bid--which is grounds for suspension from eBay btw!! Would you leave him negative feedback and report him to eBay for this?? I would and know most sellers do exactly that. In this case, not only does he not leave negative feedback, the entire transaction is now not listed in the sellers past auctions at all. Does that make you a bit curious here?? Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure here, that bidder that backed out of this initial ebay auction is also reading and posting in this thread and a few of us now know who he is. Tim
    2. Hi Thomas, Tragic story there and very nice to have all three medals with a specific history to them. Tim
    3. Last, but not least ... Here's another ND 1945 note, 1000 Yuan. This was always a favorite as a kid! Hope you liked them. I have a lot more and I think some are from Taiwan (Formosa) but I'm tired and don't want to hog the thread so I'll let someone else step in for now. I collected all kinds of notes and coins while I was either active duty or afterwards working over in the "sandbox" but that's a different thread. Enjoy!
    4. Here's a ND 1945 100 Yuan note: That's Huang Ti looking at you!
    5. The next ones (all the rest for tonight) are actually Japanese puppet bank issue notes during the occupation of China. First up, a 1938 (1939) issue 1 Yuan:
    6. I'm going to go slightly out of "denomination sequence" here, as this next one is from 1931 and earlier than the rest. I know, these notes have seen better days but, they are from my dad and have not held up as well as some of the Philippine and Japanese notes. Here's a China Republic 1931 Issue 5 Yuan note. Note it has "TIENTSIN" on the back. I know my dad had visited Tientsin during the war but not sure what date anymore and unfortunately, I can't ask him anymore.
    7. Here's a different one. This is a 1942 Philippine "Emergency Circulating" 5 Peso note, issued in Iloilo (Island of Panay). I visited Iloilo City back in 1977 and they still remembered the occupation and WWII. Me a two friends went over to Molo (small seaside village) and the older people literally came out of the woodwork to shake your hand and say thanks!! It was really a change from the cities like Olongapo where you had watch yourself from getting ripped off at every turn. Tremendous people! Tim
    8. And, the Philippine ND 1944 2 Peso VICTORY issue note:
    9. Here's a Philippine 1 Peso ND 1944 VICTORY issue note. Looks a lot nicer than those '43 issues IMO.
    10. Let me post some more Philippine items before the Chinese stuff as I have some different notes to show off. First, a couple more of those Philippine 10 Centavos. These are the 1942 ND series. You'll note one has the standard 2 block letters and the other has the fractional block letters. Tim
    11. And, here's the Japanese 5 Yen note of the same 1943 ND series: Sugawara Michizane The '43 series had black serial and block numbers where the '44 series had red numbers. Tim
    12. Here's a Japanese 1943 ND issue 1 Yen note issued by the Bank of Japan (resumed). That's a hell of a beard on old Takeuchi Sukune!!
    13. As promised Bob. I have to digress a bit with some other notes first. Here's another Japanese 1942 "Paper Money issue 50 Sen note. This one is marked for Showa yr. 19 You can see the date circled in red. Tim
    14. Tim B

      TWM Prices?

      Definately!! I agree, though I have had some good deals with "private" sellers, I am always suspicious and quite wary when dealing with them. I also get suspicious when a seller makes the article "private" post-auction and you can't go back and see what was sold. Why? Does he have another one of the same?? Then again, I have been burnt by the guys with 100% positive ratings as well! Thanks Demir!! Tim
    15. Les, Here's two that were for sale sometime back (not mine unfortunately). Besides the bars, note the suspension ball differences. Tim
    16. Tim B

      spanish award WWII

      VFMR, That's always a sharp looking medal whenever I see one! First one I've seen with the case. Are these (period originals) still available in Spain? ph3s, Here's another WWII award; "1942 Spanish Cross of War" for enlisted personnel. Tim
    17. It's been a few days, so ... no other Aucoc examples out there? Tim
    18. Hi Darrell, Yes it is, and though not a big fan of Assmann badges, their Observer is one of the better versions out there IMO. Tim
    19. Well, just for you "Observer" lovers! Darrell, is there anything you don't collect! Great set guy! Tim
    20. Tim B

      TWM Prices?

      Well, as expected the price is being bumped up by a couple of "new" bidders (<30 days with that user ID) that have either a (0) or (1) by their names. A couple of repeat bidders and another "private" one as well. I won't be bidding at this point with all that potential ... Tim
    21. Hi Thomas, Just to close this one out, here is the reference I was talking about if you're interested. The book, if still available runs about US $5.00-$6.00. It was actually Andrew Hipps and he has a website. Not sure how many he still has, if any. Tim
    22. Rob, Well, I doubt there will be much, if any interest, considering the low number of actual participants in this thread. I do disagree with adding any Philippines Constabulary and National Guard items into US States and local issue VIC's though, as these items do not belong together at all. Laslo included them, as a side note, on official VIC's but clearly showed they had nothing really to do with the Interallied Victory Medal. Only appears that everyone wanted a medal for something, regardless of whether or not they actually participated in anything. Same can be said about the Chinese version IMO, as it's not an accepted official VIC. Then again, the thread Title is: "WW1 Victory Medals of the World" and under that, could/should include all items relating to WW1 VIC's, not just the "Interallied" medals. Anyway, Tim
    23. Hi Rob, That's fine. Well, if there is enough interest and someone wants to start one, I will contribute. Tim
    24. Tim B


      Hi Terry, Already sent you a PM with the link, but here's the old discussion on it. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33689 No worries, as I returned the star last year. Shame if it was real, but the concensus was that it was fake. Oh well, Tim
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